Author Topic: 1.10.6  (Read 14679 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: May 16, 2021, 07:16:19 pm »

Version 1.10.6

You can now save clothing 'outfits'! This will save all your currently worn clothes into a 'clothing set' which can be re-worn later.
- You can save up to 5 different outfits.
- Visit any clothes shop counter to do this.
- Donators can use /outfit to do this from any location.

- Medics, mechanics and prostitutes can now use /customer to see a list of players that have recently requested their services.
  Selecting a player will inform them you are enroute and will set your GPS.
- There is now a 'runner up' prize in lotto. A second number is drawn and the winner will get 10% of the jackpot.
- Lotto jackpot now shown in /lotto.
- All vehicle tires will now pop when gas tank is exploded.
- Added on-screen alert message when a player attempts to rob you but is unsuccessful.
- Attempted robbery crime now includes victim name for crime history.
- If, when buying a vheicle from a dealership, you replace an existing personal vehicle, you now get a 75% refund.
- Cops can now see a player's direction and speed when using /loc(ate), helping them intercept suspects.
- Drinking a bottle of water will now clear your swaying screen when respawning after death. Stay hydrated!
- You now have a bottle in your hand when drinking a bottle of water.
- Viewing tire health (/tires or /tirehealth) will now show what level of bullet-proof tire (if any) you have.
- When viewing tire health (/tires or /tirehealth), they are now color coded.
  - Green = Max health
  - Yellow = Not max health
  - Red = Popped
- You can now take down a helicopter faster by shooting the rotors (at the base).
  - It works the same as shooting a gas tank, there's a chance percentage apart from Sniper which is 100%.
  - Subject to change based on community feedback.
- A 'pick up' animation is now applied when collecting armour and cash drops.
- You can now use /rb as a shortcut for /rob. (If you're a cop it's a shortcut for roadblock)

- Blueberry Liquor Store icon changed from Store to Bar.
- Players that have 'Closest job spawn' set as their respawn location will no longer respawn there
  if they were killed nearby it. Instead they will respawn at the 2nd closest job spawn.
- Treasure hunt clue cam can no longer be viewed if you have a bounty and there are players nearby.
- Treasure hunt clue cam can no longer be viewed if you have a wanted level and there are cops nearby.
- Reduced delay between finding second treasure hunt clue and next clue reveal.
- Medics can no longer heal downed players, and instead must perform CPR.
- Service (active or offer) is now cancelled when a player is downed.
- The maximum amount you can rob from a player has been increased from $10k to $50k, subject to change based on community feedback.
- /loc(ate) will now shown your own location if you type it with no parameters or put your own ID/name.
- Increased the amount of ammo you can reclaim from the weapon locker from 2 clips to 5.

- Fixed inability to open personal vehicle menu if you have no personal vehicles but have a job vehicle active.
- Fixed inability to store/summon etc. job vehicle as the script thinks you don't have an active vehicle.
- Fixed location text under radar for police station being darker blue for internal police station location than external police station location.
- Fixed favourite personal vehicles spawning at coordinates 0, 0, 0 upon spawn if there is latency.
- Players can no longer bypass the jail breakout cooldown by relogging.
- Players can no longer bypass the vehicle scrapping cooldown by relogging.
- Fixed dropping Shovel with /dropweapon not removing from player's weapons.
- Fixed Doherty gas station objects not showing on Mechanic spawn selection screen.
- Fixed various sounds playing for all virtual worlds. For example a cop firing a tazer inside one Ammunation would be heard from within a different Ammunation.
- The default fight style 'normal' has been removed due to desync. The default fight style is now 'grabkick'.
  Some players' saved fight styles may have changed. You will not have to relearn them, just change back with /fightstyle.
- Potential fix for treasure hunt clue boxes not being able to be picked up.
- Fixed vehicle engine/tire repair sometimes not working due to script thinking player is no longer looking at vehicle.
- Fixed S.W.A.T tires not able to be shot (it would just damage the engine).
- Fixed S.W.A.T tank not recognised as a police vehicle.
- Modshop paint color change will no longer repair tires or change vehicle health (was also decreasing vehicle health to 1000 if armour was added).
- Firefighter 'building fire' job event no longer allows player to put out more than 2 fires at once by positioning oneself perpendicular to the fires.
- Fixed for a potential bug where cops coulod get a wanted level if they damaged a player during death (e.g. they throw a grenade then die,
  and while they're respawning the grenade does damage, and in that moment the player isn't seen as a cop).
- Fixed selling individual vehicle mods at a gas station not giving correct price, and giving $100 instead.
- Fixed selling all vehicle mods including a paintjob at a gas station not giving the money for the paintjob, just the mods.
- Potential fix for sniper reload animation not working in certain situations.
- Fixed tire max health sometimes showing as '0' for standard non-bullet-resistant tires (should be 5).
- Fixed desync issue between tire health and tire damage (e.g. tires could be popped but health was not 0).
- Fixed service tip prompt not showing automatically.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Fixed Treasure Hunt third clue camera not working.
- Reverted maximum player robbery cap to $10k (what was I smoking?!).
« Last Edit: July 10, 2021, 10:54:08 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current version: 1.10.6 R1
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2021, 09:55:06 pm »
Revision 1
- Fixed Treasure Hunt third clue camera not working.
- Reverted maximum player robbery cap to $10k (what was I smoking?!).

Offline howl

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Re: Current version: 1.10.6 R1
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2021, 09:57:46 pm »
Revision 1
- Reverted maximum player robbery cap to $10k (what was I smoking?!).
[23:39:22] The $41667 you stole from trappa (69) has been dropped.