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Topics - Mazen

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Greetings everyone I hope you have a nice morning/evening,

This is a new idea and pretty cool one you guys familiar with /criminals for police opens a dialog for the law enforcement with players details

My suggestion is the same for Medic/firefighters/Mechanics when being called for healing or curing or both or fixing dead engine or repair tires, not everyone running around with 20 lines of the chatbox to

catch anything happens so the idea here:

1-Setup a dialog for Medics/FireFighters/Mechanics

2-Show Infos for players (distance) and get auto-updated with their new locations.

3-show if player still needs Help as will be colored in green/red

4-If the player accepted the job will give them a calculated distance same as the treasure hunt the last clue will display what direction and how much

far away that will be shown in the box.

Approved Suggestions / Weapon dealer
« on: August 07, 2020, 04:17:54 am »
Hello boys and girls, how is your day goes so far I hope it is great for us all.


Weapons dealer I played on a lot of servers got that kind of job it is amazing, to be honest,

So your friend is close to you, you can sell him some weapons.

Of course, this job requires selling weapons license and player have to buy it from the police department since it is a serious situation buying from an individual, not from a licensed shop

Let's say players decide to ignore buying the license and act bossy and no one can touch him they will get wanted level, yes guys wanted level you buying unlicensed

Weapons for god sake and you will kill everyone.

And yea weapon dealer will have the same menu in ammunition and he will be required to refill the ammo from there you are not the god of unlimited ammo

Let's break it down in points:

1-Weapon dealer
2-able to sell guns to all players except the pow-pow
3-Limited amount of ammo the player able to buy from the weapon dealer
3-Cool downtime, of course, same as a medic if you were in a fight you can't buy weapons or got shooted
4-The weapon dealer required to purchase licenses from the Police department so he can sell guns or he will be in big trouble selling unlicensed weapons for players
5-If player did not buy weapon license and bought guns from weapon dealer will get wanted like 2~3 wanted levels

Arabic / قواعد السيرفر و قواعد الشرطة
« on: April 08, 2020, 10:23:06 pm »
بحثت عن قواعد السيرفر باللغة العربية و لم اجدها ابدا على المنتدى لذلك قررت اصنع واحدة بالعربية

قواعد السيرفر

1-لا تسبام فى الشات او تدعوا اللعيبة  لأى شيئ
2- لا تستخدم اى برامج مقرصنة للعب بها فى السيرفر
3-لا تستخدم اى اضافات قى اللعبة سوف تأثر بالسلب على اللاعبين
       3-1-فقط اضافات للشخصية التى تلعب بها
                                3-2-تحسين من اشكال الأشياء فى اللعبة مثل الأشجار,الطرقا,لأنوار
           3-3 اضافة الأصوات مثل للأسلحة او العربيات
4- لا تقتل اللعيبة الأخرين بدون سبب او تنتظرهم خارج المحلات او تنتظر مثلا عند البنك لتقبض عليهم هذا السيرفر ليس مخصص لقتل الأخرين
5- لا تخبر اى شخص بانك وجدت مشكلة فى السيرفر و تستغلها لصالحك مثل مشكلة فى الأسلحة تمكنك من اخذ اسلحة بدون مال او تزيد من الأسكور بتاعك فى اللعبة
6-  ESC لا تتفادى ابدا الموت او لحظة القبض عليك بالخروج من السيرفر او تكبس
7- لا تنشر معلومات عن اى مشكلة تمكنك من الأستفادة من اشياء ليس لك الحق بها مثل الجليتشات ابلغ عنها فورا للمسؤلين مثلا البيتا تسترز او المبرمج
8- لا تسب او تضايق او تميز (مثل العنصرية) ضد اى لاعب اخر او من فريق المسؤلين
9-لا تستخد العديد من الأميلات فى السيرفر سوف يتم حذفهم من قبل المسؤلين يمكن تغيير اسمك من داخل اللعبة
10 لا تتشاور مع اى احد فى مواضيع ممنوعة  مثل المخدرات  او الخصوصية  او النقاش فى مواضيع حساسة مثل السياسة او الدين
11- لا تنتحل شخصية احد من اللاعبين او طاقم المسؤلين
12-لا تأخذ اى خطوة اتجاه اللاعبين لمضايقتهم او ازعاجهم بدون سبب مثل السب أو الأدعائات المزيفة او تضع جائزة على  رأسهم بدون سبب او تنتقم بعد مرور المدة المعينة
 (و هى ساعة من توقيت اللعبة)
13- (/pm /w) تتكلم الأنجليزية فقط فى الشات العام منفضلك استخدم للغات مختلفة
14- ك هارب من العدالة لا تدخل اى سيارة شرطى نهائيا الا تم دعوتك ل رشوة
15- لا تدخل فى نقاش حاد مع طاقم المسؤلين ابدا لو رأيت نفسك مظلوم اذهب للمنتدى واعمل شكوة

كسر هذة القواعد سيؤدى الى عقاب و ايضا السجن او الحظر من السيرفر نحن نستخدم نقاط المخالفة لنرى ال لاعبين المخالفين للقواعد  باستمرار لو اكملت ال 10 نقاط سيتم حظرك القى نظرة على نظام

لو رأيت اى لاعب يكسر هذه القواعد الرجاء الأبلاغ عنه للمسؤلين من خلال

Rejected Suggestions / Mechanic job
« on: March 25, 2020, 11:52:32 pm »
IGN: Mazen

what is this suggestion about ? : Mechanic job futures

walk us trough your suggestion : as i seen mechanic job need some future rather then fix someone cars and change his plate of fix his tiers we know that there is dirty side of mechanic and almost all of us come across like fixing 50% so you come back to him again so he take more money something like that but fixing this is not about this suggestion

-then what is this suggestion about are you wasting our time with your words ?
-no not at all this suggestion is about destroying cars yea you read it right destroying cars.

-Mad at your friend maybe he have a precious vehicle never let you drive it at all ?
-have a friend want to drive and make you sit in the passenger like your are his wife ?

well that ends today,Yea you can actually break his car and watch him cry over her

by simply use a easy command called /break maybe

gonna be fun just finish this thread

okay we all know the car won't just bom
where is the fun (sounds like joker)
1-first gonna smoke like train
2-and suddenly it stopped
3-and then bam (imagine the hospital that the joker exploded)
4-and if i were you i would run for my life or he will make you a leather for his car seat

that's it for this suggestion hope you like it please let me know we can modify some of that stuff and i hope i made you laugh.


General Off-Topic / Happy mother's day
« on: March 21, 2020, 06:01:31 pm »
I wish to all our mothers bless and a long life and protection may god bless them with every thing and make them happy and bless their souls

-Mazen Metwally

Denied Appeals / Infraction appeal
« on: March 18, 2020, 09:51:05 pm »
Your in-game nameMazen
Ban or infraction appeal?infraction appeal
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone12/3/2020 Gmt+2
Ban/infraction reason and detailskilling mos-wanted as firefighter
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?I did not get a personal message from admin that i can't do it i got infraction immediately
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?i was cruising around with my fire truck and i saw wanted i killed him then i got infraction
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?No one
Any more information to provide?when that happen i was in the begging of playing on the server i admit i did not know that firefighter can't kill suspect or using any action against them when i got warned no one said you can't do it nah i got the infraction without even a personal message from admin that you can't do i,I got jailed after the infraction for 5 minutes then i pmed the admin it was V[3]NOM and asked him why did i got jailed then he said cause you can't kill a suspect then i asked then why i can see police radio and he said to heal players i did not know that,At all i thought i am part of law enforcement since i can carry weapons and i don't get wanted levels if i hit a person it was just building that i can help officers that's all and take in consider i was admin before on 2 servers warning people without telling them it is wrong can lead the player to leave the server for ever that what i got to say i was just gonna let it slip and i will pretend never happened it is not report against admin in any way i just want to get removed from my account history

Invalid Bugs / Ammunition bug
« on: March 15, 2020, 09:20:41 pm »
- Your in-game name : Mazen
- What happened? i was leveling up my weapons in ammunation at idelwood and that was first time happening with a gun
 i already leveld up d.eagle and ak and never faced this prob
    - Where were you? ammunation located at idlewood
    - What were you doing? leveling up my weapon
    - Did you have some sort of special circumstances happening at the time? no not really
- Is this a reoccurring issue? Has it happened to you or others before? yea it happens to other and someone reported i think but he did not have enough profs of it
- Please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue ourselves, if possible : i can't understand this line am sorry
- Images and videos help a LOT :

- Date and time of incident if known : 2020.03.15 - 11.12 PM

Accepted Complaints / [TR]seNNsei team death match
« on: March 15, 2020, 09:00:02 pm »
Your in-game nameMazen
Their in-game name
Detailsme and my friends were getting some fuel in the car and then we go after suspects suddenly sennsei came around the corner and shot the Gas station and ended up killing my friend and destroying his car 
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

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