As with any cops and robbers server, MCNR revolves around the classic GTA experience of cops chasing criminals.
Players can work with or against each other as cops, robbers or law-abiding citizens to earn money,
complete various missions and activities, and ultimately work their way to the top.

One of the main roles on Mike's Cops and Robbers is the role of a Police officer.
As a Cop, you will be tasked with maintaining a safe environment for the citizens of San Andreas,
by patrolling the cities of Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas and pursuing and detaining wanted suspects.
You will earn money and score points for doing your job, and as you arrest and ticket more suspects, you will be promoted.
The higher your rank, the more money you can earn, and the more police abilities you will have access to (such as calling for special vehicles).
See the
law enforcement guide for more information on law enforcement roles.

On the other hand, there are criminals. Criminals only know one way to earn money - by stealing it.
From selling stolen cars to smuggling drugs across the border, there's always some way for a criminal to get ahead.
Of course, the cops are always around the corner looking to take you down, so you have to know how to evade the law.
There's no better way to evade the cops than with your very own modded up supercar, but that's going to take more than robbing a few gas stations to get.
You're going to need to think big to make it in San Andreas and climb your way up the criminal ladder.
See the
crime guide for more information on crimes.

There is, however, a third option. You could be a law-abiding citizen of San Andreas.
This would mean you'd have to find other, less risky ways to earn money, for example by sweeping the streets or collecting garbage.
You could also apply for a job, for example as a Mechanic or a Firefighter.
While the income might not be as great, you'll hopefully never have a run-in with the law
if you just mind your own business and go about your life.
See the
missions guide for more information on missions and side-jobs.

There are many jobs that you can do in San Andreas. Jobs pay you for performing your duties and can be a steady income
with next to no risk involved. Jobs include police officer, paramedic, firefighter, mechanic, prostitute and taxi driver.
See the
jobs guide for more information on jobs.

Check out the trailers and screenshots for the server below

Click here for the full-resolution gallery.We hope to see you on the server soon and hope you enjoy your experience playing MCNR.