Author Topic: 1.0.11  (Read 13431 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: May 06, 2019, 11:29:57 pm »
- Player bank balance is now shown as part of the HUD under 'wallet' cash.
- While aiming using a sniper the player's camera will now sway to reduce accuracy especially over long distances.
- The sniper is now bolt-action. It must be reloaded after every shot, meaning fire rate is reduced.
- Player purchases can now use funds from bank account.
- Added two new settings to toggle bank balance display and purchases primary fund source (wallet or bank first).
- /settings categories are now separate sub-menus as the dialog was now too big to display all the options.
- When a player is arrested, the last person they robbed now has their stolen cash returned to them (if they are still online).
- /export now shows vehicle export list and prices.

- Increased payout for various missions and activities.
- Increased cop cuffing range slightly.
- Animation commands (e.g. /puke /hide /dance) can no longer be performed while cuffed.
- Players can now enter places that are being/been robbed.
- Sniper headshots are no longer instant kill unless close range.
- Sniper damage slightly reduced for medium and long range.
- Weapon damage is now reduced in drive-by.
- Cuffing now takes 2 seconds longer (5 seconds) to give suspect more chance to break away.
- GPS auto-destination no longer set if player is within 100 meters.
- Vending machines are now server controlled and cost $10.
- Vehicles abandoned inside the easter basin export container are now removed upon the driver exiting to prevent blocking the export container.
- Cops that kill two innocent/yellow/cop players within 10 minutes are now dismissed rather than just demoted a rank.
- Players that lose their full wanted level are now automatically uncuffed to prevent issues where innocent players are walking around with cuffs on and there's no way to get them off them.
- Players can no longer access a vehicle boot while the vehicle is locked.
- Pay 'n' Spray wanted level evasion is now limited to once every 5 minutes to avoid misuse.
- Added /radio to show help regarding job radio.
- Player vs player robbing limit added to 10k.

- Fixed players being able to send chat messages before logging in, allowing impersonation.
- Players' 'special action' is now cleared when tazed (e.g. /piss).
- Bicycles can no longer be refuelled.
- Fixed recovering a destroyed personal vehicle from a garage spawning the vehicle on fire and exploding.
- Fixed issue with emergency vehicle lights persisting after vehicle removed from world (again).
- Fixed issue where if a vehicle had 36 stolen property items stored in it and you tried to store more it would crash the script.
- Treasure hunt now announces the winner to all players.
- Disabled courier mission script as it is not ready and was disabled.
- Fixed issue where a cop demoted for killing innocent/yellow/cop players actually caused the victim to lose cop XP.
- Fixed issues with the 'N' key not working properly for ticketing. Ticketing should now work better. Cops must be on-foot but the suspect can be on-foot or in a vehicle. You must approach the window to ticket the suspect.
- Fixed issue where players could replay the first spawn tutorial popups to gain the $500 new player starting bonus (again).
- Fixed issue where calling for a taxi at a payphone rendered the player stuck in the payphone animation.
- Players can no longer heal at the hospital while already being healed.
- Fixed cop megaphone announcements being heard by all players (again).
- Fixed players being able to revive players in adjacent jail cell.
- Fixed issue where if a player quit during the 'leaving the active city' notice the three-tone alert sound from it would continue for the next player to take that previous player's ID.
- Fixed cops being required to hotwire predator boat.
- Fixed issue where if a muted player quit the server the next player to join with that ID was muted.
- 'Stolen vehicle spotted' now only happens for driver, not passengers.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2019, 04:51:04 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

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Re: Current Version - 1.0.11
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2019, 11:49:23 pm »
Last-minute changes before update:

- Cuff break-free is now limited to once per 5 minutes to prevent endless breaking.
- Spike strips and roadblocks can no longer be placed while entering a vehicle or after entering a vehicle.
- Players viewing the first spawn tutorial popups can now enter vehicles. This was frustrating for players.

Offline Uncle Mega

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Re: Current Version - 1.0.11
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2019, 10:26:34 am »
Woah, huge update :O