Author Topic: 1.14.20  (Read 10333 times)

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Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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« on: April 23, 2023, 11:06:15 am »

Version 1.14.20

Easter Event End
The Easter event has now ended. Thanks to everyone that took part!

Check out this blog post for stats and leaderboards:

The next planned seasonal event will be Halloween in mid-October.

- Added action log for medkit use.
- Added /y and /n to accept/reject offers (e.g. bribes).

- Suspects that are cuffed or being cuffed can now only bribe (or be offered a bribe) by the cop that is cuffing or has cuffed them.
- Reduced damage done by vehicle collision against an on foot player. Also no more chance of an instant kill, will always down the victim.
- Doubled cash given for scrapping and exporting vehicles.
- Helitours mission will no longer fail instantly if the player exits the vehicle; they will be given a few seconds to re-enter.
- During maid mission you'll no longer be able to instantly exit a property by walking into the door; it will always prompt to press ENTER/F regardless of the /setting for auto-exiting properties without said prompt.
- Spawn selection map/POI box will now show immediately when viewing a spawn location if the screen fading is disabled in /settings or the location was already viewed and is therefore already loaded.

- When attempting to use the carwash in an unsuitable vehicle, the error text would remain on the screen indefinitely.
- Fixed bad text in /tax (it said a tax cycle was 2m 48s long).
- Fixed player info dialog (/info /i) being cut off for being too long under certain conditions.
- Fixed Easter Cross checkpoint being able to be used from a vehicle.
- Fixed maid mission 'Collect more trash or go to the trashcan' subtitle being immediately replaced by 'Go to the trashcan'.
- Moved Windy, Windy, Windy, Windy Street Tiki as it was in front of a property door.
- Fixed blank zone name under radar (' [SA]') when outside the map (out at sea). It will now say 'San Andreas'.
- Crime for tresspassing in an airport will no longer say 'Trespassing (airport) (airport name)' it will just say the airport name - '(airport)' is redundant.
- Fixed /setting dialog for fighting style sometimes not returning to settings menu once closed, or showing 'Gameplay' settings instead of 'Combat'.
- Fixed pressing drive-by keys (Q/E) in a helicopter/plane near the airport guard 'threatening' the guard and opening the gates.
- Fixed vehicle hotwiring failing the first time every time.
  - It now works as intended. It'll only ever fail once, and the higher your player level the more successful you will be (from 50% success at level 1, to 100% success at level 100).
  - At max level, hotwiring will never fail. Unless it's someone's personal vehicle, then it will always fail the first time.
- Fixed (or at least reduced chance of) vehicle hotwiring animation playing after exiting vehicle (for laggy players that immediately exit a vehicle that needed hotwiring).
- Fixed players having no driving animation when starting a mission that starts in a vehicle (e.g. Sweeper) and a seasonal event was active.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
« Last Edit: June 17, 2023, 12:53:23 pm by Mike »