Author Topic: 1.2.5  (Read 13504 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: October 05, 2019, 10:13:56 pm »

Version 1.2.5

Cop sub-classes:
- SWAT, CIA and FBI cop skins are now separate 'sub-classes' with their own abilities and weapon loadouts.
- SWAT (cop rank 8) can call for Encorcer and SWAT tank vehicles and get an uzi on their default loadout. They also have slightly reduced blip visibility towards suspects.
- FBI (cop rank 4) has even less blip visibility and can call for the FBI truck and FBI rancher.
- CIA (cop rank 6) has much less blip visibility and can call for the unmarked police car.
- Use these classes by simply changing skin at any police department or clothes shop.
- Players that already have these skins set will not lose them.

Bank robbery improvements:
- The bank robbery now has some cool effects when the detonation method of opening the vault is used.
- The door will fall off with an animation rather than instantly.
- Grenades can no longer be used to detonate the vault. Only satchels.
- A satchel will be visibly attached to the vault door with a sound played.
- 'Throwable weapons are forbidden in interiors' will no longer show up.
- Upon exiting the bank, the hideout location name is now shown in the subtitle text at the bottom of the screen.
- Bank robbers can now deliver bank robbery cash sacks if they are in sight of the cops, however not if a cop is within 100 meters. It is no longer based on your evasion status (wanted stars flashing). Nearby cops must not be paused or in the death process.
- Fixed vault guard not doing any damage to players when shooting them.

- The area just to the right of the 4 dragons casino (if looking at it from the front side) now has some decorative objects which Rockstar removed which were present on the PS2 version of the game. Added by MD045 - thanks!
- Entering a player's personal vehicle will now advise the player of whose personal vehicle it is.
- Cops can now instruct nearby cuffed suspects to get in the vehicle (to be escorted to the police station) by pressing N. Auto-arrest is now done by double-tapping N.
- Cop actors in police stations now have dialogue when you press Y to interact with them.
- LSPD roof/parking lot access door is now labelled.

- 'Undercover' police car is now known as 'unmarked'.
- Unmarked police car can now spawn in black/white/grey not just grey.
- Unmarked police car will now allow cops to be visible on the radar from much less distance.
- Cops can no longer uncuff a suspect they did not cuff.
- Skin selection skin ID is no longer shown, it now shows class and skin name.
- Skin selection now applied an animation to the skins when viewing them.
- Cops respawning after locker room skin change now spawn in the locker room rather than at reception.
- Cops spawn info popup reformatted due to long string limit. Separated into two popups.
- Ammo drop price increased from $650 to $1895.
- Securicar mission base payout increased from $1250 to $4500.
- Player to player cash transfers are now limited to $5k per game session. This may be extended to per day.
- Maximum bribe is now $50,000 from $100,000.
- You cannot bribe more than $50,000 in total to/from a player per game session. This may be extended to per day.
- Slightly increased player interaction range.
- Securicar 'Collect the cash from the shopkeeper' - 'shopkeeper' is now red not green to match the radar blip/checkpoint.
- Securicar 'Collected $12345 from [store name]' store name is now the full name e.g. 'Jay's Diner' rather than just the interior type e.g. 'Diner'.
- Trying to exit the Securicar store before collecting the cash from the shopkeeper will still deny exit, but a hint will appear on screen about using /end to end the mission.
- Due to cop XP boosting/farming from a suspect shooting a vehicle, the cop ticketing them and endlessly repeating, XP from issuing and collecting tickets is now limited once per 5 minutes per player.
- Due to cop XP boosting/farming from a cop paroling or bribing a suspect out of jail, suspect punching the cop, cop arresting them again and repeating, cops will no longer get XP or cash for tazing/cuffing/ticketing/arresting etc. a suspect within 5 minutes of accepting a bribe from them or paroling them.
- 'Bribe expired' message changed to 'Bribe offer expired' to avoid confusion.
- Players can no longer bribe the cops while holding a bank robbery bag.
- Players holding the bank robbery bag near the cops with 0 or 1 wanted stars (white or yellow) will now have their wanted level set to 2 and the cops informed.
- You can now type '/bribe [amount]' (or /br for short) to very quickly bribe the closest cop.
- Typing /br(ibe) with no parameters (to open the list of bribable players) will now show a tip in chat regarding parameters.

- Fixed dialog caption text cut-off for transaction history for players with longer names.
- Fixed vehicles being unable to have their windscreens damaged from a player's bullet as it would immediately repair itself (tire popping overwrote windscreen damage even if no tires were popped).
- Added sanity checks against unauthorised vehicle types being registered as personal vehicles.
- Entering a vehicle with a fishing rod will now unequip the fishing rod as intended.
- A message along the lines of 'Your chatroom is set to English' will no longer appear on first spawn when a player's chatroom preference is loaded.
- Admin 'rainbow car' effect should no longer carry over to the next vehicle to take the rainbow car's vehicle ID.
- Ammo drop (/ammo) will no longer allow players to have more throwable (grenades/moltovs/satchels) than the limit (5).
- Vehicle scrapping is now working again. It was temporarily disabled/intentionally broken due to undisclosed money glitches which have since been resolved.
- Fixed issue with the prisoner transport truck/van text/light appearing on other vehicles.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 02:25:09 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

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Re: Current Version - 1.2.5
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2019, 01:45:57 pm »
1.2.5 Revision 1
- Fixed bug where players that purchased high-end vehicles from a vehicle dealership paid for the vehicle but it was not registered as a personal vehicle due to it being 'too valuable'.

Offline Sewer_Rat

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Re: Current Version - 1.2.5
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2019, 02:23:10 am »
Keep doing the great job mate. +1 for the car dealership bug fix

Offline GtaFreak

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Re: Current Version - 1.2.5
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2019, 08:16:19 am »
Nice work :)