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Weekly screenshot challenge (every Monday 12 noon GMT) - CANCELLED
--- Quote from: PARTH on September 17, 2019, 12:45:52 pm ---It's there but you cant see it cause of the picture Quality?
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There is definitely no searchlight coming from that helicopter.
Clara forgot to turn on the search light xd
--- Quote from: PARTH on September 17, 2019, 02:32:55 pm ---Clara forgot to turn on the search light xd
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Do you want time to try again or shall I give you the smaller prize ($30,000) for what you managed to get?
--- Quote from: Nick_Chester on September 16, 2019, 07:03:14 pm ---here you go
Ps: before someone asks, the HP display is a bug caused by rappling, which I can prove, before someone cries.
--- End quote ---
Congratulations, enjoy your $150,000!
P.S. Yeah, players health is set as high as possible so that they don't take fall damage ;)
To anyone else, now that the main jackpot prize has been claimed, any more qualifying screenshots will win 50% of the prize - $75,000. Still worth entering!
Any screenshots submitted that don't match the full criteria will get $10,000 per requirement met (see first post for details).
I have not got my 30k yet?
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