BETA launch and future plansAfter many years of development by myself as a sole developer, Mike's Cops and Robbers is launching as an ongoing BETA with regular updates to add new features and fix any issues that arise. The server is packed with features and activities for all to experience and enjoy and development will be continuous with new features and activities added regularly.
Trailers,51.0.htmlBETA phaseLaunching Mike's Cops and Robbers as an ongoing BETA server is designed to ensure we can identify and fix as many issues as we can with the help of our players. Player feedback is vitally important and valued and reporting issues and submitting suggestions couldn't be easier both in-game and on the forums.
Issues/bug reportsUnfortunately no software is without bugs, and the MCNR script is relatively complex and therefore issues are bound to occur. We strive to identify and fix these as soon as we can, however we need your help! If you spot any sort of issues with the MCNR script, reporting it to us will ensure we are aware of it and can work towards fixing it.
Bugs can be reported in-game using the
/bug command, however for more complex issues or reports that would benefit from screenshots or videos to support them, please use the Bug Reports board.
SuggestionsSuggestions from our players are very valuable to us, as our aim is to provide you with the best possible gaming experience. Suggestions of any kind can be posted in the 'Suggestions' section of this forum.
Server overview and featuresDon't forget to check out
this topic for an overview of the server and features!
Future plansThere are many planned features to be added in the future. These will gradually be implemented in updates to ensure there is always something new to do.
Inventory system: Players will be able to carry items such as medkits, vehicle repair kits and condoms with an inventory system. Items will be able to be placed into vehicles and property safes, and transferred/sold between players.
Illegal street racing: A scheduled illegal street race event will occur weekly. Ranking top 3 in this race will yield rewards including cash and score.
Stadium events: Many stadium-based events are planned, including Sumo, Kickstart, Bloodbowl, Monster Derby, 8-track Racing and Dirtbike racing.
Other upcoming events include: BASE Jumping, Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch.
Many new missions and activities, including: mailman, courier, smuggling, Pizzaboy, Romero body collection, news reporter, lawn mowing, golf caddy, combine harvest, commercial pilot, cargo pilot and many more.
Drugs system: Players will be able to buy, grow and sell drugs for a profit. Different drugs will have different effects, such as temporary health boosts, temporary increased weapon skill and interesting visual effects.
Fishing: Players will be able to fish from any shoreline, pier or boat. Fish can be sold to stores for a profit. Other items (including some rare valuable items) may also be able to be found.
Casino heists: To advance on from the bank robbery, players will be able to rob casinos and other high-value establishments such as hotels in teams to make some high-risk high-payout cash.
Planes, buses and trams: Currently public transport is limited to trains, however buses (inner and outer city and also between cities), planes (between cities) and trams (around San Fierro) will be added.
Co-op mission support: Many missions have the potential to be co-cooperatively played by multiple players. This functionality will be implemented in the future just like Securicar.
More job events: There are currently over 10 different random job events for all jobs. More will keep being added to ensure players always have something to do.
Property features: Health refill, armor storage, inventory item storage, eating and sleeping.
Property renting: Players will be able to rent out their property to other players. These players will benefit from some of the things owning a property gains you, such as vehicle storage and a spawn point.
Arms dealer job: The arms dealer job will be added in the future and allow players to sell guns to other players to make a living.
This list is just the start of what we plan to add in upcoming content updates. More ideas will regularly come to light and make their way into the server, ever evolving it and making it even more fun and interesting. Frequent content updates will ensure there is always new quality features and activities to enjoy.
Thank you for being a part of this community, and we hope to see you on the server soon!