Author Topic: 1.1.1  (Read 10105 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: July 26, 2019, 10:42:02 pm »
A few fixes after the launch of version 1.1 (see 1.1 changelog here:,460.0.html).

- Fixed bait shop 'Sell fish' menu crashing server.
- Players now informed to re-join the server after a restart rather than just being kicked without explanation.
- Fixed anti-cheat not properly handling the repairing of vehicles in modshops causing cheat detections which removed the player's vehicle and left them stuck in the modshop interior.
- Fixed issue with personal vehicle colors being overwritten by paintjobs resulting in the inability to have a tinted paintjob.
- Fixed a couple of minor typos and errors in the fishing system.
- Fixed a runtime error when trying to access fish inventory if you had too many fish.
- Fixed beta testers not having their beta tester status set in-game.
- Cops that 'commit crimes' no longer get given a 'public service offence' and demoted. It just bases the 'offences' on scripted things such as 'cop killed yellow player' etc. as cops aren't really affected by most crimes. Some cops were losing rank for invalid reasons.

Thank you everyone that had to endure the repeated server crashes. We fixed it in the end!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2019, 09:11:57 pm by Mike »