Author Topic: 1.14.2 (Christmas Event 2021)  (Read 13642 times)

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Offline Mike

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1.14.2 (Christmas Event 2021)
« on: December 12, 2021, 08:11:46 pm »

Version 1.14.2 (Christmas Update)

It's that time of year again - the MCNR Christmas Event is here!
This event will run from the 12th of December until the 5th of January (inclusive).
This is the third year we have run a Christmas Event, and we hope you enjoy it again if you were present for either or both the last two events.

Check out the blog post for all the info you need:

A new system has been added, which is mostly a behind-the-scenes system, which allows for easy management of player offers (where one player offers an item/service to another player and they must accept or reject the offer).
This has mainly been added due to a bug with the bribe offer system, and currently only bribes use it. However, other things will be moved to this system in the future including existing things such as property invites and personal vehicle selling but also future planned features such as GPS sharing and inventory trading. It lays the foundation for future features like that, and also makes the code easier to maintain going forward.

- 'Ambient actors' have been added to some more interiors to give them a bit more life.
- Added a setting to disable the supply drop plane flyover sound effect.

- Players can now break into properties outside the active city, but not rob them.
  - This is to prevent situations where players can hide in their property indefinitely.
  - You also won't require a vehicle nearby for stolen items to be transported in.
- The widescreen fix for the default .ini file settings (HudScaleHeight 0.8) is now made clearer in the settings, rather than just saying 'on'.
- The widescreen fix shortcut command /wsfix will now cycle all 3 options.
- Industrial vehicles can now be scrapped, including vans, trucks, articulated truck cabs, and work vehicles such as Dozer, Flatbed and DFT-30.
- The scrapyard checkpoint no longer instantly stops your vehicle when you enter it.

- Fixed Dealership vehicle list showing vehicles unlocking 2 levels before they did.
- Possible fix for passengers being charged for a driver's Pay 'n' Spray.
- Fixed players being able to keep throwables after throwing them if they enter and exit an interior, due to weapon confiscation.
- Fixed 'Weapon/Ammo Purchased' text overlap in Ammunation gun wall UI when using widescreen fix.
- Fixed 'failed to pay ticket' showing up even after bribing after receiving a ticket.
- Fixed maid mission not able to be started.
- Fixed The Welcome Pump bad safe placement which resulted in the cashier standing above it.
- Fixed Pizzaboy not rewarding money at the end of each delivery round.
- Fixed witness clipping inside phonebox in Jizzy's Palace crime scene investigation job event.
- Fixed players getting stuck if they were frozen, teleported, or had their animations cleared while entering a vehicle.
  - This was most prominent if a player accepted your 1v1 duel invite while you were entering a vehicle.
- The widescreen fix setting (/wsfix) will now also adapt the 'TAZER' text shown when a Tazer is equipped.
- Fixed a bug where if a player re-called their active personal vehicle while it was on fire they could bypass the recovery wait time.
- Fixed an issue that would allow players to use commands before logging in.
- Fixed an issue where players could view every player's crime history before logging in.

Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Merry Christmas!

Revision 1
- Fixed an issue which would cause players to be unable to enter certain properties (they would be stuck in a weird invisible world) if there was a locked vehicle near the property entrance.
- Fixed $gifts quick-string showing incorrect gift count.
- $gifts quick-string now shows total per city.

Revision 2
Possible fixes for gift hunt gifts being unable to be collected.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 10:02:36 pm by Mike »

Offline Dudesdog

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Re: Current Version: 1.14.2 (Christmas Event 2021)
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2021, 11:01:34 pm »
Well done!

Offline franklyn

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Re: Current Version: 1.14.2 (Christmas Event 2021)
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2021, 07:53:02 am »
Amazing Thanx mike u r great and all developer and helpers

Offline Mike

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Current Version: 1.14.2 R1
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2021, 10:41:35 pm »
Revision 1
- Fixed an issue which would cause players to be unable to enter certain properties (they would be stuck in a weird invisible world) if there was a locked vehicle near the property entrance.
- Fixed $gifts quick-string showing incorrect gift count.
- $gifts quick-string now shows total per city.

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • MCNR name: Mike
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Current Version: 1.14.2 R2
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2021, 11:15:02 am »
Revision 2
Possible fixes for gift hunt gifts being unable to be collected.