Author Topic: 2.1.1  (Read 7564 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: September 07, 2024, 03:37:34 pm »

Version 2.1.1

Don't forget to check out the changelog for the current main version, 2.1 .

- A new 'Weekly Challenge' has been added.
- At the start of a game week (Monday), a challenge will be set.
- The challenges are based on player stats, for example to swim the furthest, get the most arrests, make the most money etc.
   - Some challenges are related to specific jobs, or crime. This will encourage players to switch things up.
- Prizes range from $10,000 to $25,000 (random).
- The winner wil be announced just before the city changes on Sunday.
- Cash prizes will be awarded to the winner regardless of whether or not they are online (however score will only be awarded if the winner is online at city change).
- Use /weeklychallenge (/wc) to check your stat and rank.

- A new 'Cash Dash' challenge called 'Scrapyard Challenge' has been added to the LS Scapyard.

- Players can now disable the new 2.1 player info labels ('/set player_labels').
   - I am considering adding options to fine-tune exactly what you can see, if that's what people want.
- Player labels now show a player's donator status.
- Cops (rank 6 or higher) can now spawn a Predator boat from the /jv menu.
- Added skin-specific cop freeze/surrounded/arrest/follow dialogue for female cops.
- Police station roofs/helipads are now all restricted areas (trespass crime).
- Added option to lock/unlock vehicle doors in the vehicle control menu (press Y in a vehicle).
- Added command /(un)stuck if a player is stuck somewhere they can be teleported to safety.
   - There is a $5,000 fee and time limit. Ideally, contact staff first.
- All players now have a secondary account ID, known as a GUID. This is just as unique as your account ID, however it can be changed to protect your privacy if needed.
   - You should only share your GUID with others (e.g. for proxy donations) and never your primary account ID. Both can be viewed in /accountid (/aid).

- Player threat status is no longer shown in info labels to non-cops.
- Reduced accuracy and fire rate of Area 69 tower guards.
- When a cop /frisks a player, items that can be confiscated are now highlighted red.
- Bonus vehicle chat messages reduced in quantity.
- When placing a spike strip, there is now an on-screen instruction text.

- The color a cop's name/blip flashes when requesting backup is now blue/white instead of blue/red, to avoid confusion with most wanted (red).
- The distance from which the new 2.1 player info labels are visible has been halved (and a very short distance in interiors).
- Bonus vehicle second clue is now shown 10 mins before the end of the event instead of 5.
   - This is because 5 minutes is simply not enough time to find it and then drive it all the way back to the active city.
- The keys to place or cancel placing a spike strip are now Crouch and Punch/Fire respectively.
- Added a cooldown to spawning trucks at trucking checkpoints.
- The 'Use of Explosives' crime now only occurs if another player is nearby (100m).
- The Rustler is now available for civilians to use. Abuse of the weapons will result in punishment.
- 'Turning yourself in' (to jail) will now result in less jail time.
- There is now a small fee to request personal/job vehicle to be delivered to you.
- Scrapyard button is now Y instead of 2, to prevent conflict with mission starting key.
- XP boosts for medic/fire job events.

- Possible server hang/freeze fix.
- Fixed player location showing as '0m (right beside you)' in /info (/i).
- Fixed cop spike strip placement preview not showing.
- Fixed chat error spam when using /bribeall (/bra).
- Players will no longer be accused of the 'Use of Explosives' crime for Teargas.
- Player info labels now update on level/job/rank change.
- Fixed trespass crime (manager's office) being committed by players in the bank tutorial.
- Fixed command list search categories being listed incorrectly.
- Fixed players being stuck at payphones after using the wanted level removal option.
- Fixed players requesting backup (/bk) as a cop, then going off duty, still being in a state of 'needing backup' for 60 seconds.
- Fixed /rbk listing oneself.
- Fixed /trucking and /fishing not displaying help topics correctly.
- Payphone 'officer down' option for cops now has a limit like the regular 'request backup' option.
- Fixed ATM robbery being a threat crime (it's theft, not robbery).
- Fixed custom property names potentially being cut off (truncated) as a result of the use of color codes (donator feature).
- Fixed '/gps warehouse' listing your houses.
- Fixed players able to /ignore themselves.
- Fixed /myperf not working (says unauthorised). /perf (staff version) will also now redirect to /myperf.
- Fixed an issue with unwearing clothing not saving to database correctly.
- Fixed /backup spamming yellow help messages to the user.
- Fixed bounties expiring too soon.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the testers and rest of the staff team which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Player info labels now respect line-of-sight (cannot be viewed through walls).
- The setting to disable player labels now has three options: Far (default), Near (half distance) and Off.
- Player pause time now shown in player info labels.
- Fixed empty brackets in player labels after wanted level (e.g. 'Wanted Level 4 ()').
- Added a player /setting (/set) to automatically pay for 'Redwood Prime' for faster Supply Drop delivery.
   - By default, this is 'Ask each time'. Other options are 'Always' and 'Never'.
- Added vending machines inside Easter Basin Naval Base aircraft carrier.
- Bribe star pickups have been replaced by off-duty cop NPCs.
   - They are located at the rough same places as before, with a couple removed. You must be on foot.

Revision 2
- A popup will now show on first spawn if there has been a recent script update to inform players.
   - A /setting (/set) has been added to disable this if wished.
- Added a /setting (/set) to disable showing PMs/mentions received while paused upon unpause.
- Added settings to the FPS counter display (/fps) for higher contrast options (4 levels).

- Safe robbery is now 'theft' not 'robbery' crime (non-threat).
- Players that steal a Rustler now get a much higher wanted level (Most Wanted).
- When evading cops, wanted stars now flash in the color of the wanted level (but dimmer).

- Fixed duels not taking bet payment if would exceed daily bet allowance, but still paying it to the winner.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2024, 09:28:50 pm by Mike »