Author Topic: 1.14  (Read 16140 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: November 01, 2021, 08:02:35 pm »

Version 1.14

Job event improvements and fixes
Various job events have had improvements and fixes.

- The payout (cash & score) for most events has been increased.
- GPS route now cleared if mission failed.
- A 'mission failed' screen will now show when a job event is failed/cancelled.

[COP] Suspect Chase:
- Was not able to be started at all, completely broken.
- Added variations for SF and LV (2 each) as there were none.
- Fixed missing radar blip on suspect.
- Fixed bad camera angle/timing for failure scenes.
- Fixed bad placement of getaway Jetmax for Ganton to Palomino Creek chase.
- Force the player to stay on-foot for the final foot chase. Explain they must stay on-foot.
- Added clarification on what to do during the final foot chase (get close to the suspect to taze).
- Missing 'job complete' box added.
- Removed 'Chase the suspect' subtitle once you are tazing them.

[COP] Suspect Tail:
- Player weapons no longer temporarily lost when arriving at the start of the tailing section.
- After watching the suspect appear, you're now facing the correct direction to start tailing them.
- Added a bonus cash/score reward for completing without spooking the suspect once.
- You can now get closer without spooking the suspect.
- You can now get further away without 'the suspect is escaping' warnings.

[COP] Crime Scene Investigation (CSI):
- During the foot chase, if the player somehow manages to enter a vehicle, they are now ejected.
- GPS is now automatically set when mission starts.
- Fixed suspect facing angle on bridge in East LS CSI.
- Fixed lack of YES/NO next to 'suspect captured' in mission stats box.

[COP] Stolen Vehicle (Moving)
- Mission was unable to be successfully ended as the suspect could not be captured.
- 'Mission Complete' box with stats will now be shown.
- GPS is now automatically set when mission starts.
- Fixed suspect blip not being the dark red color it should be if they went out of range then came back in range.

[COP] Stolen Vehicle (Parked)
- GPS is now automatically set when mission starts.

[FIRE] Building Fire:
- One new variation has been added per city.
- Labels are now less visible.
- Fixed red map icon showing where to go sometimes pointing high in the sky.
- GPS is now automatically set when mission starts.
- Fixed subtitle that tells player to use a fire extinguisher to say fire truck water cannon.
- This event now has a 10 minute time limit to complete it.
- Random explosions will now occur on the actively burning fires.

- You can now purchase hydraulics at a gas station.
  This allows you to add hyraulics to vehicles not usually possible as they can't enter modshops.
- You can now purchase vehicle wheels at gas stations. All wheels are available, and can be used on any vehicle that supports it.
- Donators can now purchase rainbow neons for vehicles, which change color.
- Added 'Orange' neon color (donator only).
- Added a /setting (Display category) to adapt the server HUD to the 'widescreen fix' mod reduced HUD size (shortcut: /wsfix).
- Safecracking now gives 1 score per thousand dollars taken, previously you got no score for safecracking.
- A working elevator has been added to Emerald Isle parking garage.
- Additional command shortcuts have been added for daily objectives (/dob /objective(s) /daily).
- The Tow Truck now supports neons (donator only).
- /m(edic)rules have been added as an in-game command.

- Job payday amounts have been drastically increased (pretty much doubled for all jobs).
- Many missions and activities' payouts have been significantly increased (some double, some quadrupled).
- Police vehicles now spawn with armour (increased health).
   - Patrol cars (LSPD/SFPD/LVPD), Police Ranger, unmarked/pursuit vehicles: 150% health.
   - FBI Rancher and FBI Truck: 180%.
   - Enforcer and SWAT tank: 200% health.
- SWAT Tank now spawns with super-bullet-resistant tires (was just regular bullet-resistant before).
- Normal cops can now call for an unmarked police car at rank 5 (it was restricted to CIA).
- Players with jobs (cop/medic/fire/mech/prosti) can no longer do the maid mission (except on own property).
- Most wanted players (red names) will no longer have a 'MOST WANTED' label above their head.
- The Mafia Moneybag event now lasts 24 minutes instead of just 12.
- The warning about the Mafia Moneybag and Treasure Hunt events ending soon is now 5 minutes before not 1 minute before.
- Police 'Crime response' checkpoints have been removed. They have been buggy since day 1 and I am sick of trying to fix them. They add nothing of value anyway.
- Score is now given on the Securicar mission for each collection and at the end.
- Securicar briefcase collection animation (in the store) sequence has been shortened.

- Fixed players being able to set their password to 'forgot', which would mess up the login dialog where entering 'forgot' is used to reset your password.
- Fixed first property maid trash pile changing model after second trash pile was created.
- Cops can now clean their own properties (maid mission).
- Changed the stupidly-coded way maid trash piles were loaded, which will hopefully fix missing piles.
- Fixed players being jailed on returning after a server restart if they were near a cop when the server restarted.
- Fixed spammy 'x left the server' messages when server is restarted.
- Fix altimeter setting not hiding altimeter
- Fixed being able to possess NPCs.
- Fixed being able to rob NPCs.
- Fixed being able to offer flowers to NPCs.
- Enabling 'immersion mode' will now also hide the new aircraft altimiter display.
- Altimeter height is now true ground height, not based on sea level.
- Fixed player level/rank display text not reappearing after losing wanted level and wanted stars hidden.
- Maid mission is now cancelled if someone starts robbing the house you are cleaning.
- You can no longer give flowers to players if they already have flowers.
- Trick or treat animations can no longer be skipped by appliyng a different animation.
- Fixed some vehicles being towable when they shouldn't be (e.g. Dozer).
- Fixed player temporary skins (Securicar guard etc.) not being reset on server crash.
- Fixed players being able to try to enter the Securicar while depositing the cash, resulting in animations being cleared.
- If players are somehow able to enter the Securicar during a stage when they are not supposed to, they will be ejected rather than the script telling them to go to the next location.
- Player clothing on arms/hands is now temporarily removed when aiming sniper/camera (was previously just those attached to head).
- Players can no longer change skin while they have a temporary skin set, such as during Securicar.
- Various missions/jobs gave no score. This has been corrected.
- Fixed firefighter skin selection not loading the interior properly.
- Players can no longer ring their own doorbell.
- Fixed players not able to clean own property (maid) outside active city.
- Players were able to change the plate on their vehicle via a mechanic even if the vehicle had no plates.

The following changes/fixes for the 'seasonal event' system were made, however the effects will of course not be shown because Halloween is over. These changes will take effect during the Christmas event in December.

Seasonal (Xmas)
- The Halloween Cauldron now shows how long until you can use it again.
- Removed the ability for players to give Halloween candy to other players.
- Fixed players being able to /possess other players even if they aren't themselves possessed.
- Fixed players being able to /possess themselves.
- Fixed subtitle text 'You have an STD and Food Poisoning' when relogging after possessed (Halloween).

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Fixed an issue where orange/red players could pay tickets and remove their wanted level.
- Fixed an issue where if a player paid their ticket, then gained a wanted level again, they could pay the ticket again without being reissued one.
- Increased range of ticket paying from 10m to 30m.
- The 'widescreen fix' HUD scaling (/wsfix) now shrinks the level display above the weapon hud to avoid overlap.

Revision 2
- Nitro, Hydraulics and Wheels could be purchased from a gas station for certain vehicles even though they were not supported.
  If you were affected by this issue please contact a manager (forums/Discord) for a refund.
- Fixed an issue with rainbow neons hanging the server.
- Gas station 'neons' menu item and others are now greyed out if unavailable.
- The Monster Truck can no longer be purchased by donators.

Revision 3
- Fixed an issue on city change where if a player had the 'HudHeightScale 0.7' widescreen fix setting enabled the next city would fail to load and the server would be stuck between two active cities with nothing loaded for the active city.
- Fixed quad bike mods being available at gas stations but not available.
  If you purchased mods for a quad bike and want a refund please contact a manager.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2021, 06:42:22 pm by Mike »

Offline GtaFreak

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Re: Current version 1.14
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2021, 10:53:39 pm »
reset the economy!

Offline Rivers

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Re: Current version 1.14
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2021, 08:20:14 am »
Cop car HP is lit

Offline Mike

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Current version 1.14 R1
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2021, 03:59:19 pm »
Revision 1
- Fixed an issue where orange/red players could pay tickets and remove their wanted level.
- Fixed an issue where if a player paid their ticket, then gained a wanted level again, they could pay the ticket again without being reissued one.
- Increased range of ticket paying from 10m to 30m.
- The 'widescreen fix' HUD scaling (/wsfix) now shrinks the level display above the weapon hud to avoid overlap.

Offline Dracula

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Re: Current version 1.14
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2021, 06:02:26 pm »
The /wsfix helps alot. Thanks for that.

Offline Mike

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Current version 1.14 R2
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2021, 11:42:55 pm »
Revision 2
- Nitro, Hydraulics and Wheels could be purchased from a gas station for certain vehicles even though they were not supported.
  If you were affected by this issue please contact a manager (forums/Discord) for a refund.
- Fixed an issue with rainbow neons hanging the server.
- Gas station 'neons' menu item and others are now greyed out if unavailable.
- The Monster Truck can no longer be purchased by donators.

Offline Mike

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Current version 1.14 R3
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2021, 08:27:53 pm »
Revision 3
- Fixed an issue on city change where if a player had the 'HudHeightScale 0.7' widescreen fix setting enabled the next city would fail to load and the server would be stuck between two active cities with nothing loaded for the active city.
- Fixed quad bike mods being available at gas stations but not available.
  If you purchased mods for a quad bike and want a refund please contact a manager.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2021, 08:46:03 pm by Mike »