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Weekly screenshot challenge (every Monday 12 noon GMT) - CANCELLED

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here you go

Ps: before someone asks,  the HP display is a bug caused by rappling ,  which I can prove ,  before someone cries.

[attachment deleted by admin]

here is the shot. clara helped so she should also get the prize

[attachment deleted by admin]


--- Quote from: PARTH on September 17, 2019, 08:07:01 am ---here is the shot. clara helped so she should also get the prize

--- End quote ---
im staff, so i already post first in other section, on this picture it will be only you will get it, im just helping you :D


--- Quote from: PARTH on September 17, 2019, 08:07:01 am ---here is the shot. clara helped so she should also get the prize

--- End quote ---
I don’t see a searchlight?

It's there but you cant see it cause of the picture Quality?


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