Version 1.9.13
- Mechanic refuel service has been added. Mechanics can refuel a vehicle up to 25%.

- Players are now limited to holding ONE molotov. Slight price increase. Existing molotovs in your inventory (up to 5) will not be taken away and can still be used.
- Slight reduction in Satchel Charge price.
- When requesting a personal vehicle, if there's an obstruction on the left side of the road, it will test the right side rather than just defaulting to the middle of the road.
- /flare command will now prompt if you want to use it for a supply drop or just a regular flare.
- When using a command on a player, if you enter their name but there are multiple matches,
if one of those matches is an exact match it will now explain that you need to use their ID instead of their name.
- Securicar tire health increased by 1.5x.
- Reduced cost of mechanic tire repair service.
- When tailing a suspect (either as a cop in any vehicle, or a regular civilian in a news chopper), if tailing a vehicle with multiple occupants these are now combined into a single chat message.
- Cop 'shout instruction' button (pull over/freeze/step out) sound from a police helicopter will always be the helicopter loudspeaker.
- You now spawn at your previous location when leaving an event (Decathlon).
Main fixes- The server was unable to read files after a certain amount of time due to hitting a limit of concurrently open files.
This was due to the files containing the privacy policy and rules not being closed after being read from.
- Sometimes unable to request personal vehicles in certain areas due to the script thinking the spawn point was under the road.
- Personal vehicles were always spawning at the closest road node. This was done for testing purposes and accidentally left in.
- Police Maverick was able to drop spike strips.
- Multiple issues with buying throwables weapons, such as inability to buy if inventory full, and ability to buy more than maximum quantity (5).
- Players with excess throwable weapons have had them removed (again).
- Fixed stats, achievements and daily objectives for Mechanic engine/tire repair not progressing.
Other fixes- Typo in 'You are holding lots of cash' tip popup.
- Supply drop vehicle drop box clipping through floor.
- Stealing Securicar briefcase is now a crime.
- Fixed floating treasure hunt clue on boxes in LS Inlet (Flint County).
- Fixed 'cash spent on bribes' stat not increasing for players, making the related achievement unobtainable.
Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
Revision 1Fixed incorrect wanted stars color.