Author Topic: 1.9.11  (Read 19714 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: January 01, 2021, 03:33:41 pm »

Version 1.9.11

Changes to tire damage and bullet-resistant tires
- You can now purchase super-bullet-resistant tires (for a large fee). These tires have twice the health of standard bullet-resistant tires.
- Fixed a bug which could make bullet-resistant tires completely non-functional (popped from one bullet).
- The health of individual tires is now saved when a personal vehicle is stored, rather than just the popped/unpopped state.
- If a personal vehicle is destroyed, it will not have bullet-resistant tires upon recovery and they will have to be purchased again.
- If a vehicle's tires are popped and then repaired at Pay 'n' Spray, a gas station or by a Mechanic, they will have full bullet-resistant health restored.
- If a vehicle's tires are popped and then repaired by a non-Mechanic player, they will only be restored to standard (5 shots to pop) health.
- It will take longer to repair bullet-resistant tires with a tire repair kit.
  - Normal, standard bullet-resistant and super bullet-resistant tires will take a non-Mechanic player 5, 8, and 12 seconds to repair respectively.
  - For Mechanics this is reduced to 3, 5, and 8 seconds.
- Bullet-resistant tires will now protect against spike strips.
  - Spike strips will take 10 health value from a random tire.
  - Spike strips have the chance to pop 1, 2, 3 or even all 4 tires.
    - 50% chance of 1 tire (85% for bikes).
    - 25% chance of 2 tires (10% for bikes).
    - 10% chance of 3 tires (not relevant for bikes).
    - 5% chance of all 4 tires (not relevant for bikes).
  - This will immediately pop standard tires, but not bullet-resistant ones.
  - It will take 2 or 3 spike strips (for standard or super bullet-resistant tires respectively) to pop a tire.
- Different weapons do different amounts of tire damage:
  - Pistols: 1hp.
  - Shotguns: 2hp.
  - SMGs: 2hp.
  - Assault rifles: 3hp.
  - Sniper: 5hp.
  - This is subject to change, depending on community feedback.
- The Securicar now spawns with even more tire health (doubled to 100).
- Police vehicles no longer have their own starting tire healths.
  - Normal police vehicles will spawn with standard bullet-resistant tires.
  - Special police vehicles (Enforcer) will spawn with super-bullet-resistant tires.
- If a personal vehicle is impounded, it is no longer magically repaired (health-wise or visual-wise) upon reclaiming.
- Tires are now repaired when the progress bar is 100%, not when it starts.
- It's now possible to cancel tire repair during the repair process.
- You are now shown how many tire repair kits you have left upon repairing a tire if there are more tires on the vehicle to be repaired.
- Slight improvements to the tire shooting detction accuracy.
- Improved the way tires' health is stored and manipulated, making it more efficient and easier to work with.
- Reminder: You can check your tire's health with /tirehealth at any time.
- NOTE: All stored personal vehicles will keep standard bullet-resistant tyres if they already had them. Each tire's health will be fully restored to 15hp.

Main additions
- You can now purchase Vehicle Armour. It will double any vehicle's health to 200%.
  - This can only be purchased at a gas station.
  - This is a one-time purchase. Once this armour is depleted it must be purchased again.
  - It will not return upon vehicle repair or replacement after destruction.
  - It will also halve any damage done to the player while the vehicle health is above 100%.
  - You can buy it again when your vehicle health is below 200% but you will pay the full price.
- You can now give a service player a tip after providing the service, prompted by a dialog.
  - This automatic dialog can be disabled in /settings -> Game settings -> Gameplay.
  - You can tip the last service player at any time after the service has ended with /tip.
  - Side-note: The old /tip command has changed to /tips. It shows you a random tip.
- You can now set your GPS to follow a specific player. It will update as the player moves.
  - Method 1: Type /gps, select 'Set Destination', select 'Players', select a player.
  - Method 2: Type '/gps player' or '/gps players' and select a player from the list.
  - Method 3: Type '/gps player [name/id]' or '/gps players [name/id]' e.g. '/gps player mike' or '/gps player 69'.

Other additions
- Drive-by shooting is now detected as a crime if any player is nearby. 1-star wanted level from innocent unless a cop is nearby then it's 2-star wanted level from innocent.
- Added stats and achievments for job tips.

Main changes
- Player slots reduced to 100, as the server is unfortunately no longer reaching 100 players.
  - This will help reduce lag and resources.
  - Please refer your friends and remember you both get cash if you /refer.
- Mechanics can now use vehicle engine/tire repair kits without losing them from their inventory.
  - This is limited to once every 10 minutes.
  - If the same type of repair kit is used again with 10 minutes it will be removed from the player's inventory.
- Mechanics can now repair engines to 100% (was 75%, will remain 75% for non-Mechanics).
- Player's death reason is now shown in chat death messages when not killed by another player (e.g. drowned/fall damage).
- You can now hold 2 vehicle engine repair kits.
- Automatic detection of chat/command 'flooding' is no longer as sensitive/strict.
- Many behind-the-scenes changes and improvements to code effiency to improve server performance.
- Various improvements to the admin side of the banning system to make managing bans much easier. All existing bans have been cleared.
- A new system for logging every player action in a way that is easily navigable for staff when investigating complaints.
- Mechanic engine repair is more expensive, it was extremely cheap.
- Chance of hotwiring failing will now depend on rank.
  - The percentage is 100 minus your rank, e.g. rank 50 will have 50% change and rank 80 will have 20% chance.
  - Hotwiring will never fail for players that reach level 100.
  - It will only fail once, never twice or more in a row (no change here).
  - Other players' personal vehicles are excluded - they will always fail hotwiring the first time.
- Spike strips will now only affect vehicles containing suspects.
  - Cops can place spike strips down without worrying about damaging the tires of teammates or innocents!
- Added a message (chat + on-screen) when your tires are popped by a spike strip.
- Discord #server-echo will now queue messages sent in-game and send them once every 5 seconds, to avoid hitting Discord rate limiting and causing delayed echo.
  - This means in-game chat can be delayed to #server-echo for up to 5 seconds and messages may be seen in a different order on Discord compared to in-game.
  - If it's busy in chat in-game, messages will be sent when the queue (5) is full rather than waiting.

Other changes
- Time displays with two units instead of one now. For example some things will say '1 day 23 hours' instead of just '1 day'.
- In Discord #server-echo, players 'joining' echo is now shown at login only, rather than both.
- You can now evade cops in a plane at a slightly higher altitude (50m from the ground, was 35m).
- Mechanics no longer face the possibility of an engine blowing up as they attempt to repair it. Only non-mechanics will have the 1% chance of this happening.
- Mechanic engine/tire repair service now uses same method as the repair kits instead of its own separate system with differences.
  - Repairing the engine will be done incrementally and with repeating sound effect.
  - Tire repair will have better animations and progress.
- If a player calls for a service, all players on duty as that service no longer have to wait for a cooldown to pass if the customer recently rejected their services.
- Mechanic 'find towable vehicle' function will no longer find vehicles that are already being towed.
- Mechanic 'find towable vehicle' objective will now clear (and player will be informed) if a player enters the vehicle or another mechanic tows it.
- Mechanic 'find towable vehicle' function is now anti-flood protected (5 seconds).
- $medic quickstring will now find closest firefighter if no medics are online.
- Spawn selection map now shows current city, next city, time until city change, current day/time.
- You will now drop held house robbery items when tazed.
- Garages will no longer show personal vehicles' fuel when they are destroyed (not relevant, they get restored with 100% fuel).
- Hit-and-run crime against cops will now make a player orange not yellow.

Main fixes
- Fixed only $cop working in commands for using commands on cops.
  For example '/loc $medic' would not work to locate the closest medic.
- Fixed a bug where a player could offer their services to players in the same interior type but different worlds.
  - For example a medic could be inside Ammunation in LV, and another player in an Ammunation in SF, and they could offer services (as interior spaces are shared).
- Fixed a bug where player death due to vehicle hit-and-run was not being attributed to the driver.

Other fixes
- Fixed engine repair animation making the player teleport sideways slightly with each cycle.
- Fixed a bug that would cause suspects that were asked to pull over not to turn orange after a minute as they should.
- Fixed /ping [NAME/ID] showing YOUR ping not that player's ping.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Mechanic vehicle tow button (2) will no longer locate vehicles that another Mechanic is going to collect.
- Fixed SQL query error preventing admins from banning players.
- Removed leftover debug message (OnVehicleRespray) being shown to all players when Pay 'n' Spray was used by a player
- Fixed Mechanic pressing '2' to find towable vehicle clearing the objective of other Mechanics.
- Fixed Mechanic vehicle towing to gas station not working.

Revision 2
- The Discord plugin has been updated. This should fix the lag/delay in #server-echo.
- Fixed drive-by crime being given incorrectly.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 04:20:55 pm by Mike »

Offline Dudesdog

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.11
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2021, 03:48:47 pm »
Great update! Thanks for the hard work!

Offline Latz

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.11
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2021, 04:44:20 pm »
What a fantastic work Mike! Loved everything especially the new details in mechanic and the Vehicle Armour!

Great man, best of luck!  ;D

Offline typtics

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.11
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2021, 04:44:43 pm »
Great update as always

Offline Mike

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Current Version: 1.9.11 R1
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2021, 06:14:14 pm »
Revision 1
- Mechanic vehicle tow button (2) will no longer locate vehicles that another Mechanic is going to collect.
- Fixed SQL query error preventing admins from banning players.
- Removed leftover debug message (OnVehicleRespray) being shown to all players when Pay 'n' Spray was used by a player
- Fixed Mechanic pressing '2' to find towable vehicle clearing the objective of other Mechanics.
- Fixed Mechanic vehicle towing to gas station not working.

Offline Frost180

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.11
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2021, 07:21:12 pm »
Great update like always!

Offline Mike

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Current Version: 1.9.11 R2
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2021, 09:00:47 pm »
Revision 2
- The Discord plugin has been updated. This should fix the lag/delay in #server-echo.
- Fixed drive-by crime being given incorrectly.

Offline denim

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.11
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2021, 05:01:02 pm »
Really Amazing work

Offline Karbz

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.11
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2021, 03:37:14 am »
Good job, another excellent update.

Offline reject

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.11
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2021, 02:12:16 pm »
Nice work 8)

Offline Fetu

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.11
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2021, 11:46:45 am »
Nice, you doing greatwork, thanks! :)
Just be here now.