Author Topic: 1.0.18  (Read 12038 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: May 19, 2019, 12:44:53 pm »
- Cops can now call for backup (/backup /bk) while downed.
- If a cuffed player gets far away from the cops their cuffs are now removed.
- High ping kick now warns the player 3 times every 5 minutes.

- Fixed a glitch that occured when you performed /wave at yourself which would render your game unplayable due to a white screen.
- Cuffing is now cancelled when either player dies/quits etc.
- Public service offence system now properly saves demoted rank to account.
- Public service offence system 'dismissed from job' also demotes the player too now.
- Fixed cops shooting vehicles counting as a 'public service offence'.
- Fixed /pm 'Message not sent to avoid wrong recipient' always showing.
- Fixed high ping kick detecting absurdly high ping when a player first joins.
- Added missing command /ping for info on ping.
- Fixed rare occasion where a player's animations were cleared on death, breaking death animation.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2019, 03:01:53 pm by Mike »