I have made some improvements:
- The purple colour used for links is now slightly brighter, to help with contrast.
- There are now dividers between boards on the index.
- Category headers on the main page now have a background color, with white text.
- Fixed there only being dividers between some of the posts within topics.
- Board icons now turn from grey to white when there are new posts within a board, instead of the green dot in the corner.
- User info to the left of posts now has a vertical separation line.
I still have some issues I'm struggling to fix, and some other things to improve on. Thank you for the feedback so far.
You might not see some or all of these changes unless you clear your browser cache (Ctrl+F5).
Remaining issues:
- Text input boxes show as white on some devices/browsers (unable to replicate).
- Empty lines on board index at bottom of category (couldn't for the life of me style it separately to the other lines).
- Bad spacing/padding of dividers between posts within a topic.
- Some older images need updating, like the BBCode images in the post editor.
- Not all profile icons show as a circle: I won't 'fix' this. I recommend everyone uses square avatars to make them look good.