Author Topic: 1.12.1  (Read 13493 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: September 15, 2021, 07:34:41 pm »

Version 1.12.1

Main additions
- Medics can now use /findheal or /findcure to list players that require their services.
  NOTE: Both commands do the same thing. They will find players that either need healing, curing, or both.

Other additions
- /picklotto [NUMBER] can now be used to select a lotto number faster (donator only).

Main changes
- Safe cracking payout is now weighted based on cop ratio.
  Some values are higher, some are lower.
    The payout depends on the revenue of the business.
    For example, premium clothing shop Didier Sachs pays out more than the cheaper Binco clothes shop.
- The amount of ammo given with each purchase in Ammunation has been increased.
  It is generally 2 clips, or 5 ammo for Shotgun/Sniper.

Other changes
- Public service jobs (medic/firefighter) can now open the shutters at police departments by driving up to them.
- Emergency vehicles that aren't cop vehicles can now open the police department shutters (e.g. an Ambulance).
- Dumpster dive reward chance values adjusted for better rewards and less STDs.
- Dumpster dive can now give weapons and ammo.
- Players can no longer see player reporting action logs (/actions).

Main fixes
- Fixed spawnpoints for Dwayne Island and Angel Pine sometimes beings swapped.
- Fixed the script thinking players in 1v1 duels were in certain shops/stores.
- Fixed players being accused of crimes (shooting/attacking/aiming etc.) at the very split second a 1v1 duel ends.
- Fixed global stats for Decathlon completions not increasing.
- Fixed players being able to do things such as join missions and change vehicle licence plates during a test drive.
- Fixed missing cashier speech when robbing clothing stores if audio plugin not present.
- Fixed an issue where if a player attempts to exit a vehicle that is moving slowly while they are in passenger drive-by mode,
  they exit drive-by mode but then cannot re-enter drive-by mode until they exit and re-enter the vehicle.
- Fixed /vcolor donator command re-buying previously bought dealership vehicle.
- Fixed player animations being reset when falling off a bike or taking fall damage.
- Fixed players falling through Dwayne Island dock area when exiting Bait Shop.
- Fixed Caddy vehicles falling through Dwayne Island dock area.

Other fixes
- Fixed duplicated 'scared cashier' speech sound when cracking safe in clothes shops.
- Moved fire exintguisher pickup away from safe inside well stacked pizza interior.
- More transformers will now give an electric shock when you get on top of them.
- Fixed dealership vehicle list showing corrupted text for locked vehicles.
- Fixed players being teleported down to bank vault if entered the bank at the exact moment the bank robbery reset.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
« Last Edit: October 11, 2021, 01:26:05 am by Mike »

Offline M3E6

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Re: Current version: 1.12.1
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2021, 12:38:09 am »
Fixed some things but then broke other things. This update number is cursed tbh. I'm convinced.

Offline syairgans

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Re: Current version: 1.12.1
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2021, 05:58:42 am »
Fixed some things but then broke other things. This update number is cursed tbh. I'm convinced.