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Weekly screenshot challenge (every Monday 12 noon GMT) - CANCELLED

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Each week I will be posting a new challenge in which the first person to post an in-game screenshot containing all the things specified will win an in-game cash prize!

New challenges will be posted every Monday at exactly 12:00 noon GMT.

The screenshot challenge is no longer running due to lack of interest and participation.

- Everyone that posts a screenshot (as an attachment in a reply to this topic) containing at least 1 of the required items will win a cash/score prize of $1000 and 10 points per item.
- The first player to post a screenshot containing all required items wins the weekly jackpot prize (see below).
- Subsequent players that post the complete screenshot containing all required items will win 25% of the jackpot the first player got (e.g. $50, 000 becomes $12, 500).
- Prizes can be won from 12:00 pm on Monday until 11:59 am the following Monday. This competition is never closed!

- You must submit a single screenshot. One entry per player.
- The screenshot must contain all the listed items.
- Screenshots must be original and unedited SA-MP screenshots. Do not resize or crop.
- Screenshots must be attached to your post as an attachment. No external image hosts.
- No server rules must be broken in order to take the screenshot.
- The winner is the first person to reply to this topic with a screenshot that meets the criteria specified.
- If nobody wins the challenge one week,  the prize will carry over to the next week.
- Staff are eligible to play and claim the jackpot prize,  however in this instance the jackpot prize will remain available for non-staff players!

You can get as many people as are willing to help you with this - however only the player that posts the screenshot will get the prize. It is at their discretion as to whether they wish to share the prize with the players that helped.

Good luck!

Next challenge:

P.S. If the announcement time of 12 noon London time is not suitable for your timezone,  I could do two challenges at different times,  or could adjust it to a time to suit more players? Let me know your thoughts below.


Funtastic Power:

--- Quote from: Xx_Clara_Bunny_xX on August 12, 2019, 12:51:37 pm ---me (the cute one) and that weirdo cop (the G@4yest one) :D

--- End quote ---
I'm hot ;)

where is flare

me (the cute one) weirdo cop (the G@4yest one) The hobo (ugly one) :D

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