Author Topic: 2.1.2  (Read 7282 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: September 12, 2024, 09:30:12 pm »

Version 2.1.2

- Medics can now press the 'sub-mission' key (2 by default) in a Medic vehicle to find customers (/customers and /findheal).
- Area 69 no fly zone now has audio announcements (audio plugin required).

- When a medic/mechanic etc. uses the horn to offer services, it will now ignore teammates that are passengers in the vehicle.
- The no-fly zone over Area 69 will no longer activate at ground level, which made stealing a Rustler impossible.
   - The audio has also been improved, with voicelines (audio plugin required) and a better missile lock-on sound.
- Warehouse Robbery warehouses can now be entered by anyone during the mission.
   - It is not currently possible to co-op the mission, but we plan to add this.
   - The 'suspect/cop inside' labels will also now apply to these doors.

- Payphones can no longer be used to remove your wanted level if cops are nearby, or if you're Most Wanted.
- Weapon 'ranges' have been adjusted, and are no longer capped. Expect more damage to be dealt in general.

- Fixed 'excess ammo (parachute)' bug (again).
- Bribe system fixes.
- Fixed cops being able to take stolen items stored in a vehicle to a hideout (warehouse/property robbery).
- Fixed being unable to duel when gambling allowance exhausted, even with $0 bet.
- Fixed Palomino Creek bank not working.
- Fixed bank tutorial being interrupted by bank closing time.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the testers and rest of the staff team which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Added /service for service providers to offer their services to a specific player, or for players to request a service.
- Fixed vehicles with no hood/trunk showing options to open them.
- Fixed service providers unable to offer services to players.
- Fixed players dying in the Rodeo tunnel seemingly randomly.

Revision 2
- Fixed a script crash.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2024, 03:09:14 pm by Mike »