Author Topic: 1.13 - Halloween Update  (Read 11122 times)

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Offline Mike

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1.13 - Halloween Update
« on: October 11, 2021, 01:41:42 am »

Version 1.13 - Halloween Event

Hi everyone. The time is upon us to celebrate Halloween! The Halloween event will run from the 11th of October to the 1st of November.

The event includes the following activities:
- Halloween Candy & Candy Leaderboard
- Pumpkin hunt
- Trick or Treat
- Cauldron
- Seasonal clothing items
- and more!

Please see this topic for all the info about the Halloween update:,9199.msg43991.html#msg43991

You can now listen to music with headphones!

You must be wearing headphones on your head (/clothes) and then use /headphones (/hp) to listen to music.
You can purchase headphones from any clothing store (type '/gps clothes' for directions).
You can listen to the same stations as the boombox, including all the San Andreas radio stations.
Boomboxes and vehicle radios will be silenced while you are listening to headphones.
The audio plugin is required for headphones. See for a download. You get $1,000 in-game every day if you use the audio plugin!

Main additions
- A second row of weapons has been added to the Ammunation gun wall.
  - You can now purchase Brass Knuckles, Bat, Katana, Nite Stick and Spraycan.
  - Items from the menu (Country Rifle, Grenades, Molotovs, Satchels, Teargas, Parachute and Chainsaw) have been moved to the wall.
- Pilot's licence has been added.
  - You can purchase a pilot's licence from the airport gate guard for $12500.
  - You must be level 50 or higher.
  - This will allow you to enter airports without attacking the guard or obtaining a wanted level.
  - Entering airports without a licence will result in a wanted level (1 star from innocent).
  - It is also now a crime to fly without a licence. If cops see you you'll get a wanted level (1 star from innocent).
  - The Helitours mission now requires a pilot licence.
- You can now purchase two separate models of boombox (a black one has been added).
- A new setting has been added to hide the chat and keep it hidden, while retaining the hud.
  - Use /chaton and /chatoff to toggle.
  - The option can also be found in /settings under the Display category.
  - This setting will be turned off when you next join the server.
- You can now give flowers to players with /giveflowers (or press Y while looking at them).

Other additions
- You can now use the Country Rifle in the shooting range.
- Using the Country Rifle will now increase the Sniper rifle skill level which the Country rifle was made to share many updates ago (no swaying at 100%).
- Additional dildos/vibrators placed around the map.
- Added 'Dildo 2' and 'Vibrator 2' to Sex Shop menu.
- Gas station 'repair engine' item now repairs tires also.
- Vehicle dealership checkpoints now have actors like gas stations and hospitals.
- Players now get given 100% health and armour in duels (restored afterwards).
- The vending machines inside the banks are now functional.
- Crackable safe added to Blueberry Liquor Store.
- Added a new 'record' player stat for highest mechanic tow combo.
- An altimeter is now shown above the bar that represents an aircraft's height.
  - A new /setting has been added to disable this (under the 'Display' category).

Main changes
- The daily player-to-player cash transfer limit has been raised to $500,000.
- Players under level 20 will now only be able to receive up to $10k in daily cash transfers from players.
  This is to discourage multi-accounting or make it harder.
- You can no longer obtain level-locked weapons via /dropweapon, or house safe robberies. You can still find them around the map.
- The Ammunation shooting range can no longer be used with weapons which have not yet been unlocked.
- Police department alternate exits are no longer locked to non-cops.
- /settings has has a minor redesign including new 'combat' and 'audio plugin' categories to organise things more.
- The list of level-locked items (/unlocks) now shows models, rather than just a text list.
- /rpv is now used to return personal vehicles. Use /pv to spawn personal vehicles.

Other changes
- Supply drop prices increased to match new Ammunation prices.
- Players are no longer prevented from applying vehicle armour or bullet-resistant tires to another player's personal vehicle.
- Once a property invite is accepted (/api) it can not be used again unless re-invited by the property owner.
- Commands can no longer be used while a dialog is open. Doing so lead to many bugs
  and most players don't even know this is possible (you have to press F6).
- Improvements to weed burning mission including intro scene and cinematics.
- The Cropduster mission no longer warps players back to the mission start location if they fail the mission (they can keep the plane).
- Some collectables (horseshoes, tikis etc.) have been moved slightly as they were too difficult to find,
  and some have been moved that were in the same place as another collectable.

Main fixes
- The crime response checkpoints for cops have been completely rewritten,
  which should fix the issue where non-cops are seeing checkpoint all over the place!
- Fixed players being offered to purchase properties if they enter them as a maid.
- Fixed regular players being able to issue a PSO to themselves.
- Fixed Country Rifle reload animation not always playing when shooting, and damage being nullified.
- Fixed Securicar cash pickups that are left on the ground after it blows up staying forever if it happened again before the first lot expired.
- Fixed players being unable to spawn (if using spawn selection) if they have a locked skin equipped (e.g. they got the cop SWAT skin then got demoted/PSO'd).
- If a player somehow exits a vehicle while a delay item is being added at a gas station (bullet-resistant tires, vehicle armor etc.),
  they are now refunded.
- Fixed an unfinished feature where if multiple players have invited you to their properties you cannot accept (/api).
  It now shows a dialog allowing you to select which property invite to accept.
- Fixed players being able to keep the flamethrower from the weed burning mission if the server crashed mid-mission.
- Fixed /findheal /findcure dialog cutting off after 3 players.
- Fixed player-to-player vehicle selling (/vsell) not taking cash from the buyer and giving it to the seller.

Other fixes
- Fixed players being unable to reclaim weapons from police department reception that wasn't the main city PD.
- Fixed non-legitimately-owned personal vehicles spawning 'locked' (for everyone other than the owner). They should spawn fully unlocked.
- Fixed tire pop sound when exploding helicopter rotors.
- Fixed vehicle 'secondary emergency/warning lights' not being turned off if a vehicle explodes.
- Fixed players being able to set bank PIN to a negative number (as long as it was 4 characters, e.g. -123).
- Fixed weed burning mission not navigable via /gps or /missions unless the city was SF (the mission is available during any active city).
- Fixed 'You are dying' message stuck on-screen after duel finishes and you were downed.

Vehicle igntion fixes
Some fixes has been made to the way automatic ignition settings work for vehicles:
  - If you exit a vehicle with automatic ignition enabled and don't hold F/ENTER, the engine will turn off (unless the 'Keep engine running' setting is on).
  - If you exit a vehicle with automatic ignition enabled while holding F/ENTER, the engine will stay running.
  - If you exit a vehicle with automatic ignition disabled and don't hold F/ENTER, the engine will stay running (regardless of the 'Keep engine running' setting).
  - If you exit a vehicle with automatic ignition disabled and hold F/ENTER, the engine will be turned off.
  - The engine will not turn off if you're being carjacked, regardless of settings.
  - Help messages are now shown in chat when either of these two settings are changed, to explain the behaviour.

This update has also been a massive cleanup of the code base to improve efficiency, make the script easier to maintain, and to make way for future development.
These changes are completely invisible to players, however a lot of work went into it.
We (myself and M3E6) have also been working on a new addition to the server which is taking a lot of effort, but I won't be sharing details of this yet. But something cool is coming soon!

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
« Last Edit: October 11, 2021, 02:35:11 am by Mike »