Author Topic: 1.10 (2nd anniversary)  (Read 26165 times)

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Offline Mike

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1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« on: April 22, 2021, 12:29:45 am »

Version 1.10

The 22nd of April marks the second anniversary of MCNR which launched on the 22nd of April 2019. In the last two years we've seen a lot of additions, changes, and improvements in the script. This update is the first in a few months as life has been very busy and finding time to dedicate to MCNR has been difficult, however it's finally here! Please have a read through the changelog below, and any feedback is very welcome!

Personal boats and aircraft
Personal boats and aircraft can now be purchased! This has been a feature that has been requested multiple times over the last 2 years and I'm happy to finally have it added.

You can buy these vehicles at the following locations in the active city only:
- Los Santos: LS airport for aircraft, Ocean Docks for boats.
- San Fierro: SF airport for aircraft, Easter Basin for boats.
- Las Venturas: LV airport for aircraft, south dock for boats.

When requested, they will spawn in at the nearest available boat/aircraft spawning location after a few seconds, unless that clashes with an existing vehicle already there.

Personal vehicle management
The personal vehicle system has had a bit of a facelift in various ways.
- The two Interaction Menu items 'Request personal vehicle' and 'Restore personal vehicle' have now merged into one, with many more options:
   - Request personal vehicle
   - Manage personal vehicles (sell, move between garages, modify, repair and more)
   - Return your active personal vehicle to storage
   - Summon active vehicle to your location
   - Eject all occupants in your active vehicle
   - Lock/unlock your active personal vehicle
   - Locate (GPS) your active personal vehicle
- You can now mark one of your personal vehicles as 'favourite'. It will spawn nearby when you join the server (can be disabled in settings).
- If you quit the server with a personal vehicle active, it will spawn nearby upon your return (can be set to favourite only in settings).
- Added /vehicle /veh /v to quickly access the personal vehicle menu.
- Added /rpv to quickly request a personal vehicle.
  - If you have an active personal vehicle, it will summon it.
  - If not, and you have marked one of your vehicles as 'favourite', it will request that one.
  - If you have no active vehicle and no favourite is set, it will show the list.
- Vehicle health status (engine/tires/fuel) now shown in personal vehicle request list.
- You can see a detailed breakdown of your vehicles' damage/fuel etc. status via the 'Manage personal vehicles' menu option.
- You can now repair, refuel, transfer, sell and more your personal vehicles while they are still in storage with the 'Manage personal vehicles' menu option.
- You can now give your keys to a player and they will be able to drive all your personal vehicles without hotwiring or a wanted level.
  - This is currently temporary and does not save if either player quits. Key status saving may be added in the future if enough people want it.
  - To give a player the keys to your personal vehicle, use /givekeys (/gk) or press Y to interact with a player while looking at them.
  - Use /takekeys to take keys back (don't need to be close).
  - Use /keys to list keys you have shared with others and keys others have shared with you.
- You can now request a personal vehicle while inside your active one (you will be ejected and it will be destroyed) or while a personal vehicle is in the process of being delivered (it will be cancelled).
- Once you have a boat/aircraft, you can customise its color, refuel it, repair it and even sell it at the same place you purchased it.
- When a personal vehicle is requested, it now checks if there is already a vehicle in the spot where it is trying to spawn the vehicle.
  If there's a vehicle there it will check the opposite side of the road or use the middle.
- You can now return your personal vehicle to storage even if you are inside it. It will simply eject you.
- When attempting to recover a destroyed personal vehicle, if it cannot be restored yet, pressing 'Back' on the dialog will now take you back to your personal vehicle list.

New personal vehicle menu, with more control and info

New personal vehicle status display

New personal vehicle request menu with boats and aircraft

Vehicle status display on request/manage menu

Personal vehicle management menu

Other additions
- Added 'Rodeo' as a LS spawn point (near LS bank).
- Added lights to supply drop plane.
- Cops can now request a Predator boat supply drop on water.
- Cops will now get full tazer ammo refilled from the ammo/weapon/mega supply drop bundles. Weapon/mega drop will give the tazer also if not already owned.
- Taxi drivers now get automatic GPS destination set to a player when accepting a fare.
- Added a 5-second cooldown for interior enter/exit.
- Engine repair will now show progress bar.
- You can now find a nearby property for sale in-game, simply type /findhouse or /buyhouse.
- You can now type /activity (or /myactivity for staff) to view your own monthly activity time.
- Discord Nitro boosters will now get $2,000 in-game cash each day they boost the MCNR Discord server!
  - To be eligible for the daily bonus, you must have linked your in-game and Discord account (/verify) and have logged into the server in the last 7 days.
  - There is no way to detect how many boosts you have given the server. It's only possible to detect if you boosted or didn't.
  - The bonus will be paid in at midnight GMT/UTC each day, even if you are offline.

Some improvements to the intro tutorial
  - Minor improvements to camera angles, cinematics, sequence timing at start of tutorial.
  - Heists now advertised as a 'future feature' to not mislead new players.
  - Bank robbery tutorial added.
  - Additional info in certain places, such as game week explanation on active city popup.

Referral system improvements
  - The referring player no longer gets a cash bonus as soon as the referred player verifies their referral code.
  - Every 10th level the player reaches, the player that referred them will receive a cash bonus ($10,000 each 10 levels, $550k in total if they reach level 100!).
  - You can check who referred you by typing /referred.
  - You can check who you have referred by typing /referred.
  - Old referrals will unfortunately not be eligible for this new cash bonus, and will not appear in the list.
  - New players cannot verify a referral code until they have played for 1 hour, to reduce people abusing the system.
  - Referral codes can no longer be claimed after 24 hours of consecutive play time.
- Players are now limited to purchasing 10 scratchcards per game week to stop abuse.
- After using a scratchcard, the scratchcard menu is now reopened rather than the parent store menu.

Mechanic towing improvements
   - Added help popups.
   - Increased rewards, including distance and combo bonuses.
   - Now shows total vehicles left to tow on the entire server.
   - You no longer have to drive into the gas station checkpoint, just enter the gas station area.
   - Now shows vehicle model preview in bottom-right corner (can be toggled).
   - Tow truck lights now automatically activated when a vehicle is towed.
   - Target vehicle objective is now cancelled if it's destroyed, and system won't locate destroyed vehicles.
   - If vehicle to be towed objective is cancelled (got destroyed, someone entered it, someone else towed it etc.) you'll now be alerted to this on-screen, not just chat, and gps will be cleared.
- GPS destination icon now reflects destination type instead of standard 'waypoint' icon, e.g. if you set GPS to burger shot you'll see a burger shot icon at the destination.
  For example if you set a waypoint to a police station it will show the police station icon at the edge of the radar as your destination.
- Medics and Firefighters can no longer enter police pursuit/undercover vehicles.

Seasparrow balancing
- The Seasparrow will now spawn with 50% health. This allows people to have more chance to take it down.
- The Seasparrow can be repaired at an airport, but only up to 50%.
- Helicopters, including the Seasparrow, can no longer use the gas station options, notably to add vehicle armour.
- The Seasparrow will now use 4 times the amount of fuel when flying (2x when idling). This means it can't be used for extended periods of time without going to refuel.

Other changes
- Slight increase to bank cashier holdup payout to make it a bit more worthwhile.
- Money bag event reward is now based on players online. Much higher payouts at $1000 per player online plus a random amount between $0 and $5,000.
- Trucking mission will no longer fail if you exit the vehicle. This allows you to refuel, go into a shop etc. as long as you complete the delivery in the allocated time.

- Fixed bug in SAMP (valstr function) that could cause the server to freeze/hang if a specific value was used (cellmin).
- Fixed players with jobs (mechanic/prostitute) not showing correct wanted level color upon (re)spawning.
- Personal vehicles had the possibility to spawn far above or below the player's height e.g. on a bridge overhead or a parking lot down below.
- Fixed bugs allowing players to hold more than 1 Molotov. Excess ammo removed from all players.
- Possible fix for shooting range persisting target objects.
- Fixed many runtime errors (script crashes).
- Fixed bug where cops could see crime reports for players in the PD if they accepted a property invite from the PD.
- Fixed hundreds of 'nodes' on road paths being under ground or incorrectly positioned (Rockstar mistakes).
    This could cause personal vehicles to fail to spawn in specific locations or result in GPS arrows under the road.
- Fixed property owners being able to pick up dropped stolen items that came from their own property.
- Fixed STDs coming back after rejoining the server after being cured.
- Ambient property driveway vehicles now get despawned when a player buys a property and re-spawned if the property is sold to the bank.
Drive-by fixes:
  - Fixed pressing H in vehicles that don't support passenger drive-by showing 'Entered drive-by mode' info message.
  - Fixed Beagle/Dodo not showing drive-by hint message.
  - Players will no longer be auto-equipped with drive-by weapon when entering a vehicle that doesn't support drive-by.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing property garage labels to be created for players when a property was purchased and being removed once sold.
- Fixed being able to see strange reflections through the floor of some properties.
- Fixed player time re-syncing to server time even when forcibly set to night in the Weed Burning mission.
- Fixed player location ('San Andreas') being shown in bottom-right corner during intro tutorial.
- Fixed bug where boombox placement animation would play even if boombox could not be placed (e.g. other boombox nearby).
- Corrected some badly positioned ATMs (clipping into walls mainly).
- Removed a police bribe star that was hidden inside a building in Doherty, San Fierro (from singleplayer).
- Fixed taking a picture (with a camera) of a store/stand NPC counting as robbing/attacking them.
- The interaction menu can no longer be opened from inside a modshop, as it broke stuff.
- The vending machines behind Jay's Diner in Tierra Robada are now functional.
- If a player manages to shoot a bullet or two front-facing on a bike due to latency, the damage is now nullified.
- Fixed inaccessible refuelling checkpoint position for Savanna.
- Fixed ability to tow boats, helicopters, planes, bicycles, motorbikes etc. (how has this never been reported?!).
- Fixed cops being given weapons from stolen property safes when delivering a vehicle containing stolen goods to the police compound.
- Fixed boot not closing after delivering stolen house items.
- Fixed vehicle storage locations sometimes showing 'unknown' or incorrectly showing a nearby location.
- Fixed mechanic 'request towable vehicle' finding broken vehicles used in intro tutorial that are in a different world.
- Fixed Emerald Isle garage missing from GPS destinations.
- Supply drop flyby sound effect is now properly 'stopped' when finished, as not doing so made it so radio stations could not be listened to in vehicles.
- Fixed bank robbery bags that are not in the vault being destroyed when the bank gets locked down.
- Fixed players being able to circumvent bank robbery bag pickup animation.
- Fixed player animations being reset when refuelling checkpoint shown at gas stations, resulting in strange behaviour like bailing from a vehicle and instantly standing up or interrupting drive-by shooting.
- Fixed jerry can able to be used on vehicles without fuel (e.g. bicycles).
- Fixed jerry can checkpoint disappering if you get too close to the vehicle.
- Fixed out-of-place enter/exit coordinates for The Welcome Pump interior in Dillimore.
- Prevented use of prostitute blowjob and other similar actions that position you next to players being used where there is an obstruction e.g. a wall.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

As always, if you find any issues please let us know on the bug report forum, thank you.

Revision 1
- Prevent players from refuelling vehicles that don't need fuel (e.g. bicycles) - this was meant to be in the last update 1.10.
- Prevent players from storing boats and aircraft in garages by driving up to them.
  - Boats/aircraft that have been stored in garages will be removed from the garages.
    You will be able to call them like you should do, by selecting 'Boats' or 'Helicopters' or 'Planes' in the personal vehicle request menu.
- Fixed runtime error (script crash) when calling for a Mechanic as a civilian.
- Fixed property vehicles not listed in personal vehicle list when going 'Back' from some subsequent menus.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 12:38:46 pm by Mike »

Offline ranja

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2021, 12:35:53 am »
Seasparrow balancing
- The Seasparrow will now spawn with 50% health. This allows people to have more chance to take it down.
- The Seasparrow can be repaired at an airport, but only up to 50%.
- Helicopters, including the Seasparrow, can no longer use the gas station options, notably to add vehicle armour.
- The Seasparrow will now use 4 times the amount of fuel when flying (2x when idling). This means it can't be used for extended periods of time without going to refuel.

What a huge improvement of the ability to purchase planes and helicopters! Not only that but our personal vehicles have so much detail from now on that's pleasing to play even more. Thank you Mike and everyone in the Community!

Offline Vippy

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2021, 12:40:35 am »
Really a great efforts, handle all these stuffs of update alone.. damn we really appriciate your hard work

Offline _.please_delete

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2021, 01:13:29 am »
Such a great update and great efforts, one of the best major updates!

Just 1 thing

Seasparrow balancing
- The Seasparrow will now spawn with 50% health. This allows people to have more chance to take it down.
- The Seasparrow can be repaired at an airport, but only up to 50%.
- Helicopters, including the Seasparrow, can no longer use the gas station options, notably to add vehicle armour.
- The Seasparrow will now use 4 times the amount of fuel when flying (2x when idling). This means it can't be used for extended periods of time without going to refuel.

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Offline sousage

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2021, 02:36:29 am »
Major update.
fell from heaven to establish his own kingdom.
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GitHub pls

Offline SausageParty

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2021, 05:44:23 am »
Such a great update and great efforts, one of the best major updates!

Just 1 thing

Seasparrow balancing
- The Seasparrow will now spawn with 50% health. This allows people to have more chance to take it down.
- The Seasparrow can be repaired at an airport, but only up to 50%.
- Helicopters, including the Seasparrow, can no longer use the gas station options, notably to add vehicle armour.
- The Seasparrow will now use 4 times the amount of fuel when flying (2x when idling). This means it can't be used for extended periods of time without going to refuel.


Godly update Mike 🤟🏻
Tschüss ihr kacklappen

Offline Ahsoka_Tano

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2021, 06:43:00 am »
You surprise US every time.
Great work!
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You can change who you are, but you cannot run from yourself.

Offline !sleepspirit.

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2021, 08:40:03 am »
Thanks, Great update

Offline reject

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2021, 10:25:34 am »
Nice work have really outdone yourself this time..keep up with the good work ;)

Offline 51ck51ck

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2021, 12:56:32 pm »
Such a great update and great efforts, one of the best major updates!

Just 1 thing

Seasparrow balancing
- The Seasparrow will now spawn with 50% health. This allows people to have more chance to take it down.
- The Seasparrow can be repaired at an airport, but only up to 50%.
- Helicopters, including the Seasparrow, can no longer use the gas station options, notably to add vehicle armour.
- The Seasparrow will now use 4 times the amount of fuel when flying (2x when idling). This means it can't be used for extended periods of time without going to refuel.

rip seasparrow :(

great job mike :) i doesn't like just the seasparrow fuel nerf.

you added a 5 seconds interiors cooldown, it is related to high ping / bad network players ?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2021, 12:59:09 pm by Void »

Offline Mike

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2021, 03:14:38 pm »
you added a 5 seconds interiors cooldown, it is related to high ping / bad network players ?
No, it's to prevent someone going in out in out in out in out in out in out.

Offline Dudesdog

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2021, 05:23:12 pm »

What a huge improvement of the ability to purchase planes and helicopters! Not only that but our personal vehicles have so much detail from now on that's pleasing to play even more. Thank you Mike and everyone in the Community!


Offline RedZ

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2021, 05:51:42 pm »
great update i wish I'm unbanned now :(

Offline Hank_Montgomery

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2021, 09:42:08 pm »
Do referred players have to enter the referrer's nickname in the black box that appears once they join the server for the first time?

Offline Mike

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Re: Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2021, 09:57:12 pm »
Do referred players have to enter the referrer's nickname in the black box that appears once they join the server for the first time?
No, the referral code from /refer.

Offline Mike

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Script update: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary) Revision 1
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2021, 10:14:37 pm »
Revision 1
- Prevent players from refuelling vehicles that don't need fuel (e.g. bicycles) - this was meant to be in the last update 1.10.
- Prevent players from storing boats and aircraft in garages by driving up to them.
  - Boats/aircraft that have been stored in garages will be removed from the garages.
    You will be able to call them like you should do, by selecting 'Boats' or 'Helicopters' or 'Planes' in the personal vehicle request menu.
- Fixed runtime error (script crash) when calling for a Mechanic as a civilian.
- Fixed property vehicles not listed in personal vehicle list when going 'Back' from some subsequent menus.

Offline Cupidsgrave

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Re: Current version: Version 1.10 (2nd anniversary)
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2021, 12:49:08 pm »
Nice update.
God doesn't play dice.