Author Topic: 1.13.1  (Read 11006 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: October 14, 2021, 11:34:15 pm »

Version 1.13.1

This is just a small update to fix a couple of issues introduced in 1.13, and a few small improvements.

Hope you're all enjoying the Halloween update! Remember, you get $25,000 if you play on the 31st of October (UTC/GMT+0)!

- You can now set your GPS to the Halloween Cauldron by selecting 'Navigate' on the /cauldron dialog.

- Headphones is now in its own category in clothing shops.
- Dealership test drive vehicles are now invulnerable.
- 'This vehicle can be scrapped/exported' hint is no longer shown for personal vehicles.
- The seasonal collectable (Pumpkin) leaderboard now orders players by number of items found and THEN by the time they found them.
  This means if multiple players are tied for the same number of pumpkins, the player that first got that amount of pumpkins will appear first, and the rest of the players with the same amount of pumpkins will appear in chronological order. Unfortunately this will not work for existing pumpkins found as the time was not saved, but going forward it will be.
- The Decoy supply drop time limitation has been reduced from 24 hours to just 1 hour.
- The price of the Decoy supply drop has been increased slightly from $11750 to $14750.

- Fixed police impound checkpoints not appearing for cops.
- Fixed CJ NPC standing at the center of the map.
- Fixed coffee, beer, wine and sprunk having no effect when found in dumpster diving.
- Discord /giftranks command (which now has the aliases /pumpkins and /pumpkinranks) now show 'PUMPKINS' column header instead of 'GIFTS' if it's Halloween.
- If a headphones radio station goes down for whatever reason, any players listening to said station will have their headphones turned off.
- Fixed $pumpkins quick-string showing candy instead of pumpkins.
- Fixed vehicle repair kits being unusable with brass knuckles as the script thought you equipped a weapon and would stow the repair kit.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
« Last Edit: October 15, 2021, 07:57:20 pm by Mike »