Author Topic: 1.9.12  (Read 25210 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: January 10, 2021, 07:13:54 pm »

Version 1.9.12

Supply drop improvements
- You can now call for a Dinghy drop on water.
- You can now call for a Bandito or Mesa drop on land.
- There is now a plane that flies over, with dialogue and more cinematics.
- Improvements to checks for invalid drop zones. Supply drops will be greyed out if you're unable to request them (e.g. in a bad location).

ATM positions updated
- Over 50 new ATMs added around San Andreas.
- 10 or so ATMs removed that were too close to existing ATMs and not needed.
- 30 or so ATMs repositioned due to clipping into wall/floor.

Other additions
- Money is now automatically transferred to your wallet from your bank account upon entering a Pay 'n' Spray ($100) or modshop ($5000).
- You can now repair engine only at a gas station checkpoints for a lower price than fixing the bodywork too.
- You can now require a fee to break people out of jail.
- You can now cancel a jail break offer (or even when it's in progress) with /jbcancel or /canceljb.
- If a donating player leaves the Discord server then returns and reverifies, they will now be automatically given their donator role back.
- Players with a high packetloss will now be automatically kicked to keep the game fair.
- Added an interaction cue for cuffing suspects when nearby.
- Added some additional Skimmers and a couple of helicopters.

Main changes
- Bank robbery reset time (after completion) reduced from 2 minutes to 1.
- Bank robbery dye pack timer reduced from 12 minutes to 10.
- Bank robbery bags will no longer be removed from players 10 seconds before city change. They will just be remvoed on city change.
- Treasure Hunt prize is now directly linked to the number of players online, at $500 per player.
  For example if there are 50 players online you'll get $25k. If there are 100 players online you'll get $50k.
- Hit-and-run at over 60mph has a high change of instant death.
- /cuff will no longer uncuff suspects, you must use /uncuff (to avoid confusion and mistakenly uncuffing suspects).
- Pressing N will no longer cancel cuffing, but any other key will.
- Reduced Colt weapon damage at close and medium range.

Other changes
- Mechanics and Prostitutes can now do the smuggling mission from any van/truck.
- Certain missions are no longer restricted for players with a bounty.
- SFPD door near cells no longer accessible to non-cops.
- Personal vehicles will now spawn closer when requested.
- Improved detection of bad vehicle spawning when requesting personal vehicles, which should make it less liklely for them to spawn inside walls or under the ground etc.
- Server rules are now editable at runtime.
- Gas station menu improvements:
  - Closing all dialogs now goes back to the menu instead of closing everything.
  - If you pressed Y to access the gas station menu from the pumps rather than the checkpoint,
    this menu will now close if you drive out of the gas station (only possible with a joypad).
- Altered gas pump detection area for Angel Pine gas station to require vehicles to be next to pumps to refuel.
  The detection area was too wide and you couldn't use the gas station services checkpoint in a vehicle.
- Gas station menu now stays open after purchasing bullet-resistant tires or vehicle armour.
- Player personal vehicles are now despawned after a short delay (and occupants are ejected) if the player leaves the server.
- Clothing item scale is now restricted to 1.5x original size (was 2x). This will not affect existing clothing.
- If a player inside a jail cell attacks a player outside the jail cell, the attacker will be frozen for 2 seconds to prevent infinite stun-lock.
- Jail break offer will now expire after 30 seconds or if the players are more than 10 meters apart.
- Players can no longer deal damage while they are under anti-spawnkill protection.

Main fixes
- Mechanic licence plate change was popping all tires.
- Mechanic licence plate change didn't save new plate for personal vehicles.
- Tire repair kit had issues when cancelling, progress bar would continue etc.
- Tire repair kit could cancel itself if you looked away from the vehicle.
- Players that used all their ammo up then picked up a weapon pickup were unable to shoot.
- There were issues with certain weapons carrying over ammo and some not.
  - Bullet weapons (pistol, shotgun, SMG, AR and Rifle) now all share ammo. Other ammo weapons such as spray/camera/fire ext etc. don't.
- Securicar timer was overwriting treasure hunt direction/distance.
- If securicar mission ends, treasure hunt direction/distance is removed for cops.
- If a player finishes treasure hunt, they wouldn't then be shown the securicar timer if it's active.
- Players could continue to break a player out of jail if tazed, cuffed, arrested or jailed.
- Fixed players being stuck in a vehicle if being escorted to jail and accepted a bribe.
- Fixed issues with taxi such as being able to select property/ATM/phone and passenger getting stuck in a state of 'selecting a new destination' but the dialog was closed.

Other fixes
- The Securicar will no longer respawn when an admin respawns vehicles, as it would end the mission.
- Spawn selection map briefly shows old player positions on spawn, e.g. in old city after a city change.
- Info next to spawn selection map shows player count as 1 less than it should be.
- Vehicle scrapyard/export icons were persisting on the map.
- Personal vehicles were spawning in the middle of the road rather than at the side.
- Players could store pursuit/undercover police vehicles in garages and make them personal vehicles.
- If a medics attacks a yellow ticketable suspect, they were told to ticket them, but they aren't a cop..
- Death by helicopter blades was not shown in death messages, just the vehicle name.
- Fuel bar textdraw now disappears when screen fades to black, along with the rest of the HUD.
- Fuel bar textdraw now stays hidden when drunk, like the rest of the server HUD.
- Undercover cop cars requested via the 'job menu' are now restricted to higher cop ranks just like the undercover cop car that spawns down in the parking lot.
- CIA can no longer request an undercover police vehicle if they are not the required rank.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Fixed supply drop applying animation to owner of a supply drop if someone else stole it, not the player that stole it.
- Fixed bank deposit/withdrawl not logging to transactions.

Revision 2
- Supply drops were allowing players to obtain more than 5 throwable weapons (e.g. grenades).
- Ammunation was allowing players to buy more throwables if they had gone over the limit.
- All players have had excess throwables removed. No refunds.
- Fixed players seeing gas station menu when using job checkpoint in police department, fire station, sex shop etc.
- Fixed vehicle health decreasing when tires shot.
- Fixed tires on vehicles with armour not repairing properly at Pay 'n' Spray (become unpoppable).
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 07:17:14 pm by Mike »

Offline YellowFlash

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2021, 07:20:09 pm »
The queen of england will be pleased with this update.

Offline Mike

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2021, 07:43:41 pm »
Seen nothing but planes in the sky since the update, people liking the new supply drops I see :)

Offline cynosy

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2021, 08:41:02 pm »
Good update, well done!

Offline El_Grando_Smokio

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2021, 08:56:05 pm »
Gj, Sir. Really useful staff!

Offline _.please_delete

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2021, 09:26:42 pm »
We RA are all thankful for your and staff efforts for improving the community.
 “We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.”

Offline Hank_Montgomery

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2021, 11:18:00 pm »
Thank you, sir


Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2021, 02:39:43 am »
Great but confused about the securicar mission... If we tell an admin doing the vehicle respawn after the mission? Very annoying if we are doing the mission, and vehicles get respawned and we fail the mission.

Nice update tho. I Will play mcnr till I die irl. ALSO @Mike HOLY WOOOOWWW!!! THE SUPPLY DROP OMFG SO MUCH REALITY!!!!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2021, 07:59:19 am by [P]atchy »

Offline Parzival

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2021, 03:27:29 am »
Will play mcnr till I die.

you die 10 times every day tho :D

nice update, thx mike

Offline Mike

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2021, 03:38:03 pm »
Great but confused about the securicar mission... If we tell an admin doing the vehicle respawn after the mission? Very annoying if we are doing the mission, and vehicles get respawned and we fail the mission.

Nice update tho. I Will play mcnr till I die irl. ALSO @Mike HOLY WOOOOWWW!!! THE SUPPLY DROP OMFG SO MUCH REALITY!!!!
Yeah sorry I kinda changed how I was writing the fixes section half way through.

It should read:
- The Securicar will no longer respawn when an admin respawns vehicles, as it would end the mission.

Offline RedX

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2021, 05:43:52 pm »
TBH ,The best thing was the realistic supply drop and the most convenient things were closer vehicle spawn and auto money transfer from bank to wallet near PaynSpray and mod shops
Great Update  !!

Offline Kitemmurt1

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2021, 08:20:00 pm »
Great update!!! :D

Offline ranja

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.12
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2021, 08:56:16 pm »
Astonishing work that is shown here on this post! Awesome work Mike as usual it truly shows that your hard work is appreciated by everyone that enjoys connecting everyday to have a laugh/good time/cry/rage/wank/piss! :D

I have read it all.

I back up the above sentence by stating just a small bug :-X

- Bank robbery bags will no longer be removed from players 10 seconds before city change. They will just be remvoed on city change.

Offline Mike

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Current Version: 1.9.12 R2
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2021, 10:18:55 pm »
Revision 1
- Fixed supply drop applying animation to owner of a supply drop if someone else stole it, not the player that stole it.
- Fixed bank deposit/withdrawl not logging to transactions.

Revision 2
- Supply drops were allowing players to obtain more than 5 throwable weapons (e.g. grenades).
- Ammunation was allowing players to buy more throwables if they had gone over the limit.
- All players have had excess throwables removed. No refunds.
- Fixed players seeing gas station menu when using job checkpoint in police department, fire station, sex shop etc.
- Fixed vehicle health decreasing when tires shot.
- Fixed tires on vehicles with armour not repairing properly at Pay 'n' Spray (become unpoppable).


Re: Current Version: 1.9.12 R2
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2021, 04:32:32 pm »
Revision 1
- Fixed supply drop applying animation to owner of a supply drop if someone else stole it, not the player that stole it.

Is it a bug?: If another player calls for supply drops, we also see the message that lets us know that supply drop has been dropped...?