I will keep a log of the development here. This is simply to track the progression of development.
Most recent at top.
20/12/2018Been a while.
Main updates:
- Decathlon finished, one in each city.
- Achievements system complete. Just a handful of achievements still need adding.
- Players now shown progress bars for player level/score and job rank/xp.
- Added firefighter random job event to put out building fires. Not yet added to all cities.
- Added Securicar mission - collect cash from 5 stores and deliver it back to the bank. Other players can help you out or steal the Securicar.
- GPS route is now automatically re-calculated enroute if the player goes off course.
- GPS route now shown on the radar.
- GPS route shows less arrows to reduce clutter.
- GPS destination can be set to nearest missions.
- Unoccupied vehicles can now be destroyed, including shooting gas tank.
- Added 'cop shop' to police departments to buy weapons and equipment.
- Police station locker rooms now has multi-function menu to change skin, go off-duty, refill health and armour and buy weapons, ammo and equipment.
- Added random tips and hints on first player spawns.
- Players must now be level 10 and have a weapon license to become a cop.
- Added multi-step Treasure Hunt event.
- Started to add property system.
- Added personal vehicle system.
- Added garage system to store personal vehicles.
- Requested job vehicles [and now personal vehicles also] spawn at the side of the road not in the middle.
- Health/damage/death system reworked to prevent future issues due to poor code logic.
- CPR revival system finished.
- Tidied interaction menu.
- Enhanced spawn selection player map: updates faster, shows key/legend of what icons represent, player icons bigger, shows player count.
- Fixed issues with city transition disturbing players that are registering, logging in, viewing the intro tutorial or that are in modshops.
- Started to redesign bank robbery to be co-op. Almost finished.
- Medics can now heal and cure themselves.
There are many more smaller changes, probably over 500 in fact.
Current focuses:
- House system (selling, garage storage, robbable items)
- Add houses all over San Andreas
- Bank robbery redesign (co-op)
- Mechanic services
I am 100% set on launching the server in 2019. Hopefully the first half of it. Just need to get these handful of core features finished. Before my birthday would be nice (May 28th).
Will try to update this at the end of every month starting next month, reflecting on what I did that past month.
10/07/2018Update time.
Took a month break at the end of April. Before that I started to work on the event lobby system for the Decathlon. The event lobby system is now finished but the Decathlon is not.
- Development of taxi system progressed nicely, just needs a lot of testing and the ability to split fares for multiple passengers
- Score gain display will now stack
- /settings split into categories
- Many player stats added
- Achievement system added (still adding individual achievements)
- Job paydays added based on job score
- Redesigned mission complete screen with better stats list
- Job rank system now dynamic and can be used for any job
- Made a proper dynamic menu system with item definitions
- Added menus to relevant interiors such as diner
- Replaced GTA menus in fast food places with samp ones
- Fixed issues with intro tutorial camera
- Fixed spawning issues
Current focus is the achievement system and player stats. After that I'm not decided.
03/04/2018A few months have passed. I feel like I haven't done much..
- The job events for police and paramedics are done.
- Police: Vehicle chase, vehicle tail, CSI, stolen vehicle moving, stolen vehicle parked, 911 response.
- Medic: CPR and organ transport.
- Intro tutorial is complete.
- Player stats pretty much done.
- Added Army class.
- Emergency vehicle lights can now be toggled separate from the siren.
- Fixed Mafia Moneybag event not triggering, and now triggers twice a week not once.
- New and returning inactive players are now prompted to reset tutorials.
- Returning inactive accounts are prompted for a full reset if no password.
- Police rules are now displayed when a player becomes a cop.
- Players with jobs can now call for special vehicles.
- Players now have a chance to randomly spawn inside interiors instead of just outside them (currently just police departments).
- ATMs can now be robbed
- Player vehicle name is now displayed above radar location text, and both have an icon to show which is which.
- Taxi system is nearing completion. Players can go on duty, call for a taxi, select destinations, and complete fares.
At the time of writing, this forum is only accessible to myself. I want to keep a diary for future reference and to track how the progress is going. I feel like this server is more of a personal hobby project than anything with any real purpose anymore. SA-MP is now 14 years old and is getting older with every day that passes. I have no deadline in mind for 'completion', but I want to get the core important features done first and then run the server as a public ongoing beta.
It is now April. I have spent the first 3 month of 2018 mainly focusing on the Job Events. The police and medic ones are done, and I now need to do the Mechanic and Firefighter ones.
Some updates:
- There is now a map shown in the corner during spawn selection which shows the location of the spawn point and also shows where players are around the map.
- The Taxi system is coming along. Destinations can now be chosen and fares can be completed. Just needs finishing and polishing.
- The introduction tutorial is now complete.
- ATMs can now be robbed
- Hospital has a proper menu and allows you to heal/cure there
- Player stats pretty much complete (only need to add crimes and weapon stats)
The main things I'm currently working on:
- Job events
- Taxi system
- Job roles (e.g. Mechanic)
18/01/2018A new type of event has been added called Job Events. These events happen twice daily (once before noon and once after). Players are given job events such as cops having to tail an NPC or mechanics having to tow a broken down vehicle to a modshop.
17/01/2018Wow. Almost 3 whole years and I feel like I've not done much. I wasn't even using GitHub back then! Here's most of the stuff that I did in the last 3 years...
- Headshot is now instant kill (at close range)
- Stolen vehicles must now be hotwired to drive them
- Added vehicle Dealerships
- Added /changename
- Inactive player accounts are now automatically deleted
- Lots of player stats recorded
- Added hint system for hidden packages
- Added banks and ATMs
- Police crime respond checkpoint for a player in an interior is now placed outside the building
- Wanted players in the sight of a cop now have their location blip shown to ALL cops
- Added bank robbery
- Added vehicle scrapyard
- Weapon anti-cheat
- Health and armour anti-cheat and saving
- Added Prostitutes as a new job
- Added a custom-mapped sex shop in Garcia, San Fierro (city didn't have one)
- Airport gate guard can now be punched or aimed at to force him to open the gates
- Players can now select where they want to first spawn (e.g. at the beach, in the city)
- Added new Sweeper missions in SF and LV
- Added Trash Master and Lumberjack jobs
- Bank interest now given to players every game week
- Vehicle headlights can be manually turned on and off by the player with LMB
- Added MOTD (Message Of The Day) when players join to show useful info
- New mission/job: Helicopter Tours (at airports)
- Players that enter police station compounds now receive a wanted level for trespassing
- Players that enter Area 69 or the Easter Basin naval base now receive a wanted level for trespassing
- Information popups can now be queued, meaning the current one won't be hidden to show a new one
- Added a intro scene and tutorial
- Added unlockable items at score levels (100 levels), including skins, weapons and vehicles
- Added /mapiconlegend to show what all the icons on the radar represent
- Added throwable explosive weapons to Ammunation
- Added armour and weapon license to Ammunation (allows player to shoot in public without attracting a wanted level)
- Bicycles no longer need fuel or to be hotwired...
- Certain vehicles will no longer become 'broken' at low health and require a Mechanic such as boats - they will just explode
- Added GTA: SA artwork loading screen
- Animations are now properly synchronised between players the first time they are applied
- Fly mode (/fly) now has full key support, such as Ctrl/LMB to warp to around, numpad 4+6 for speed control and RMB for warp forward.
- When a player takes a new job, they are shown information about it and what they can do
- Added police station reception where civilians can become a cop, pay tickets and turn themselves in, and cops can access a cop shop, go off duty, view crimes/stolen vehicles/suspects/jailed players and more
- Players (non-cop) now get a vigilante reward for killing a most wanted player
- Air checkpoint collectables now have a minimum speed and height requirement to prevent cheating
- Added /settings for players to control their settings such as disabling automatic headlights or toggling the fuel bar display or changing their spawn location
- Added action buttons to skin selection: random skin, change gender, go on/off duty and cancel
- Added basic admin system and commands
- If players quit inside an interior with 'last location' as their spawn point, they will now spawn outside the building rather than in the sky
- Cops can take stolen vehicles to the impound
- Chat and command anti-spam
- Admin chat
- New job: Forklift
- Players can now rob other players
- Added a system for showing subtitle text with high or low prioriry (high overwrites low, low hides high and re-shows high after)
- Added an Interaction Menu for common actions
- Mission system structure has been revamped to make adding and changing missions much easier, with automatic 'mission flags' such as 'player can only start if innocent'
- Gang tag collectables in LS
- Staff /assist system
- /ammo ammo drop
- Added stunt challenges at Glen Park skate park and easter basin docks
- Added lost mafia money bag event
- Added Money Rush: collect all the cash in the set time
- Missions now have a cooldown period
- Weekly stats shown on city change
- Players can now break out of jail
- Added a Jail Menu for options such as breaking out and bribing
- Wanted stars now flash while evading
- Players can no longer evade police inside buildings
- Added lotto - buy tickets at stores
- Locked vehicles must now be broken into by repeatedly pressing ENTER
- Added contact/phone missions - currently only one for 'find the vehicle in area X and bring it to the lockup in area Y'
- If a player joins with a registered name, they can now change name without quitting if it's not their account
- Fixed a bug where if a player falls off a bike as a passenger, it will accuse the driver of hit and run
- Added hotel valet mission in SF
- Players now have a chance to re-enter mission vehicles before failure
- Bank and Club now open at only certain times
- Added proper clothing rooms to clothes shops, with info pickup
- If players shoot a gun in an interior, the actors inside will hide
- Cops can now place roadblocks with /rb (and /cone or /spike)
- You can now go on duty as a taxi driver, however the system isn't done yet
- Added an NPC train system
- Strippers can now be tipped
- Any player can now use a news heli to tail suspects for a journalist bonus
- Added GTA trivia quiz /(trivia)
- Medics can now perform CPR to revive dying players
- Players can now access vehicle trunks
- Added vehicle Time Trials
- The shooting range in Ammunation is now available in all worlds
- Players can now bribe cops
- Player IDs now shown in chat
- Long chat messages now truncated onto next line
- Players killed near a hospital no longer respawn at that hospital, but the second closest (to prevent spawn killing)
- Players can now change the number plate on stolen vehicles to evade the cops
- Random modded cars now spawn outside modshops
- Vehicles with mods can be scrapped for extra cash
28/04/2015:- Added a teleport from the LSPD interior to the roof (helicopters)
27/04/2015:- Added 'idle NPCs' in every interior
25/04/2015:- Tow Trucks, the Ladder Firetruck and the Sweeper now have lights on top that can be toggled with the horn key
23/04/2015:- Planes can now be refueled at any airport
22/04/2015:- Bounties can now be placed on players at payphones
- Added wanted level 'points' system
- Each crime committed gives you a certain number of 'points'
- Get so many points, and your wanted level goes up
- You need about 30 points to become wanted level 6
21/04/2015:- Added siren to all ladder firetrucks and the Prisoner Transport van
- Added /flare to drop a flare
19/04/2015:- Added shooting range in ammunation
- Added 'shifting' when player position set so players don't end up inside eachother (

18/04/2015:- Added trucking
- Fixed Silenced Pistol giving no damage (was going to be tazer)
- Weapon skills now work
- Shooting range vastly increases weapon skill
17/04/2015:- Cuff object offsets re-done for 0.3.7 animation fixes
- Pursuit vehicles now use SA-MP 0.3.7 built-in sirens, so they have sound now!
16/04/2015:- Sped up ammunation cameras to make buying weapons quicker
- All foodstands (chillidogs, icecream and noodles) around SA (roughly 30 of them) now function. Just need to add the NPCs (and get rid of the hotdog for ice cream/noodle stands - alternatives?)
- Cuffs now removed when players sent to jail
- Pressing MMB as a cop will now taze, cuff THEN arrest a player (will taze if they are moving, and cuff if they are still)
- Added payphones (can call 911 and place bounties soon)
- Added checkpoints at 3 main fire stations to become a firefighter
- Fixed respawning at Blueberry hospital after dying after bail in jail
- Added high ping warning/kick
- When exiting a vehicle, you can hold ENTER/F to keep the engine running (was previously opposite)
- Fixed various bugs with 'crime response' checkpoints not destroying properly after use
15/04/2015:- All active missions are now ended when the city is about to change
- Players cannot start missions 2 mins before city change
- You can no longer enter a vehicle during the weed burning mission
- Fixed bug where areas around Blueberry Acres (coordinates 0, 0, 0 - center of map) were being explored upon spawning
- Added checkpoints in gyms to learn fighting styles (currently only boxing and kung fu)
- First skin shown on connect or skin change is now random, not 'first available