Author Topic: 1.5.8  (Read 11979 times)

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Offline Mike

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  • Discord name: mp2
« on: March 31, 2020, 09:31:26 pm »

Version 1.5.8

Discord integration was added just over a week ago and it has been very well received by players and staff alike. It allows us as staff to monitor and moderate the server remotely, and also allows players to stay in touch with the in-game community from outside the game. I must thank Devon007 for the effort he has put into the Carl bot. It's the reason I finally added Discord integration after so long (we had issue with the plugin).

As of this version, we will be requiring players to verify their in-game account on Discord, linking them together, before being able to send messages in any channel. This is to ensure we can better identify players on Discord and is a measure against trolls and spammers. Verifying your account takes only a few seconds and is very easy. You simply go in-game and type /verify to get a code, then direct message (DM) the MCNR bot on Discord with '/verify <code>'. It's that simple. See to join the Discord server and see for more info on verifying your account.

Once your account is verified your Discord nickname on the MCNR Discord server will be set to match your in-game name. This cannot be changed, even by staff. When your name changes in-game, it will change on Discord too. This is so we know who is who.

All of the Discord integration features are BETA and subject to changes and you may experience issues. I encourage anyone that has any sort of issue, suggestion or feedback to drop a post on the forums. We value every piece of feedback we receive and carefully consider all suggestions.

NOTE: You must have 1 hour of active play time in-game in order to generate a Discord verification code. This is to prevent burner accounts being created.

Thank you!

- You can now surf on top of moving vehicles at a higher speed when crouching or if standing on a pickup truck or plane/boat. Crouching on these vehicles increases speed at which you can surf even further (extra 25% each). Added a tutorial popup for this that players will see the first time they surf a vehicle.
- City change 'cutscene' has had a redesign and made smoother and more cinematic with improved camera movement/angles and sound effects.
- City change week stats display designed to be more prominent and expanded upon.
- City change week stats now includes 'Players of the week' for most score (Player of the week), cop XP (Cop of the week), crimes (Criminal of the week) and non-cop XP (Worker of the week).
- City change will now hide players' bank balance HUD element.
- Slightly dedesigned clothing menu for buying clothes and for viewing skins. The boxes are now taller and the models will no longer overlap the title. Donator skins show 'Donator' status in the title. Changed horrible red color to grey.
- Lottery jackpot boost. Initial jackpot increased from $50k to $100k. Rollover amount (amount it increases by when not won) increased from $5k to $10k. Maximum jackpot increased from $1m to $10m.
- The cash from stolen house safes will now be shared with all players in the vehicle.
- Added /block to explain difference between /ignore and /roadblock.
- Added Spliff as a clothing item.

- Players now need to be reported with /report 5 times to be vote-kicked (it was 3 before).
- Password policy updated. Minimum password length is now 6 characters (was previously 4).
- /eject can no longer be used when the vehicle is moving.
- Animations (and clearing of animations) no longer possible when recently knocked down or bailed from a vehicle.
- FPS counter (/fps) is now black, as it is easier to see on most backgrounds. A box white may be added behind it in the future if it's not visible enough now.
- Removed road nodes from inside LSPD and LVPD, meaning personal vehicles will no longer spawn inside the restricted area.
- Cycling to a throwable weapon in interiors will no longer reset the player to fist. Instead, it will deny the change and remain on the current weapon. At some point it will be made to skip over the throwable and cycle to the weapon after it.
- Buying a medkit from a hospital will no longer close the menu, which required the player to walk away from and back to the checkpoint.

- Fixed remaining issues with high FPS detection.
- Fixed issues with being unable to change bones when editing clothing position.
- Selecting to change bone of a clothing item with only one supported bone will now show an error message rather than just doing nothing.
- Fixed issues with info popups overlapping dialogs, and not re-showing after closing certain dialogs.
- Fixed players being unable to purchase moltovs, grenades, and satchel charges at Ammunation if ABOVE the level they unlock at (should be opposite).
- Fixed refuel marker for Hermes being inside the vehicle not at the side of it.
- Player inventory can now be opened when empty in order to access clothing via inventory.
- Fixed SAMP issue where the Stuntplane wouldn't display the back wheel and the player's character would not lift up the 'door' before entering, but would just phase through it.
- Fixed Sweeper mission map blips not showing if lots of other map icons nearby.
- Fixed some issues relating to intro tutorial and first spawns tutorial popups where players might see the wrong popups or get stuck.
- Fixed issue with city change interrupting players viewing the first spawn tutorial popups not re-showing them on next spawn but instead replaying the entire intro tutorial scenes.
- Fixed some house interiors having the objects disappear when standing at certain parts of the interior.
- Moved Victim clothing store player position further away from the door to prevent players from exiting straight away as they spawn inside the yellow marker.
- Fixed 'static vehicles' (vehicles that spawn parked around the map) not changing model when respawning if models are set.
- 'Mike has logged in' message will no longer show to the player themselves.
- Fixed players having ability to @mention NPCs by ID.
- Cigar clothing item can now be worn. It was showing an error due to missing default offsets.

By the way, if you didn't see already, we smashed our player record at 138 players yesterday! Big thank you for everyone for their continued patronage and support. Never thought this would be possible! Thanks to all the staff who tirelessly moderate the server and the beta testers that report issues and help test things. I'm very proud of this community. Let's keep growing!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 12:14:34 am by Mike »

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Re: Current Version - 1.5.8
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2020, 01:25:31 am »
I have to admit this update went a little bit wonky. We ran into some issues with the new Discord verification system and I had to lock the server to fix it. Everyone that verified a Discord account before I did so would have had it verified to a random account on the server. People on Discord had other peoples names. Sorry about that. It's all fixed now and working beautifully though! Thanks everyone.