Author Topic: 1.0.19  (Read 12000 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: May 20, 2019, 03:02:50 pm »
- C-bug is no longer allowed. Scripted prevention. Attempts to get around the scripted prevention will result in punishment. Exploting a bug in the game to win a gunfight when others either aren't aware of it or aren't skilled in it is not fair. Play the game as Rockstar intended.
The list of /rules has been updated.
- Added detection for ninja-jacking. The jacker will be killed and the jacked player will be spawned back where they were in their car.
Ninja-jacking is when you sprint while entering a vehicle from the passenger door to kill the jacked driver. It is a game bug exploit.
- Shooting a bicycle will now spin it out and make the player fall off it. Bicylces are currently too overpowered. This may be too drastic and the effects may be lessened in future updates.
- Added warning to failed login message when capslock is on.
- Added detection for CJ run cheats or bug abuse. Players detected with CJ running animations will be killed.

- Public service workers (e.g. cops) will no longer commit a 'public service offence' by entering a civilian vehicle.
- /settings 'Player' category re-named to 'Gameplay'.

- Fixed error message 'Cannot offer services to players in jail/water showing to both the service provider and the player they were offering services to. It should only show for the service provider.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 04:58:19 am by Mike »