Author Topic: 1.0.4  (Read 13547 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: April 26, 2019, 08:44:24 pm »
The Securicar mission has been disabled until various issues and potential exploits in it have been investigated and resolved.

The strip club private dance room has been disabled also until it can be fixed.


- When robbing the bank, you can now select which hideout to take the cash to. If playing in a team you could communicate with each other regarding which hideout to go to (same or split up).
- Bank robbery vault hack now shows completion time.
- Bank robbery vault hack 'best time' stat added to player stats ('Record' category).
- Cops can now pick up bank robbery cash bags and recover them for a bonus.
- Bait shops now sell lottery tickets.

- Disabled fishing rod and bait in bait shop menu as it is a future feature and has no use as of yet.
- Reduced frequency of 'Event needs more participants' annoucement.
- Reduced number of property driveway vehicles created.
- Players must now be cuffed before they can be arrested.
- Players can now enter vehicles while the first spawn tutorial popups are still being shown.

- Fixed an issue with the 'Distance travelled' achievements where the values for final bonus score and cash were mixed up and players were being awarded 25,000 score and $100.
- Fixed bank robbery cash bag still being attached to player after death/arrest.
- Fixed players being able to pick up a dropped bank robbery cash bag immediately after being arrested (during arrest scene).
- Fixed t-shirt map icons (clothes shops) being stuck on radar from previous player using the same player ID. Was a leftover from post-spawn tutorial popups.
- Hopefully fixed any remaining issues with bank robbery failing to reset after robbery.
- Fixed 'Exit the bank' subtitle text being shown to player when picking up a dropped bank robbery cash bag outside the bank.
- Fixed bug where changing the number plate on a personal vehicle got the player stuck with a black screen.
- Fixed bug where changing the number plate on a personal vehicle didn't save to the database.
- Fixed an issue where every vehicle on the server became inaccessible ('Vehicle being used for a mission') if any player was playing the cop job event 'tail'.
- Fixed a server crash caused by mission clean-up destroying mission vehicle and mission-fail-on-vehicle-destroy causing infinite loop.
- Fixed phone mission 'steal vehicle' not destroying vehicle on clean-up or success.
- Fixed players' ability to move during stunt challenge cutscenes.
- Fixed duplicate description for 'cash you robbed from others' and 'cash others robbed from you' stats.
- Fixed issue with post-spawn tutorial popups able to be shown multiple times.
- Resetting intro/tutorials no longer possible while intro/tutorials active.
- Disabled a number of anti-cheat measures that were producing false-positive detections.
- Fixed missing bank icon for Palomino Creek bank.
- Fixed black screen after train trip skip.
- Increased loading time for interiors to try and mitigate falling issues.
- Fixed issue where recovering a destroyed personal vehicle spawned the vehicle on fire and it exploded.
- Accepting a cop bribe now removes cuffs.
- Players robbing the bank are no longer ejected at closing time.
- Fixed airport gate guard speech being heard by all players regardless of proximity.
- Fixed foodstand robbery speech being heard by all players regardless of proximity.
- Disabled vehicle break-in for Forklift and Bandito (no doors).

- /whois now correctly displays a player's detected cheat flags.
- Fixed an issue where you would have to use the spectate command twice in order to spectate a player if near another player.
- Re-enabled auto-banning for anti-cheat. False positives should be at a minimum. Cheat detections required for ban increased to 10.

- Added a mention about spawn-killing to rules.
- Score earned is now logged in the database for auditing purposes.

Thanks to all the beta testers for their help identifying issues and testing fixes!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2019, 10:32:32 pm by Mike »