Author Topic: 1.15  (Read 11231 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: April 13, 2023, 09:54:24 pm »

Version 1.15

The next major update for MCNR has finally arrived – version 1.15! This update contains a bunch of new stuff and contains various improvements and QoL updates.

Development of 1.15 has been slower than expected due to personal circumstances. I will try harder to push out more frequent updates going forward and will likely do so by releasing smaller updates more often rather than large ones less frequently.

Thank you to everyone for their continued support and patronage. I am very proud of how far MCNR has come, and I am excited for the future. I have a lot of things planned for future updates and look forward to releasing them.

I would like to note that all the additions in 1.15 are in BETA. While extensive testing has been carried out, we cannot guarantee there will be no issues. If you spot anything, please report on the forums. Thank you to all testers and staff for their efforts in testing 1.15.

There are a lot of new additions in 1.15. It contains more new features than any previous MCNR update.

(Sponsored by Dudesdog)
It’s now possible to grow, sell, and smoke Weed.

Smoking Weed will allow players to slowly regenerate some health, providing they haven’t been recently attacked, at the expense of camera/weapon sway.

Supplies including Weed Seeds can be purchased from Drug Dealer NPCs which appear around the city. Look out for the ‘D’ icon on the radar/map. You can also purchase Fertilizer and Bear Traps from Dealers/Bait Shops. Water/Fertilizer will increase the growth rate of plants, and Bear Traps will protect them from thieves and the cops.

Cops can destroy/sieze plants they find. The FBI skin will take less damage from Bear Traps.

Cops can seize weed plants and weed from players' inventories for a bonus.

See /weedhelp in-game for more info.

You can now sell inventory items to other players.

You can set prices in your inventory menu.

Also, the maximum inventory items that can be held has been increased from 40 to 50.

Trucking has been completely remade from scratch for 1.15.

You now must collect the cargo from one location and then deliver it to another. Locations vary far and wide, from collecting cargo at docks and airports and delivering to warehouses and food outlets.

You’ll also be delivering specific cargo items, rather than just generic ‘cargo’. Some cargo can be fragile/hazardous, and some can be illegal. Some are rarer than others. Fragile/illegal/rare cargo will pay out more. The cargo will also be relevant to the locations, e.g. delivering Chicken from a farm to Cluckin’ Bell.

The rewards for trucking are also much higher than before, especially for certain types of cargo!

There's also 'special cargo' - an event which will be announced once a week which involves everyone on the server being tasked to deliver a special cargo item. The first to collect it will then be the target for the entire server. If the cargo is illegal, the cops will also get involved and try to take it. The payout for special cargo will be much higher than normal cargo.

The /anims menu has been revamped with various improvements and more animations.

- Many new animations added to /anims, with more to come in future updates (suggest specific ones on the forums!).
- Animations can be quickly applied using '/anim [shortcode]'. These 'shortcodes' are listed next to each animation in /anims.
- Fixed looping animations not playing the 'end' animation (animations ending abruptly).
- Shortcut re-added to interaction menu (under 'Other actions').
- Some animations are exclusive to donators.

'Hidden achievements' have been added.

These achievements are unlocked by doing specific things in specific ways. There is no way to find out what they are before unlocking them.
Many of these hidden achievements rely on you recreating a scenario/situation from the GTASA singleplayer story.
Some are more specific to MCNR, and require you to perform certain tasks which most players might not try.

You can view a list of hidden achivements (but unachieved ones are hidden of course) by selecting 'Hidden achievements' in the achievements list (/ach) or by typing /hach.

You can now play custom server-scripted Blackjack, Video Poker, Roulette and more in any of the three casinos located in Las Venturas (/gps casino).

These have all been scripted from scratch by ChrisAg - huge thanks and great work!

Having casino games server-side means winnings can now actually be kept by players, as there was no way to detect winnings before.
It also means we have control over the games.

NOTE: Players must be 18+ to gamble. There is a daily gambling allowance and players believed to not be of legal age will be banned from gambling.

A new Casino has been added to Los Santos in Conference Center.

The exterior has been decorated and the interior is custom mapped by ChrisAg.
The Casino contains a bar and safe which can be robbed, with proper heists similar to bank robberies planned for the future.

Betting shops are now open for business!

Visit any Betting Shop (/gps bet) and use the ITB machines inside to bet on horse races.
Features proper animated horse race, just like singleplayer. Huge thanks for ChrisAg for the awesome script!

A new mission has been added: Dead Drops.

Deliver 'Dead Drops' around San Andreas for cash. Other players can steal the drugs/cash for themselves!
The new Dead Drops mission can be started at any payphone (/gps phone). See /deaddrophelp (/ddhelp) in-game for more info.

Dice has been added (with betting).

- Added /dice to roll two dice (result announced in chat).
- You can use '/DICE [NAME/ID] [BET AMOUNT]' to play dice with another player for a cash bet.
- Added stats, achievements, and daily objective for playing/winning at dice.

One of the many missions/activities available on MCNR is selected each game week to be 'Activity of the Week' (AotW).
Completing the Activity of the Week will award the player double the usual cash and score/xp.

A new mission has been added: Dynamite Delivery. The mission can be started at the top of Hunter Quarry (east side) and involves planting and detonating explosives around the quarry.

A new mission has been added: Paperboy.

Use /missions to find the closest Paperboy mission location.
Deliver papers to the houses to complete the mission.
You can return to the start to collect more paper to deliver.

Cops that are injured on the job by criminals will be placed on desk duty to recover.

Completing paperwork will restore your health and then you can get back out on the streets to fight crime.
This has been added as an equivalent to criminals and jail, to make things a bit fairer and to reduce spawnkilling.

Campfires can now be placed.

- Buy a campfire from any Bait Shop (/gps bait) You can hold 3 in your inventory.
- Place from inventory or with /campfire (or /camp or /fire). You can only have one active campfire.
- Rest at a campfire by crouching beside it. Your health will slowly increase over time while resting.
- Campfires will burn out after 10 minutes or if the city changes.
- Campfires can be extinguished with a fire extinguisher. Firefighters will get some XP for doing this.
- Stats, daily objectives, and achievements have been added for resting by campfires.
- See /campfirehelp in-game for more info.

1v1 duels can now be held in a variety of locations.

A list of arenas will appear when you initiate an invitation.

A new item has been added: Smoke Screen.

- Added 'Smoke screen' item which will deploy a smoke screen to disorient other players.
  - Buy smoke screens at any gas station. You can hold 3 in your inventory but only deploy 1 at a time.
  - Use /smokescreen to deploy at your location, or from within a vehicle by looking behind (Q+E) and pressing Y.
  - While inside a smoke screen, a player's nametag will be hidden from other players' view.

Gyms now have functioning equipment in them, courtesy of ChrisAg! Use '/gps gym' to find the nearest gym.

By using the Treadmill, Bike, Weight Bar and Dummbells, you'll gain muscle. You can check your muscle level with /muscle.
The more muscle you have, the more damage you'll deal with melee weapons.
The melee damage modifier is directly proportionate to your muscle level. If you have 100% muscle, you'll deal 100% more damage (double).
Your muscle will reduce over time, so hit the gym regularly!

A couple of properties in Mulholland / Vinewood have had custom mapped interiors added.

- The Mulholland safehouse from single-player has been given a custom interior (credit ChrisAg) which is based on how it looked in the GTA SA beta trailer.
  Essentially, the interior is actually inside the exterior, allowing you to see in/out of it!
- A new property has been added: The Chemosphere. This unique-looking stilt property has also had a custom interior (credit ChrisAg) added which fits inside the interior and allows you to see in/out the windows!
NOTE: For these two properties, you won't see other players inside/outside the property, just the world.

As you may have noticed above, hot air balloons can now be seen travelling around San Andreas!

Follow them to where they land for a view of San Andreas like never before! No charge (at this time).


The Combine Harvester can now be used to harvest crops in certain fields.
Doing so will result in a small payout and some points.
It can only be done once per game week.

The Money Rush challenges have been renamed to Cash Dash.

- Added a new challenge location in Las Colinas (LS). Involves some tricky rooftop parkour!
- Cash/score rewards are now specific to each location. More difficult challenges pay out more than easier ones.
- Renamed various locations.
- Decreased mission replay cooldown.

The staff event system has been enhanced in many ways to allow staff to have greater control over events, including saving event configuration to load it again in the future.
Expect more interesting events from staff now!

Other additions
- You can now drop a bank robbery bag using /bagdrop (or via the interaction menu under 'other').
- It is now possible to retry a timetrial at the end, instead of having to drive all the way back to the start.
- Added a new setting (/set) to disable the black screen fading effect (it will change to/from black instantly).
  - This may help players with bad lag and/or packetloss. It won't look as good.
- /specduel has been added. Can be used while another player is in a duel to watch them fight.
- Each mission/activity now has an achievement related to it.
- Headphones' current station can now quickly be changed using '/headphones [station name]', e.g. '/headphones CSR'.
  - Recommended to use short unique parts of station names, e.g. 'ROSE', 'DST' or 'BOUNCE', instead of full names, to increase success chance due to differences with spaces, dashes, and so on.
    For example, is it 'KRose' or 'K-Rose' or 'K Rose'? Don't keep guessing, just put 'rose' and it will be guaranteed to work.
  - Remember /hp is short alternative to /headphones.
- Added '/gps boombox' to easily find your placed boombox.
- /level will now show the revival success rate for your current job/rank.
- The main banks now have a back entrance, for an alternative entry/exit route. Both cops and criminals can use it either way.
- Donators can now use chat color embedding in property names (/chatcolors).
  - Maximum custom property name length increased from 32 to 64 chars to allow room for colors.
- Added /pvinfo command to quickly view your active vehicle's information and status.
  - This was previously only accessible via the /v menu.
- Added an openable gate at parking lot next to Vinewood Studios, and in Chinatown alley.
- Settings (/set) can now be searched through.
- Each setting (/set) now has a 'shortcode' which can be used to quickly toggle a specific setting.
  - For example you can use '/set fps' to quickly toggle the FPS on and off.
  - These 'shortcodes' are shown in chat when a setting is changed.
  - There are also some even-quicker commands, such as /fps, but now every single setting has a shortcut.
- The Discord bot will now show the player count and city again. It was disabled previously because it crashed the server. We'll see how it goes.
- Completing the'Drive Fast Challenge' daily objective will now award the player with special otherwise-unobtainable guitar clothing items!
  - You MUST have the audio plugin to properly experience the challenge and claim the guitars.
  - There are 3 guitars, so you'll need to do this daily objective 3 times to get all 3.
- When an achievement is unlocked it now shows the description and rewards in chat.
- Camera can now be purchased from stores.
- All mission starting vehicles are now labelled as such so players know what to expect when entering them.
- You can now use '/settings reset' to quickly reset settings (or '/set reset').
- The bank manager can now be robbed in the main bank.
- Sweet and Ryder's properties now have the relevant interiors (thanks ChrisAg).
- The /gps command now supports searching. For example you can use '/gps unity' and it will set the destination to Unity Station, or '/gps grove' for Grove Street.It will find the first matching result. To be improved in future with search results etc.
- Police officers that are rank 10 can now request a Police Maverick as a job vehicle.
- Fuel gague can now be set to always show decimal precision. Change in /settings (/set) or use /fuel for shortcut to settings.
  - Will always show 2 decimal points of precision when fuel drops below 5%, as it did before (although was 1 decimal point of precision before).
- Supply drop request/collect now logged in action logs.
- Added action log for when a player is downed/revived.
- Added action logs for swim/skydiving states.
- You can now forfeit a duel with /end or /cancel or /leave

Main changes
- The way in which robbery payouts are calculated (based on online cop ratio to civilians) has been rewritten as it was confusing.
  - Payouts should be increased across all robberies as a result, if more cops are online.
  - The payout cap has been increased from 150% at 2x cop ratio, to 200% at 3x cop ratio.
  - The minimum payout has been lowered from 75% to 50% if no cops are online.
  - Ratios are as follows (e.g. cop ratio 2.0 means for every player online there are 2 cops):
    - No cops online: 50%
    - Half the amount of cops vs civilians: 75%
    - Equal amount of cops and civs: 100%
    - 50% more cops than civs: 125%
    - Twice as many cops as civs: 150%
    - Three times as many cops as civs: 200%

- Bank robbery payouts have a higher chance of being higher than before, and increased overall.
- The amount of confiscated ammo that can be recovered after jail has been increased by 6x (from 5 clips/ammo to 30).
- The price for buying back confiscated weapons from a police department has been halved, and can now be configured at runtime without a script update.
- Ammunation weapon and ammo prices have been reduced, some significantly.
- The prize cap for daily objectives consecutive days has been increased from 30 to 60 days.
- When a property is sold, any cash stored in the safe is now returned to the owner.
- Cops can no longer use the police station reception to go on/off duty or purchase weapons & equipment, they must use the locker room.
  - Players will still need to use reception to BECOME a police officer.
- To repair an aircraft with an engine repair kit, the aircraft must now be on the ground and stationary.
- The rate at which vehicles consume fuel has been reduced, meaning you can go further on a single tank (reduced to 33% of original value).
- Sniper sway reduced for 'poor' weapon skill level. Sway now only lasts for a couple of seconds for 'gangster' skill level.
- Changed tazer 'reload' animation to a longer one.
- Players can no longer be damaged while being tazed, and for a short time after.
- Rewards for players of the week have been increased.
  - Player of the Week will get $25,000.
  - Cop/criminal/worker of the week will get $10,000.

Other changes
- Added obstacle detection to prevent stolen property items from being dropped inside walls etc.
- /chatcolors now shows the colors for the color codes.
- The maximum ticket/bail has been reduced from $4000 to $3000 and can now be configured without a script update.
- Increased firefighter 'trashcan fire' job event rewards from $500 and 5 score to $4500 and 25 xp/score.
- Many item/service prices reduced.
- When selecting a robbery hideout, ones that are too close to select are now highlighted red.
- Time trial now shows distance to objective.
- Mechanics will not become wanted if they enter a stolen tow truck.
- /thinfo now redirects to /treasurehunt.
- /wank animation is now looped.
- Property sell message now gives details such as price and location.
- 'You have no nearby vehicles that can be unlocked' no longer shows inside interiors, as you can't bring vehicles inside anyway.
- A message is now shown in chat if someone destroys your boombox.
- When placing a boombox, the menu is now shown automatically, rather than having to crouch again.
- Weapon damage action logs now show Seasparrow/Rustler guns instead of saying 'M4' or 'Minigun'.
- The fishing bait item is no longer an inventory item you can specifically select to 'use', it will simply use bait when you cast your line, as it does anyway.
- Vehicle management menu (/v) now shows vehicle status beside 'request vehicle' if the vehicle is impounded or destroyed.
- Certain options in the vehicle management menu (/v) will no longer be available if the vehicle is impounded or destroyed, such as the ability to repair or sell the vehicle.
- The small checkpoint at aircraft/boat request/management/purchase locations can now be used while driving a vehicle.
  - For example, you can drive to the airport in your personal car, enter the checkpoint, request your aircraft, then drive to your aircraft.
- Audio plugin custom music in the club will now stop and start when the world is threatened or if the /setting is changed while in the club.
  - Also, if the setting is disabled or the audio plugin disconnects, the original music will now be restored.
- All prices in the properties script now show as comma-separated values, e.g. $1,234,567 instead of $1234567, making for easier reading.
- Mechanic Tow Truck 'find recoverable vehicle' function no longer has a 1000m search radius; it will find the closest vehicle regardless of how far away it is.
- Improvements to vehicle spawning 'obstruction awareness' logic which should prevent requested vehicles spawning inside walls at the sides of roads (especially in alleyways).
- The fuel gague textdraw has been tweaked to make it less distracting (darker colours and removal of the 'FUEL' text).
- Player stats involving cash (e.g. 'money spent on bribes') now formatted with $ prefix and comma-separated, making easier to read.
- When using Pay 'n' Spray or bribe star pickups, you must now not be visible to cops on the radar in order to use them.
  - This means the higher your wanted level, the further away from cops you must be to use these features.
  - Previously, this was just a simple distance check of 250m for Pay 'n' Spray and 100m for bribe stars.
  - You also can now only use bribe pickups while on foot
- Weapon pickups around the map can now only be picked up if the player has unlocked the weapon (high enough level).
- Code to handle player blips now runs more frequently, which should reduce the chance of players being in your face before you see their blip
- Blip draw distances for SWAT/FBI/CIA increased, as they were too OP.
- Reduced frequency of rain, fog, and sandstorm weather.

- Fixed being able to assist securicar while it was not running.
- Fixed players being jailed if they quit or crashed during city transition while wanted.
- Fixed many player stats (/pstats) not displaying in any category. Also added separate category for mission stats.
- Fixed bad petrol cap position for Glendale.
- Fixed 'Public service assault' crime not specifying who was attacked.
- Fixed 'Supply drop theft' crime not specifying who was robbed.
- Fixed an issue where using /missions to find a Smuggler mission would find a vehicle very far away.
- Fixed Cropduster mission timer starting before the player had control.
- Fixed removing custom property name showing message stating 'property name changed to (blank)'.
- Fixed players being able to move around during duel countdown if they were temporarily frozen when accepting the duel invite (e.g. c-bug detection).
- CSI job event area abandonment detection is now 3D. This means flying/driving over a crime scene (e.g. Gant Bridge when the crime scene is down at Jizzy's) won't mess with the job.
- Fixed job vehicles randomly being 'abandoned' and despawning.
- Fixed paintjob preview text not being cleared when purchased from a gas station.
- Fixed being sometimes unable to tow vehicles because the script was trying to tow vehicles in the same place but in a different world.
- Fixed being able to interact with supervisor/witnesses/suspects in CSI job event from within a vehicle.
- Fixed puking animation would not play after catching a dead fish.
- Fixed players being able to move while they are cuffed and were previously doing a special action animation like /dance.
- Fixed Pay'N'Spray not deducting the required cash for a vehicle repair.
- Fixed ATM dialogs remainning open even if you somehow moved away from the machine while still using it.
- Fixed cops wronglfuly getting jailed for quit to avoid jail if they quitted while arresting a suspect.
- Fixed the response of the vehicle doors and windows control dialogs.
- Fixed players losing money from their bank account when robbed while having less than $1000 in their wallet.
- Fixed drunk level resets when stopped aimming with sniper with maxed out skill.
- Fixed being able to open the gas station services dialog while repairing a vehicle in a gas station.
- Fixed refuel checkpoint being created while the vehicle is not in the gas station area.

Credits and Thanks
I would like to take this opportunity to thank ChrisAg and M3E6 for their contributions to 1.15, testers for their ongoing help with testing and investigating issue, and all staff that keep the server running every day. Big shoutout to Karbz for doing a fantastic job keeping MCNR on track.

Thanks everyone, see you in-game soon!
« Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 01:48:24 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
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  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Re: Current Version: 1.15 R1
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2023, 06:01:42 pm »
Revision 1
- Added /seeds alias command to /plants.
- Player daily bet allowance is now applied to horse betting.
- Fixed /plants not showing player's weed plants correctly at times.
- Fixed duplicated menu options in personal vehicle menu.
- Maximum daily bet allowance lowered from $500k $250k.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2023, 06:26:19 pm by Mike »