Author Topic: 1.5.2  (Read 11523 times)

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Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • MCNR name: Mike
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« on: March 01, 2020, 10:14:31 pm »

Version 1.5.2

When version 1.5 launched I had made a tiny change in the way purchased personal vehicles were registered to a player in the database. I added the purchase time (as a timestamp) into the record, so we can track when a vehicle was bought. Unfortunately I messed up, and all vehicles bought (only 36) in the roughly 48 hours after 1.5 launched charged the player but the vehicle never became theirs.

This has since been fixed, and all affected players have been automatically refunded. You will be notified when you join the server if you were affected. The cash will be refunded to the source it was taken from (wallet/bank). Sorry for any inconvinience caused. I have added measures to prevent similar issues in the future. Thank you.

- New daily objective: Wave at 10 different players.
- New daily objective: Witness the Hunter Quarry detonation event.
- New daily objective: Drive 50 different vehicle types.
- New daily objective: Use the shooting range.
- When purchasing a personal vehicle, you are now shown a confirmation message and dialog. Previously the vehicle would just become yours without you being told, which was confusing. Shows vehicle, price and storage location.
- Added a message in chat after robbing the bank to show how much you got and which bank it was robbed from. Before this, once the on-screen message had gone you couldn't see how much you robbed.
- Players are now shown 'Welcome to [city name]' on first spawn. Can be disabled in /settings (display).
- Tire repair now uses progress bar.
- Players being revived will now see a progress bar to match the reviver.
- When a cop spots a suspect this will now be announced to all other cops. It will show how many units are in pursuit. This will only show once a minute. This may be made less frequent in the future depending on feedback.
- Shooting range now shows accuracy. Will give a skill boost based on accuracy of shots.
- Shooting range will now show time taken in mission panel throughout.
- Crime history is now stored in the database and therefore accessible even after a server restart.
- Crime history can now be viewed for a player via their player interaction menu (press Y when looking at a player as a cop). This was possible with '/crimes [name/id]' before, this just makes it more accessible.
- Crime history entries can now be selected to navigate to them.
- Police reception 'recent crimes' list now allows selection to view individual players' crime history.
- Added a system to apply a reloading animation to prevent weapon-switch quick reloading.
- Added warning messages when cops are detected as camping in and around the bank while no suspects are around.
- Name change requests will now expire after 28 days.
- The BF Injection can now be purchased from low-end dealerships. It will also now spawn as a desert/country vehicle.
- Added tip message when entering drive-by to explain weapon cycling and drive-by cancelling.
- Added changelogs access to interaction menu.

- House safe robbery is now capped at 10k per safe stolen, rather than 5k total for all safes stolen.
- All house robbery valuables have had their value increased by between $100 and $500. Expect to earn quite a bit more from house robberies now.
- Medkit can no longer be used if damaged recently or used a medkit recently.
- Players can no longer manually re-sync themselves with /sync. It's purpose is not to fix general SA-MP sync issues. It only fixes desynced animations, such as when other players see you as a dead body moving around on the floor, or walking but with no animations being applied. The desync it was created to fix was that when you are dead to other players, they cannot damage you. This is automatically detected by the script and you will be automatically synced.
- Bank robbery hideout selection (/hideout) is now based on bank location rather than player's location. The hideout cannot be too close to the robbed bank.
- Cash spend stat category for 'Vehicle purchases' and 'Vehicle accessories/maintenance' are now separate.
- /city now shows next city and time until city change.

- Fixed anti-weapon slide not working correctly and triggering false detections. If issues continue to occur please report them.
- Fixed bank robbery Whetstone hideout saying 'cops nearby' when they were inside the bank interior (possibly miles away). This is because the physical location of the bank interior is inside Mount Chiliad, which is where the Whetstone hideout is.
- Fixed bank robbery 'Deliver the cash to the hideout' chat message being coloured with opposite color emphasis to other bank robbery texts (white text with red emphasis, should be red text with white emphasis).
- Fixed a bug where players could exit the test drive vehicle with a controller and still buy it (but it wouldn't work because it gets destroyed) as the dialog would still be open.
- Removed 'No more fish to sell' message after using 'Sell all fish' option.
- Fixed SFPD interior enter-exit marker not aligned with center of door.
- Fixed truncated string in wanted level descriptor for most wanted (Takedown authoris).
- Cash for personal vehicle purchase is now taken after personal vehicle registered to player to prevent funds being taken without goods being delivered.
- Pressing LMB while downed no longer shows 'Mike needs help! Press Y to revive them' to the downed player themselves.
- Fixed some map collision exploits (locations undisclosed).
- Fixed cops getting stuck in never-ending cuffing animation if the suspect managed to break free from the cuffs within a small frame of time before the animation started.
- GPS destination setting will now work from interiors. It will calcluate the route starting from the exterior door position.
- Fixed a bug where vehicles that were drowned would not respawn.
- Cop tazer can no longer be equipped while parachuting. It allowed cops to have unlimited parachutes.
- Fixed PSO cop-banning not making the player go off duty.
- Weed burn mission will now fail if all ammo gets used.
- Shooting range activity will no longer disturb the world (disabling the gun menu etc.) when failing the activity. Was supposedly fixed in 1.5 but wasn't.
- Fixed 'Defend the Securicar' text persisting after event ended.
- Fixed 'Follow Officer Mike to jail' text shown to cuffed players persisting after bribe and cuffs removed.
- Fixed ability to pick up multiple dropped house robbery items. Only the most recently picked up one could be dropped again and players would hold the item forever and have to relog.
- Fixed green property house icon on radar not being destroyed when property sold.
- Fixed blue car icon for personal vehicles and scrap/export locations not appearing if too many icons created already. Given higher streaming priority.
- Shortened some crime names to prevent crime dispatch messages in chat being too long.
- Fixed double-clicking an item of clothing in a shop clothes menu causing the player to punch and attack the cashier. Player will be frozen for a moment after the menu closes.
- Fixed players not being accused of a crime when shooting a cop that is in a vehicle.
- Medics can now self-heal soon after previously doing so if they have a medkit.
- Fixed player requested vehicles (personal/job vehicles) spawning high above/below the player such as on an overhead bridge or down in a parking lot.
- Fixed issue where cash income stat for 'Job' was being tracked for news maverick suspect tailing when it is not a job.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy the update.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 06:57:43 pm by Mike »