Version 1.6.1
- Vehicle tires now have individual 'health'. By default tires will take 5 shots to pop.
- You can now purchase bullet-resistant tires at gas stations. They will increase tire health from 5 to 15 shots to pop.
- NOTE: Tires' health cannot be replenished unless the vehicle is re-called. Fixing a popped tire will not fully restore its health.
- View your vehicle's tires' health with /tirehealth or /tires.
- Cop cars will spawn with 10 tire health, Enforcer with 15, Prisoner Transport van with 30, and Securicar with 50.
- Added a new Ammunation in Calton Heights, San Fierro.
- Added /refuse command as an alternative to /deny.

- Significantly reduced cost of vehicle repair at gas stations.
- Vehicle garage labels slightly redesigned:
- Will show if a vehicle has bullet-resistant tires.
- Will show vehicle color as colored text.
- Will show 'DESTROYED' in place of health instead of additionally at bottom.
- Will not show '0 mods', will just omit that line.
- Will no longer show fuel to the first decimal place. For example will now show 1% or 2% not 1.5%.
- Swapped color and plate.
- Mods shown at bottom.
- 'Paperwork' now says 'Owned legally' to make its meaning clearer.
- Your non-legitimately-purchased personal vehicles will no longer fail hotwiring.

- Boombox volume can no longer be set to 0 or a value over 100.
- Vehicle repair kits (engine/tire repair kit) will now be returned to inventory upon entering a vehicle.
- Securicar now spawns with 500% health as standard, not set when mission started.
- Fixed players being unable to purchase throwable weapons in Ammunation, only ammo.
- Fixed 'anti-motorbike-drive-by' sometimes not working.
- Fixed a server crash caused by missing check for a file existing before trying to open it.