Author Topic: 1.10.1  (Read 11686 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: April 27, 2021, 10:32:01 pm »

Version 1.10.1

- Added a new Sweeper mission in Ocean Flats, San Fierro (there were none in SF, only Angle Pine and Bayside which are miles away).
- Added new Sweeper missions in Fort Carson and Come-a-Lot in Las Venturas (there was only one Sweeper mission in Las Venturas - Prickle Pine).
- Added diner entrance in Fort Carson.
- Line/catch info now shown in corner of screen when fishing.
- Added a 5 second cooldown for picking up bank robbery bag if recently attacked.
- Players are now informed when their report is responded to, and what the response was.
- Your active/favourite/recent personal vehicle is now spawned nearby when you respawn, not just on first spawn.
- You can now type /activity in Discord #bot-commands to view your in-game activity on a monthly basis for the last 12 months.
- The script version is now shown in the 'Rules' list in the SA-MP server browser.
  - It will still be shown in the hostname except for when special events are active.

- Added 2 more player slots to compensate for the 2 new intro tutorial NPCs that take up 2 slots.
- Lottery jackpot boosted. Initial jackpot increased from $100k to $200k. Daily rollover addition increased from $10k to $15k.
- You can no longer simply pay to repair the engine of a personal vehicle at 0% engine health, you must pay the usual recovery fee.
- Los Santos Ocean Docks GPS destination adjusted to the boating checkpoint
- The current city is no longer randomised after a server restart - it will load the next city (e.g. on an end-of-week script update restart).
- Sandstorm/foggy weather is now temporarily removed when viewing treasure hunt clue cam.
- Added stronger c-bug/slide bug warnings on-screen.
- Trashmasters will no longer be eligible for towing if stolen, only if damaged.
- Price paid for selling fish has been decreased by approximately one third.
- The MP5 has had a slight damage buff at close and medium range, to make it a viable alternative to the Tec-9/Uzi.
- Reduced 'Cannot heal when recently attacked' and other similar cooldowns from 15 seconds to 10.

- Fixed players being able to sell stolen vehicles via vehicle management for 75% - it's now 1% (scrapyard will give you 5% as usual).
- Fixed players being able to sell stolen vehicles via vehicle management bypassing the scrapyard limit.
- Potential bug for players' achievements being reset (although the server would re-unlock them all because your stats remain the same, resulting in you getting rewarded again).
- Fixed some map collision fixes not working (objects only streaming in at VERY close distance). Blocked some more.
- Fixed players being able to repair Seasparrow at airport checkpoint repeatedly even when it has its health at 50% (max).
- Reduced sensitivity of combat shotgun c-bug detection.
- Fixed a bug where if /rpv vehicle was not recoverable, clicking 'Ok' showed a blank list of vehicles.
- Fixed ability to use /rpv while a vehicle was already being delivered not cancelling it.
- Fixed personal vehicle recovery dialog text cut off for donators.
- Fixed mechanic tow combo not reset on vehicle exit.
- Fixed bad calculation in code for detecting if a player is on the water's surface.
- Water supply drops now work north of Sherman Dam.
- Fixed garbled text in audio plugin popup.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Fixed all fish caught being 0.0lbs.
- Fixed 'You do not have the audio plugin' popup overlapped text.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 11:26:35 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current Version: 1.10.1 R1
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2021, 12:48:14 am »
Revision 1
- Fixed all fish caught being 0.0lbs.
- Fixed 'You do not have the audio plugin' popup overlapped text.