Author Topic: Update 1.2  (Read 21084 times)

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Offline Mike

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Update 1.2
« on: September 16, 2019, 06:42:17 am »

Version 1.2

Boomboxes are now available!

- Purchase a boombox at any 24/7 or general store. Type '/gps store' in-game to have your GPS take you there.
- Boomboxes are stored in your inventory. You can hold a single boombox.
- Access your inventory and select the boombox to equip it,     or type /boombox.
- Crouch to place a held boombox on the ground at any place you desire.
- Crouch in front of your boombox to control it:
  - Set the volume
  - Set the music genre (currently pop,     rap,     country and electronic,     with more to come in the future)
  - Pick up and move boombox
- NOTE: The boombox's audio functionality requires the audio plugin. See to download (takes less than a minute). Native SA-MP audio streaming functionality was not working as intended.

Police 10-codes
Type a 10-code for example '10-4' in chat and it will be changed to the meaning of the 10-code e.g. 10-4 (Affirmative). See /10codes or /tencodes for a list.

Chat quick strings
Type various dollar-prefixed tags in chat and they will be replaced with the information. For example $loc will be replaced with your location so you can say 'I'm in $loc' and it will reflect where you are. See /quickstrings (/qs) for a list.

Donator chat colors
Donators and staff can now use color embedding in chat messages. Colors must be enclosed in angled brackets (<FF0000>). Colors can be 6-digit hex values e.g. <FF0000> for red or some basic color names e.g. <red>. Text that follows will be that color. For example 'Hello,     my name is <red>Mike<white>,     what's yours?' - 'Mike' will be red,     the rest will be white.

We reward donators with various extras in-game as a thank you for helping to support MCNR. We currently take PayPal donations,     you can find out more here,     including what bonuses are awarded:

Job radio improvements
    - Long job radio messages will now wrap down onto a second line. The new 10-codes,     quick-strings and chat color embedding means messages will be longer so this was required. Every color code used requires 8 characters but they aren't shown in the text,     but they still take up the room.
    - Job radio now reflects player color (darker = higher rank).
    - Job radio messages now wrap down to the next line if too long.
    - Cop radio messages now show player rank title.

Here is an example of the new job radio look,     using a combination of doantor chat colors,     quick-strings and 10-codes:

Also new...
- Low level cops are now shown hints when approaching suspects with different wanted levels explaining what to do (ticket/cuff/arrest etc.).
- Added Vodka,     Whisky and Rum to bar/club drinks menu. Increases drunk level faster.
- Sniper aim sway now affects country rifle also.
- Throwable weapons (grenades and moltovs) are no longer allowed in interiors.
- Police /backup (/bk) command now shows direction and distance to respond to.
- Player /info location now shows distance in addition to direction.
- Surrendering will now automatically execute '/me surrenders'.
- Added idle animations. Every 15 seconds players that don't move will play idle animations. These can be easily cancelled by pressing any key or moving. They can be turned off in /settings (player category). This setting extends to this feature from existing car idle hand tap animation setting.
- You can now disable the /whisper and /shout animation via /settings (under gameplay settings).
- Players will now drop the last cash they robbed from a player when they die. Any player can collect it.
- Players can now reply to an admin PM with /apm [message].
- Players with applicable jobs can now request a job event at any time through the interaction menu 'Job abilities' (now renamed to 'Job menu'). You can also use /jobevent.
- You can now buy vodka,     whisky and rum at bars and the liquor store which increase your drunk level faster.

- Clubs now stay open an extra hour until 6am.
- You can now rob a different player sooner.
- Firefighter colors changed. Ranks now represented by darker colors.
- When a cop cuffs a suspect,     the suspect will now face away from the cop,     so the cop facing the suspect looks like they are actually cuffing the suspect.
- To combat cop XP boosting,     cops will no longer get XP for cuffing/arresting a suspect that they bribed out of jail.
- Typing an invalid command will now show that invalid command.
- /stats now has an option to view your achievements.
- The 'elbow' fighting style has been removed due to the inability of victims to break free from attackers.
- 'In jail' radar location text now shows which city PD you are in.
- Medics no longer get XP for healing a player they damaged recently.
- Players can no longer crouch while cuffed (it breaks the cuffedanimation).
- Players must now be much more drunk to pass out. When they pass out they will drop into revival mode instead of dying instantly.
- Players can no longer join missions/events etc. while holding a bank obbery bag.
- When exiting the bank after robbing it,     players will no longer be presented with a dialog to select the hideout. It will be chosen randomly. You can still change it with /hideout. This is to help robbers avoid being arrested/killed as soon as they exit the bank.
- Cops can no longer cuff a suspect right after they enter/exit an interior.
- Fish sell menu 'Sell all' option is now at the bottom. Shows total weight also.
- When a fish is sold the weight is now mentioned in chat.
- Player 'pending messages' now shown 5 seconds after first spawn to prevent them being lost in chat.
- 24/7 and general store menu organised into sub-menus.
- Job radio messages will now be visible to any and all players within a short distance (as if they could hear your voice).
- Police dispatch crime reports are now visible to medics and firefighters.
- All public service radios (cop/medic/fire) are shared between all public service personnell. For example medics and firefighters can now see the cop radio and vice versa. Helps with coordination.
- When a cop responds to a crime report (checkpoint),     all crime report checkpoints within a short distance will be removed (you can only respond to one crime in an area). For example if 8 people rob the bank,     you would enter 8 checkpoints outside the bank.
- Crime response checkpoints are no longer shown to cops already within the vicinity.
- Crime response checkpoints now show suspect's direction (N/S/E/W) and distance (km).
- 'You are now a police officer' guide popup now properly explains keybinds for shout/ticket/taze/cuff/arrest.
- Player robbery (pickpocketing) is now much less successful if the target is not stationary.
- Player robbery cash value is now limited to 50% of the target's total cash - it will never leave them with nothing.
- Player robbery cash value is now based on server cop to criminal ratio.
- Selecting 'Bribe nearby officers' in jail menu will now show cops from a further distance.
- Chainsaw nerf! The chainsaw now does considerably less damage and will also 'reload' after 3 seconds of use to prevent victims being unable to escape from it.
- Some achievements that take a lot of time/effort have had their rewards increased.
- Command list (/cmds) updated to reflect new commands.
- Robbery and attempted robbery now worth less wanted level points. An innocent player will not become orange (2 stars) but yellow (1 star).
- Static vehicles now respawn after 10 minutes not 15 to try and avoid vehicle clutter in busy areas which can lead to players' games crashing.
- All players will now have 3 seconds of invulnerability on spawn.
- Extended c-bug detection to time-based system. If you shoot two desert eagle bullets too too close together without a long enough gap (depending on set weapon skill),     the shot will be denied.
- Shortened a lot of /settings setting names and descriptions to lessen effects of it going off-screen for players with low resolution displays.
- The boundaries around the edge of the San Andreas map have been xtended so that players can now go further out to sea.

- Fixed cops only being offered 'Tail suspect' job event. There are 6 events available and unfortunately only one has been in use for months!
- Cop tail job event NPC now has a dark red blip to match the on-screen instruction. Other players will see no blip.
- Fixed event (e.g. Decathlon) not starting if all players on the server joined.
- Fixed two players being able to do money rush mission at the same time,     causing dollar sign pickups to persist after the mission.
- Fixed stat for 'Total income' and therefore related achievement 'Moneyman'.
- Fixed stat for 'Total distance swimmed' and therefore related achievement 'Wetwork'.
- Fixed bug where chat messages that were truncated onto a second line may have the final character cut off.
- Fixed a SA-MP bug where if a player's skin is set while they are walking/running/punching,     they can become frozen to other players.
- Player stat for record time for hacking bank vault door is now working.
- Players dying from 'shot by bank guard' after leaving bank and being killed by another player fixed.
- Potentially fixed players being arrested/taken to jail randomly when no cops nearby.
- Fixed issue with player screen fading stuck (black screen bug).
- Prevented players from having minus money as a result of casino gambling.
- Fixed runtime error when a vehicle hits a player and the 'attacking' vehicle had a passenger but no driver. The server tried to accuse the non-existant driver of hit and run.
- Fixed issue where when a medic heals a player from an Ambulance the vehicle turns to face the player. This should be for on-foot only.
- Fixed players dying when landing with a parachute due to CJ animation being applied by the game upon landing. There is CJ anim cheat detection which kills players that use the CJ running animations which are only obtainable through cheats.
- 'You are now a police officer' guide popup no longer shown after police rules viewed.
- Player invulerability when entering/exiting interiors fixed. It was making the shooter invulnerable,     not the target.
- Fixed medic CPR job event inaccessible patient on the pirate ship in LV.
- Player 'last location' for respawn after quitting no longer saved inside modshops or pay 'n' spray garages (player will be stuck inside the garage).
- Fixed a bug where if a cop responded to a crime report by entering the checkpoint and there was another checkpoint in the same position,     the second one might be claimed but not disappear.
- Fixed 'PM not sent as someone else messasged you recently' message showing when it shouldn't in /(r)eply.
- Fixed an exploitable bug where a medic could continually heal players while their health was already regenerating,     gaining extra score and cash.
- Fixed 'Waiting for player to accept/reject service' message persisting after service offer cancelled due to distance.
- Fixed GTA/SA-MP bug where players could become frozen (to themselves and possibly others) when their skin was changed while running/punching/jumping etc.).
- Fixed a bug where if a player modifies their vehicle in a modshop then quits before spending any more cash,     the cash would return into their wallet.
- Fixed jail sentence/bail not displaying in jail if the Securicar is active.
- Added detection for SA-MP bug where players appear dead on the floor but can still walk/shoot. Shooting them won't damage them,     but this is detected and they will be re-synced automatically.

I'd like to apologise for not bringing any updates to the server for a while. I had some other stuff to work on and a few things in this update which may look simple from the outside required a lot of behind-the-scenes work to get them working. Instead of updating the server with half-finished features I wanted to get everything I was currently working on finished and release a slightly larger update.

Thanks for your patience and continued support.

P.S. I thought now would be a good time to remind changelog readers that we are looking for moderators and beta testers to join the MCNR team! Click the image below to find out more and apply!

Revision 1

- A popup is now shown to all players on first spawn regarding the forum. It can be turned off in /settings (display).
- /players now shows player colors e.g. blue for cops etc.

- Time required to reduce wanted level when out of range of the cops reduced slightly - you can evade cops faster.
- Money bag and treasure hunt 'ending soon' message now shows to type /moneybag or /TH for more info.
- Name change dialogs no longer say 'Must not be an existing account' - this was left over from when /changename was able to be used by players which it no longer can.
- Lowriders as static vehicles now only have a 1 in 3 chance of spawning with hydraulics rather than 100%.
- /rules now mentions /coprules.

- Added detection for a bug where a player appears dead to other players and cannot be damaged. Player will be automatically re-synced.
- Fixed jail sentence/bail not displaying in jail if Securicar was active when jailed.
- Fixed Securicar mission not failing if the Securicar respawned.
- Fixed player rank in cop radio messages showing the rank before yours.
- Fixed cop backup (/backup /bk) dispatch message showing to all players and string being corrupt.
- Fixed cop backup (/backup /bk) limiter not working (was disabled for testing).

Revision 2
The beta public service offence (PSO) system has been badly received, with many players getting warnings, weapons confiscated and XP deducted for accidentally attacking the wrong players.

The PSO system still stands, however PSOs will no longer be automatically issued upon attacking another player. Instead, damage will simply be ignored against these players and their vehicles. As a cop you will only be able to attack a vehicle if it's unoccupied or it contains orange/red suspects.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 02:25:06 pm by Mike »

Offline Treba

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Re: Current version: Update 1.2
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2019, 07:13:51 am »
Finally <3
Please stop +REP'ing me. I already know I'm most authoritative here

Offline Mike

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Re: Current version: Update 1.2 Revision 1
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2019, 08:51:04 am »
1.2 Revision 1

- A popup is now shown to all players on first spawn regarding the forum. It can be turned off in /settings (display).
- /players now shows player colors e.g. blue for cops etc.

- Time required to reduce wanted level when out of range of the cops reduced slightly - you can evade cops faster.
- Money bag and treasure hunt 'ending soon' message now shows to type /moneybag or /TH for more info.
- Name change dialogs no longer say 'Must not be an existing account' - this was left over from when /changename was able to be used by players which it no longer can.
- Lowriders as static vehicles now only have a 1 in 3 chance of spawning with hydraulics rather than 100%.
- /rules now mentions /coprules.

- Added detection for a bug where a player appears dead to other players and cannot be damaged. Player will be automatically re-synced.
- Fixed jail sentence/bail not displaying in jail if Securicar was active when jailed.
- Fixed Securicar mission not failing if the Securicar respawned.
- Fixed player rank in cop radio messages showing the rank before yours.
- Fixed cop backup (/backup /bk) dispatch message showing to all players and string being corrupt.

Offline Funtastic Power

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Re: Current version: Update 1.2
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2019, 09:15:08 am »
This huge update is worth the wait, damn love your work mike! Here a +rep

Offline Rockstarboi

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Re: Current version: Update 1.2
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2019, 11:41:51 am »
was good update , thanks for the hardwork mike :)

Offline Nick_Chester

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Re: Current version: Update 1.2
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2019, 12:04:51 pm »
Really impressive work. Good job, Mike!

Offline Mike

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Re: Current version: Update 1.2 Revision 2
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2019, 12:13:07 pm »
Revision 2
The beta public service offence (PSO) system has been badly received, with many players getting warnings, weapons confiscated and XP deducted for accidentally attacking the wrong players.

The PSO system still stands, however PSOs will no longer be automatically issued upon attacking another player. Instead, damage will simply be ignored against these players and their vehicles. As a cop you will only be able to attack a vehicle if it's unoccupied or it contains orange/red suspects.

Offline PARTH

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Re: Current version: Update 1.2
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2019, 02:05:27 pm »
Great job mike superb  update keep up the good work

Offline RoboKill

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Re: Current version: Update 1.2
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2019, 02:45:45 pm »
Great work as always Mike! Thanks for the update it's definitely worth the wait.

Offline codeshadow

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Re: Current version: Update 1.2
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2019, 05:16:10 pm »
That is a big update. I like the new features. Thank you Mike.

Offline Uncle Mega

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Re: Current version: Update 1.2
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2019, 09:31:49 pm »
The awesome update really fills the empty spots there!