Version 1.16.3 IntroductionThe 2023 Christmas Event has begun!
See this blog post for details:

- A Ferry has been added between Bayside and Dwayne Island.
- NOTE: There is no physical/visual Ferry, it's just 'fast travel'.
- A /setting has been added to disable the automatic picking up of weapon pickups.
- Players that enable this setting will need to crouch to pick up the weapon.
- This affects weapons found around the map, as well as weapons dropped by other players.
- Civilians in job vehicles (e.g. a civ in a police car) can now see the job radio (#).
- Vehicle storage garages can now be sold (50% refund).
- Added /m to continue to message the last player you PMed.
- Differs from using /reply (/r) as it won't change if someone else messages you.
- Player jailbreak can now be cancelled mid-attempt by pressing FIRE.
- A casino has been added in San Fierro, near the Vank Hoff hotel.
- Donators now get an extra clothing slot allowance (can wear 6 items, usually only 5).
- Donators can now save a skin with a clothing outfit, and change the skin automatically when loading the outfit.
- Added 'Fishing' skill which will allow faster fishing as the skill increases.

- When initiating an 'offer' to a player, you'll now be told if they're currently paused and might not respond immediately if at all.
- NOTE: This 'offer' system is currently only used for bribe, group invite, friend invite, gps sharing, inventory trading, and dice.
- Cops can no longer be damaged while cuffing/arresting a suspect.
- All helmet clothing items now give headshot protection.
- Headshot protection is no longer as strong.
- Helmets used to completely disable the 1.5x headshot multiplier, but now headshots with a helmet will still have a 1.2x multiplier.
- Jailbreak player skill now also affects player breakout time when assisted by another player.
- Boosted payout for Securicar (main mission player, assisting guards, and when stolen).
- When a player's weapons are conficated (PD locker), existing confiscated weapons are no longer wiped. They simply add up.
- Pressing ENTER in Ammunation while buying guns will now buy 10x the Ammo, allowing for faster purchasing.
- There are plans to improve the entire Ammunation interface in the future, which will bring further improvements.
- Vehicle export checkpoint now requires a key press to sell the vehicle.

- Increased the amount of skill attained when training skills (some increased more than others).
- Increased Mafia Moneybag prize cash.
- Shooting an emergency vehicle will now result in a 2-star wanted level (from innocent).
- Prostitution is now a crime (for both parties) if a cop is nearby (50m).

- Potential fix for Securicar mission timer going negative.
- Fixed vehicle mod selling menu not showing all mods.
- Fixed an issue where certain 'player offers' were not cancelled when the players were 'disrupted' (e.g. downed/died/cuffed/arrested/tazed).
- Also fixed certain 'player offers' cancelling when players were disrupted when they weren't supposed to be (e.g. friend requests).
- Fixed 'Extinguish Yourself' achievement not working when on fire from a campfire.
- Fixed player vehicles rotating when playing dice inside a vehicle.
Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the testers and rest of the staff team which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
Revision 1- Fixed being able to buy 10x throwables in Ammunation.
- Fixed text going off-screen in Ammunation key legend box.