Author Topic: 1.0.7  (Read 12693 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: April 30, 2019, 07:46:18 pm »
- The bank vault door can now be blasted open with grenades or satchel charges rather than hacking. This will however reduce the payout.
- Added /cell as an alias to /transfer (transfer jail cell).

- Players can now enter the bank while it is being robbed until the 'lockdown' is in place (2 minutes after shooting the guard).
- You can now change your bank robbery hideout destination with /hideout.
- When a player is tazed they can no longer move again straight after getting back up, they are frozen for a couple of seconds to give the cop a chance to get behind and cuff.
- Cops can no longer taze players that are not wanted (orange/red).
- Breaking away from cuffs now requires the FIRE key to be tapped repeatedly rather than always being successful on a single press.
- When a player dies in jail they will no longer be placed into the same cell upon respawn.
- /wave now makes you face the target player.
- When the server restarts on city change to apply updates this is now communicated to players.

- Fixed incorrect information shown in bank transaction history.
- Fixed bank hack not failing if the player died, quit, was arrested or somehow left the vault.
- Bank robbery vault door hack box no longer closes immediately upon success.
- Cops can no longer equip a tazer while in a vehicle.
- Fixed camera/player skin flying into the sky on login screen.
- Fixed some player textdraws (e.g. location under radar, fade box) not being created on connect if the player had an invalid name they were forced to change.
- Fixed players all being put into the same jail cell.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 07:28:26 pm by Mike »