Author Topic: 1.14.14 R3 (Halloween Event 2022)  (Read 10949 times)

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Offline Mike

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1.14.14 R3 (Halloween Event 2022)
« on: October 06, 2022, 01:44:52 pm »

Version 1.14.14 (Halloween Event 2022)

Halloween Event 2022

The MCNR 2022 Halloween Event is now live!
Check out all the info here:

- In the Halloween and Xmas seasonal events, pumpkins/gifts can now be collected by shooting them.
- Added /onlinetime (/ontime) to show how long you or others have been online for.
- In the maid mission, players can now hold two bags of trash at once.
- '/gps pv' and '/gps pv2' can now be used to quickly set GPS to active personal vehicles.
  - '/gps pv' will navigate to your PRIMARY active vehicle, and '/gps pv2' your SECONDARY one.

- Reduced Securicar initial engine/tire health (was 5000 and 250, now 3000 and 200).
- Lotto 'runner up' prize will no longer fully reset the jackpot amount, just reduce it by the amount paid out.
- Cops can no longer damage players that are being tazed.
- Buying maid upgrade for property would not clear existing trash, and would still acculumate up to 50% trash. The maid upgrade will now remove all trash, and trash will never regenerate.
- If a player is arrested inside a police department, they no longer lose their weapons, they get confiscated.

- Added additional debugging to fix a semi-rare server crash.
- Fixed vehicle armour being lost when a vehicle was repaired. It was supposed to keep its health.
- Fixed 'saved respawn position' not working for property interiors, resulting in players spawning in mid air.
- Fixed inconsistencies in vehicle recovery prices depending on the method used.
  - It was a lot cheaper to use the 'Repair engine' option on the /v menu than to request the vehicle and accept the recovery costs.
- Fixed 'Cop chase lasted XX:XX' spammed in chat every few seconds.
  - This also fixes the fact that cops were not getting the 'cop chase bonus' cash/xp.
- Fixed a bug where if a player quits while inside the garage of a modshop with 'last location' the spawn setting enabled, they could get stuck upon rejoining the server.
- Fixed maid mission panel bugging out and not showing correct number of piles to collect.
- Fixed players receiving free tazer ammo when previewing the contents of a supply drop before calling it.
- Fixed an issue in Lumberjack where any vehicle could be used to do the mission.

Future development
The next large update for MCNR will be version 1.15. Work is well underway, however it is going to take some time to get finished.
I'd like to thank @M3E6 and @ChrisAg for their continued help with development of 1.15.
I am eager to get 1.15 finished and released and share it with you all, but it's taking a considerable amount of time and effort to finish. Thank you for your patience so far.

Check out #teasers on Discord for some of the things coming in 1.15, such as Weed and Trucking.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Shooting a pumpkin that is part of a decoration will now display a message to the player stating it is not collectable.
- Fixed pumpkins clipping into ground, some considerably (mostly in Las Venturas around Come-a-Lot).

Revision 2
- Player join messages are no longer shown as soon as the player connects.
  - They are now only shown when the player first spawns with a new account, or logs into an existing account.
  - The 'x has arrived in San Andreas' message is gone, replaced with the normal join message.
  - The 'x has logged in' message is gone, replaced with the normal join message.
  - Staff will still see join messages when players first connect.
  - The reason behind this change is to avoid players' chats being spammed when there is a bot attack or spammer.
- Re-enabling the server HUD elements with /hud will no longer enable ALL of them, but only the ones that you had enabled before.
- Manually re-enabling part of the server HUD yourself in /settings will now exit 'hidden hud' mode.

- Fixed a hole in the map above a business doorway near Dillimore PD.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs like trains did not have their blip colors set if the halloween event was active.
- Fixed actors which weren't supposed to be able to be robbed being able to be robbed.

Revision 3
The 2022 MCNR Halloween event has now ended. Thank you everyone that participated - we hope you had fun.
Check out the blog post here for stats and leaderboards:

The next seasonal event will be for Christmas and will start in December

- For future seasonal events, the seasonal collectable leaderboard now shows your rank even if you aren't in the top 100.
- Death action log now includes location.
- Fixed Securicar health being shown as 60% when at full health.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2022, 08:41:23 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • MCNR name: Mike
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Current version: 1.14.14 R2
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2022, 03:47:05 pm »
Revision 2
- Player join messages are no longer shown as soon as the player connects.
  - They are now only shown when the player first spawns with a new account, or logs into an existing account.
  - The 'x has arrived in San Andreas' message is gone, replaced with the normal join message.
  - The 'x has logged in' message is gone, replaced with the normal join message.
  - Staff will still see join messages when players first connect.
  - The reason behind this change is to avoid players' chats being spammed when there is a bot attack or spammer.
- Re-enabling the server HUD elements with /hud will no longer enable ALL of them, but only the ones that you had enabled before.
- Manually re-enabling part of the server HUD yourself in /settings will now exit 'hidden hud' mode.

- Fixed a hole in the map above a business doorway near Dillimore PD.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs like trains did not have their blip colors set if the halloween event was active.
- Fixed actors which weren't supposed to be able to be robbed being able to be robbed.

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Re: Current version: 1.14.14 R3 (Halloween Event 2022)
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2022, 01:09:50 pm »
Revision 3
The 2022 MCNR Halloween event has now ended. Thank you everyone that participated - we hope you had fun.
Check out the blog post here for stats and leaderboards:

The next seasonal event will be for Christmas and will start in December

- For future seasonal events, the seasonal collectable leaderboard now shows your rank even if you aren't in the top 100.
- Death action log now includes location.
- Fixed Securicar health being shown as 60% when at full health.