Author Topic: 1.0.25  (Read 13555 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: July 21, 2019, 07:31:49 pm »
- Suspects that quit near a cop are now automatically arrested by the closest cop. No more /q to avoid.

- Snipers now do more damage at close range. 49 hp. 3 shots to chest kill.
- Bait shops are now in a separate list from stores in /gps. '/gps fish' and '/gps bait' now work.
- You can now purchase 5 satchel charges at Ammunation (no longer limited to 1).

- Fixed an issue whereby players could surpass the throwable weapon (grenade/molotov) limit of 5 by purchasing each in turn repeatedly.
- Fixed certain firefighter events which are not yet scripted being selected as random events, resulting in nothing happening when they are responded to.
- Fixed cops that run over suspects getting accused of 'hit and run' and demoted.
- Fixed lumberjack mission crashing server if the vehicle was destroyed.
- Fixed a bug where if a cop exited a police vehicle, went off duty then re-entered the police vehicle as a civilian, they were not accused of a crime (vehicle theft).
- Fixed ability to use animations (notably /whisper and /shout) to get out of 'downed' revival state and walk around. All animations blocked now.
- Fixed passengers in modshops being set to a different world.
- Fixed donators not getting donator skins unlocked.
- Fixed bug where if /puke was used when a player was on low health, it downed them as intended, but the subtitle text 'You are dying, press LMB for help press RMB to die' wasn't appearing.
- Fixed tire popping not working. Tire popping is now controlled by the server script, not SAMP.
- Fixed STD death not counting as 'Death by STD' but rather blaming the last player that attacked you.
- Fixed players not losing STD after death.
- Fixed players not being affected by STDs while inside a vehicle (health loss).
- Fixed players dying in vehicles (bikes mainly) going into revival status. They should have just died straight away.
- Rearranged GPS display text above radar to prevent it going off the screen.
- Fixed conflict when pressing the sub-mission key in a taxi at the scrapyard (same button for going on duty and scrapping). Scrapping will take priority.
- Fixed 'Interact with prisoners' dialog 'cancel' button not working, resulting in inability to cancel breakout option.
- Fixed players being able to call for a service (e.g. taxi, prostitute) from jail cell.
- Fixed /pm bug 'Message not sent to prevent conflict'.
- /whisper and /shout now affected by admin-mute.
- Fixed 'stolen money returned to victim' on arrest not taking cash from robber.
- Fixed an issue with players being stuck on a black screen. Also added logs to help debug this if it occurs again. If you experience this issue type /showeventlog and post the screenshot on the forums.
- Potentially fixed an issue with players in vehicles standing through the floor of the vehicle after hotwiring animation.
- Picador and other 'desert' category vehicles now able to be purchased at low-end dealerships (wang, coutt and shody).
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 07:17:45 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

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Re: Current Version - 1.0.25
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2019, 11:22:08 pm »
1.0.25 Revision 1
- Fixed an issue in the damage system causing players to no longer go into downed/revival mode after being shot.
- Fixed a mixup between the saving of personal vehicle primary/secondary colors. The secondary color would be the same as the primary.

Offline MrAz18485

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Re: Current Version - 1.0.25
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2019, 07:00:44 am »

Offline Mike

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Re: Current Version - 1.0.25
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2019, 11:29:56 am »
1.0.25 Revision 2
- Fixed players being able to rob each other in jail (was meant to be fixed in this version).
- Fixed all players having the ability to announce an admin-message.