Version 1.9.9 IntroductionAs of this update, a new rule has been added:
- Do not attack or kill a player you have placed a bounty on. This includes helping others to claim the bounty you have placed.
Xmas update improvements:
- [XMAS] /info now shows how many gifts that player has found.
- [XMAS] /gifts now shows how many gifts you have found in each city.
- [XMAS] You can now type /candyranks in Discord (bot commands channel only) to view the top 25 candy players.
- [XMAS] You can now type /giftranks in Discord (bot commands channel only) to view the top 25 gift-collecting players.

- You can now use quickstrings (e.g. $cop) in commands. For example you can do '/loc $cop' to get the location of the closest cop. See /qs for a list of quickstrings.
- Two new houses are now available to purchase in East Los Santos - 4 and 5 Fame Street.
- You can now view how many vehicle credits you have (/vcredits) and sell them for cash (/sellvcredits).

- You can no longer revive yourself with drink/food from your inventory. Only a medkit will revive you.
- Anti-spawnkill (when players enter/exit interiors) now affects Tazer also.
- Stretch limo will no longer spawn as a dealership test drive vehicle or property driveway vehicle.
It can still be test driven or purchased from the dealership checkpoint menu.
- If test driving a stretch limo (from the menu) you can no longer start a limo driver job during the test drive.

- Fixed house safe not being available at 1 Santa Monica Blvd due to missing/wrong coordinates.
- Fixed players being able to go on/off job duty while wanted.
- Fixed candy rank in /info being wrong (it was using data from Xmas 2019!).
- Fixed being able to place a boombox on water (or on a boat).
- Fixed being able to request a supply drop in mid air.
- Fixed text alignment in /info.
- Fixed a bug in vehicle dealership test drive where the player could exit the vehicle at the start but the test drive would continue.
- Possible fix for phantom race checkpoints left over from Trashmaster mission. Difficult to replicate and prove to be fixed.
- Fixed bug where you couldn't become a paramedic or firefighter without a weapon licence. This should only be a requirement for becoming a cop.
- Fixed incorrect command mention in /gifthelp (/candyranks not /giftranks).
Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
Revision 1- Fixed commands not working if not all lowercase (e.g. '/W HELLO'). Only occurred if the command had parameters.
- Fixed players still being able to go on duty as a limo driver during test drive in a stretch by using /taxi or /limo.
Revision 2- Fixed players being given score when given candy, allowing score duplicating.