Author Topic: 1.8 - Smuggling, Pizzaboy, Mailman, Oil Slicks and much more!  (Read 26769 times)

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Offline Mike

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Version 1.8

Update 1.8 has been in development for a few weeks now, and we finally have a development team rather than just one person, so development is ramping up now. Thank you so much to @M3E6 for joining the development effort, I hope for many good things to come from this partnership, for the betterment of the server and the community.

This update contains more new things than usual, so I've compiled a short video to showcase some of the new things, which you can watch here:

You can subscribe to the MCNR YouTube channel by clicking here. You'll then never miss a new MCNR YouTube video for future updates!

I've also put together an album of the new things you can take a look at:

You can find the full changelog down below.

Oil slicks

- You can now purchase an 'Oil slick' at a gas station checkpoint.
- They cost $528 and you can hold two in your inventory.
- To use, simply select from inventory, type /slick, or press FIRE when looking behind a vehicle (Q + E + LMB).
- You can also place them on-foot (with inventory selection or /slick).
- They expire after 15 seconds, so you have to time them right.
- Vehicles that go over them will spin out.
- Cannot be used from cop cars (as they already drop spike strips.
- Added relevant stats and achievements.

New mission: Mailman

- Enter the Boxville truck at one of the locations (see /missions for directions).
- Deliver packages to 5 houses in the active city.

New mission: Pizzaboy

- Enter the Pizzaboy faggio at any Stacked Pizza, Burgershot, or Cluckin Bell to start.
- Deliver pizza's to 3 houses in the active city.

New mission/event: Smuggler

- Enter any van or truck and press the sub-mission key (2) to start a smuggler mission.
- Collect the goods from outside the active city and smuggle them into the active city.
- Cops are alerted once you enter the active city, and can take the goods to the impound for a reward.
- Other players can assist you by entering as a passenger. They will get a reward upon delivery of the goods.
- Other players can also rival you, and try to steal the truck and deliver it to their own dropoff.

More additions
- New firefighter job event 'Trashcan fire'.

- Firefighters can now get a fire extinguisher from any firetruck. See /fext for details.
- LV airport now has a back gate.
- Airport guards can now be threatened to open the gate from a vehicle drive-by.
- Added achievement for tire burnouts.
- Treasure hunt now gives cash and score with each clue found, increasing with each clue.
- All truck cabs can now be scrapped for cash.
- Added 'anti-jail-escape' detection that returns a player to their cell if they somehow get out (cheats, lag, glitch etc.).
- Update /credits with past and current staff
- Added a warning 5 minutes before city change (Sunday at 19:00).
- Donators now get 50% reduced price for recovering personal vehicles.
- You can now set a custom property name. Access the property settings inside a property.

- Added a general store in El Quebrados and Angel Pine, as they had none.

- It is now a crime to aim a weapon at a player. If you are innocent, you'll be given 1 wanted star for aiming at a normal player and 2 stars for aiming at a cop.
- Players will now be shown a help message regarding game crashes when returning after a possible crash.
- Added donut shop to restaurant/diner GPS
- Added gps sub-commands pizza, cluck, burger, and donut (e.g. type '/gps donut').

Main changes
- Increased damage for all weapons for drive-by. Damage values are no longer percentage-based from base damage, rather each weapon has its own driver/passenger drive-by damage value.
- Decreased damage done by vehicle collisions (hit and run).
- Headshot damage multiplier changed from 1.25x to 1.5x.
- Increased chance of breaking free from cuffs.
- You can no longer taze the same player within 10 seconds.
- Breaking into a personal vehicle no longer requires as many taps of ENTER/F.
- Interiors now load much faster (black screen fades away much sooner), especially the bank.
- Spike strips can no longer be placed by passengers in police vehicles.
- Mechanics now get more cash and score for towing vehicles.

Other changes
- Changed name of achievement for arrests from 'Under arrest' to 'The right to remain silent'.
- You can no longer perform an animation to get out of the 'carrying' state you are in when robbing a house allowing you to run while holding stolen items.
- /collectables is now merged with /hphints (hidden package hints). List is now a proper 'tabulated list' to fix text alignment issues.
- Discord bot will no longer repeatedly send 'You aren't verified!' message in channels unless 5 minutes has passed. It will continue to DM the user each time.
- Improved accuracy of spike strips placed on sloped surfaces. Helped by new ColAndreas plugin.
- Mechanics requesting a vehicle to tow will no longer be given a vehicle which is inside a restricted area (including airports).
- Lumberjack mission now freezes the player during the 'cutscenes'.
- Lumberjack mission now fails if the player goes far from the tree.
- Players will get 2 stars for being the driver of a car with stolen items in the trunk if a cop gets too close.
- Players can now enter KACC fuel depot if public service, in emergency/military vehicles, or if in a truck cab.
- Easter Basin Naval Station barrier now opens for cops, or any players in military/emergency vehicles.
- Missions will now fail if the player goes on/off duty.
- LSPD parking lot barrier is now breakable.
- Chatroom filtering will no longer affect whisper/shout.

Small adjustments
- Slight reduction in cuff range.
- The bank will now open at 6am (was 5am).
- Maximum ticket is now $4000 (was $5000).
- Jail time reduced.
- Bail will now reduce twice as fast in jail.
- Increased maximum roadblock objects per player from 8 to 10.
- Maximum spike strips placed at once is now 2, was previously 3.
- Increased range for when spike strips are 'abandoned' and removed by 100m (400 to 500).
- Maximum bribe changed from $50,000 to $10,000.
- New job level requirements:
   - Cop: 50 (was 25)
   - Medic/firefighter: 25 (was 15)
   - Other jobs: 10 (was 5)
- Maximum amount robbable from house safes reduced from $10k to $5k.

Main fixes
- A number of fixes for reoccurring server lag issues. Improved efficiency in various parts of the script.
- Improvements to lag around Blueberry area.
- Fixed an issue where objects used to block off map exploits were being created every time a player joined (they should only be created when the server starts). This may have led to lag (client and server).
- Reduced streaming distance of bank interior objects to prevent players timing out upon entering the bank.
- Fixed long-time bug where players could become stuck looking at a black screen. This bug has plagued the server since day 1 so it's nice to see it fixed at last!
- Fixed players being able to quit the game between the arrest animation and actually being teleported to jail resulting in them returning as an innocent civilian rather than being put in jail.
- Fixed bug where when a player quits, any other player on the server sharing the same IP address would time-out.
- Fixed players no longer being in a 'cuffed' state after being tazed while cuffed, allowing them to run around, jump, and even enter vehicles.
- Daily objective to 'Exit a burning vehicle before it explodes' no longer counts if you die in said vehicle. You must actually exit it, like it says.
- Fixed 'Mike won the lotto!' message not showing jackpot amount correctly.
- Fixed exiting a property in Palisades (SF) spawning the player in the water below.
- Fixed an issue which might cause players exiting properties to spawn inside a wall adjacent to the door.
- Returning a personal vehicle to storage wasn't saving fuel.
- Sweeper red blip icons and treasure hunt ? icon should now take priority over other icons.
- Fixed textdraws persisting after exporting a vehicle if another vehicle was exported before the old textdraws were hidden.
- Replaced MapAndreas plugin with ColAndreas. Will fix spike strips, personal vehicles etc. appearing under the map, and also spawning players under the map when exiting interiors.
- Fixed cop rules dialog disappearing after 10 seconds to be replaced by an incompletion version of itself.
- Fixed player and camera becoming stuck if exiting a vehicle just after entering the carwash before it starts.
- Fixed boomboxes not working inside properties.
- Fixed an issue with supply drop failing to appear/land. There's still a second issue involved with this we are yet to identify.
    Please type /supplyid if your supply drop fails to appear/land and report it on the forums with video/screenshots/chatlog where possible.
- The cuffing process is now cancelled if a bribe is exchanged.

Other fixes
- Fixed 'Player A has ejected Player B from the vehicle' being shown to all players. It should have only been shown to other players in the vehicle.
- Added checks for the bank vault guard NPC being missing, it will no longer allow the bank robbery to start.
- Added missing command /packages as an alias for /collectables.
- Fixed text cut-off in /jobs.
- Fixed an ATM stuck in the wall in Los Santos next to Grove Street.
- Fixed 'Entered drive-by mode' showing when pressing H in any vehicle. It will now only show in suitable vehicles.
- Treasure hunt ? icon is now destroyed if a player's treasure hunt progress is reset (if a mission is started).
- Prevented special easter egg vehicles being able to be towed by a towtruck.
- Fixed '/gps zones' not working but '/gps zone' was. Both should be possible.
- Fixed the 'Lure' version of the Rancher spawning. Only regular Rancher will now spawn.
- Fixed Tanker not having a cash value when exporting it.
- Fixed black screen on ban screen.
- Fixed personal vehicle that is force-respawned after being recalled becoming stuck in the world at the place which it was first spwaned in
- Chainsaw 'limiter' no longer active during Lumberjack, as it was intefering with the ability to do the mission.
- Fixed /windows and /doors not functioning correctly.
- Passengers that are charged $100 for Pay 'n' Spray now have this refunded.
- Fixed 'Cancel' button on 'Do you want to recover this personal vehicle' dialog returning to an empty dialog if the vehicle in question is not stored in a garage/property.
- Gas station stores are now listed in the GPS under stores.
- Locating missions via GPS or via /missions list will no longer fail to start missions that cannot be started by the player. If you select to find a prisoner transport mission and you aren't a cop, it said it was unable to find any.

Other changes:
- Robbed ATMs will give more cash.
- Bank robbery payout has also been reduced, but it's difficult to say how much as it depends on the cop:civ ratio. Roughly 15% less.
- Wealth tax will now only be applied to players with over $10m. It was previously $1m. The same rate (0.5%) will apply.
- Cops and other jobs have received a payday pay increase.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

The MCNR Development Team

Revision 1
- Fixed fishing not working.
- Fixed locating Smuggler mission not working.
- Fixed players being able to start missions from a dealership vehicle.
- Fixed bad pizzaboy bike spawn coordinates.
- Fixed an exploit in weapon sync which could allow cheaters to crash parts of the script (runtime errors).
- Fixed '/gps pizzaboy' showing pizza restaurants.
- Fixed package/pizza stuck in hands after mailman/pizzaboy missions.

Revision 2
- ATM robbery no longer possible by pressing LMB as it could be done accidentally.
- ATM robbery can now only be cancelled with N/LMB/ENTER/F.

- Fixed finding first treasure hunt clue finding them all.
- Fixed only Burrito vans spawning at Dealerships. This was done to debug something and was left in.
- Fixed mailman/pizzaboy held object replacing worn clothing.

Revision 3
- Fixed Molotov damage being 5x the intended value.

Revision 4
- Bank interest and wealth tax now logged in transactions.
- Added cash income source 'Other' for wealth tax and interest (/cashstats).

- 'Weapon threat' is no longer a 2-star crime, only 1-star.
- When transferring cash to another player (via player interaction menu), entering more than you have will no longer close the dialog, just produce an error.

- Fixed an issue where a player's bank balance wasn't saved after transferring cash to another player, resulting in the ability to duplicate cash.
- Adjusted interior spawn position of Diner as players were being sent straight back out due to being too close to the door.
- Fixed inconsistency in player wallet/bank cash transfer causing money to be taken from wallet instead of bank accoun or vice-versa when transferring cash to another player.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 04:00:27 am by Mike »

Offline howl

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Offline Mike

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Forgot to add these to the changelog:

- Robbed ATMs will give more cash.
- Bank robbery payout has also been reduced, but it's difficult to say how much as it depends on the cop:civ ratio. Roughly 15% less.
- Wealth tax will now only be applied to players with over $10m. It was previously $1m. The same rate (0.5%) will apply.
- Cops and other jobs have received a payday pay increase.

Offline Achilles_

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Great job Mike. 👏

Offline RazaDaAli55

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Offline puuro

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these are some nice changes, thanks a lot mike :)

Offline Mike

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Revision 1
- Fixed fishing not working.
- Fixed locating Smuggler mission not working.
- Fixed players being able to start missions from a dealership vehicle.
- Fixed bad pizzaboy bike spawn coordinates.
- Fixed an exploit in weapon sync which could allow cheaters to crash parts of the script (runtime errors).
- Fixed '/gps pizzaboy' showing pizza restaurants.
- Fixed package/pizza stuck in hands after mailman/pizzaboy missions.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2020, 04:57:50 pm by Mike »

Offline legend

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Decent update

Offline Mike

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Version 1.8 Revision 2
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2020, 07:31:52 pm »
Revision 2
- ATM robbery no longer possible by pressing LMB as it could be done accidentally.
- ATM robbery can now only be cancelled with N/LMB/ENTER/F.

- Fixed finding first treasure hunt clue finding them all.
- Fixed only Burrito vans spawning at Dealerships. This was done to debug something and was left in.
- Fixed mailman/pizzaboy held object replacing worn clothing.

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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Revision 3
- Fixed Molotov damage being 5x the intended value.

Offline Blackk

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Good Working , thanks  ;D
YTB - Edison CnR

Offline HunK

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Nice updates as always Mike :) Keep up the good work regads.

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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Revision 4
- Bank interest and wealth tax now logged in transactions.
- Added cash income source 'Other' for wealth tax and interest (/cashstats).

- 'Weapon threat' is no longer a 2-star crime, only 1-star.
- When transferring cash to another player (via player interaction menu), entering more than you have will no longer close the dialog, just produce an error.

- Fixed an issue where a player's bank balance wasn't saved after transferring cash to another player, resulting in the ability to duplicate cash.
- Adjusted interior spawn position of Diner as players were being sent straight back out due to being too close to the door.
- Fixed inconsistency in player wallet/bank cash transfer causing money to be taken from wallet instead of bank accoun or vice-versa when transferring cash to another player.

Offline YellowFlash

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Any chance you can make the firefighting jobevent randomized? I got trash can like 5 times in a row idk if it already is, but since there is only fire in a building and trash can event, make it 50/50 i guess

Offline Mike

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Any chance you can make the firefighting jobevent randomized? I got trash can like 5 times in a row idk if it already is, but since there is only fire in a building and trash can event, make it 50/50 i guess
It should be random.

Offline chuppy

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looks great, nice update