Robbing the bank and long routes of bank hideout
probably some people that are tryharding, killing one shot and everything but i know its just a game still
the staff most time either dont look over the repots or they dont do it fast enough and the person who have been reported had already loged out.
As soon as you max out everything, which can be done in 1-2 weeks, it just gets boring. Economy is unbalanced, same and only heist, not a single significant update in a very long time. Pretty fuckin boring these days, especially with the constantly decreasing playerbase. So many of my good friends who were regulars have lost interested towards mcnr or have completely stopped playing it, since theres nothing to do anymore.
The only thing that I'll like to mention here is that almost every staff who is in a crew is biased. I am not talking about my enemy crew's staff only, every staff who is in a crew is mostly biased. Crewless staff are the one who can run the server most smoothly because they always treat everyone the same as I have noticed.
Roofcamping tryhards, though, not really your fault Mike. They are just exploiting the old engine limitations to evade arrests. It's inevitable and shouldn't be pursued. Let people play how they want, if they want to have fun - let them have it, if they want to have a one sided battle, they will soon be alone in the area as any sensible cop would have moved on and won't waste time on such pricks.
One of the biggest strengths of this server is also his biggest flaw: after some time you realize the only thing you can do is rob the bank and claim revenges.
The most thing I dislike about MCNR is the staff members and the update frequency, Mike doesn't update frequently and the updates are so small and mostly about bug fixes and about the staff members, they're biased on a new level, today I got timed out for 12 days for replying to someone using the word "gordo" and he was insulting me and making useless drama and I just replied with gordo and I was the one who got timed out but he didn't get timed out.
Lag, toxic players , achivments that need tooo much to get them e.g. (not sure if correct) 3/6 kill 250 platers with bounty which is too much because no one place bounty and you cant claim yours
it does not have any new/refreshing stuff to do
Team power balance being skewed towards the robbers
The Lag sometimes i have high PLoss even tho my internet is good, and some staff members
Players that shoot for nothing and admins that do nothing
Tryhards toxics on chat.
Childish insults in main chat
There isn't much to do sometimes. It would be cool to see business added, hotels, apartments, something so we can have money coming in and players also want more robberies and heists, etc. Just more things to do.
not having casino
The way cops just shoot and kill me for one star or no reason at all I feel I was bullied the last time I played.
well , all is good except the 2 stars wanted when i found a dead corpse while fishing xD i feel bad when the cops got me and i didnt any thing xD otherwise all is good
Probably killing-on-sight criminals or cops. I prefer vehicle chase.
"3 things: PvP is difficult to master in SAMP in general, but it feels even more difficult on mcnr particularly( i don't know how but i hit more of my shots in a dm server )
Secondly, i seriously don't like that there are no limits on the amount of cops or robbers, sometimes the cops overwhelm the criminals and sometimes there are so many criminals that it is impossible to earn.
Also, the economy is quite disbalanced, there should be a greater pay on things like burglary and smuggling, its soo hard and long to break into someones house, loot them, and then get the truck to the hideout. Without getting caught."
Some random cop hunt or rdm
Playerbase - in conclusion - horrible. Especially people from oG and Bloods crew - they were the main reason I quit the game since they kept abusing every gray area of rules, not to mention how toxic they were and still are (both in-game, forums and on discord). I'm not saying I'm a better person myself but I can assure you, I'm not the only one who thinks that they are extremely toxic. Also what bothered me while playing in the server was the complexity of rules - they should be simple, not complicated (maybe they are just complicated for me, I am not speaking for everybody here). I also don't like the dueling (/1v1 or whatever it was) feature, it's a Cops and Robbers server, not a DM server. Thanks.
Lags mostly
Bugs, Poor minor updates
How any enemy ally can jump in and kill you even if you dont know him, and they can keep killing you till each of them can get a kill. I seen people with different crew tags team up on me and its not fair fighting 5v1, there need to be some better dm rules
i want the m4 now
Theres 3 players in the staff are toxic and they abusing
op cops, high packet loss, a lot of aimbotters, 10k medical bill
Sometimes you lose money very fast, without even realising it.
overloaded cops
"Well kinda that cooperation in doing crimes is almost non existable and that you can´t really do crimes outside the city anymore, + the fact that you get a star for almost everything.
Then there is VEHICLE armour, which in my opinion just brought big deathmatch imbalance, since now people keep pursuing somebody until they run out of vehicle armour, thats when they retreeat to safety.
The removal of the reload animation also, in my opinion it kinda brought the dm to a stop, now it came back."
Low player count, not a big deal tho.
That there aren't any more ways to gain money
criminals are overly nerfed, cops are op, and when you're arrested or killed by a cop, you lose 80-90 percent of your weapons
The Los Santos garage locations for smuggling. I think the cops can reach them too fast and I personally avoid doing smuggling when Los Santos is the active city. Also I don't know if it's fixed (haven't played for some time) but one of the garages is shown on the highway on the GPS but actually it's under it.
unoptimized damage values, unstable performance of the server (lags), overpowered cops, lack of solo gameplays, bad updates, bad economy system, lack of joyful gameplay, crew dominance, and moreover... toxic community
Most gangs and their members that destroy the fun and gameplay for most players (new and old) by just deathmatching everyone
A lot of the toxic players that are close to the mods that get away with breaking the rules.
The cop system is really buffed, cops have alot of advantages over criminals and it's really the most annoying thing in MCNR.
"-- monthly events
-- Duel System
-- I am bored of doing the same gameplay routine (e.g. robbing the bank)
-- I have reached max level and have lots of score and nothing left to aim for
-- I do not like other players on the server and am avoiding them
-- Most wanted suspects (Red) can be killed by civs or cops. (server rule)
Robberies side seem to be very repetitive. Casino robberies or adding crew content could bring more players online.
Well Mike doesn't even to community opinions and he kept spending his time on useless updates lets see after a few months mcnr is completely dead you just have to do balance the server my man.
For me nothing
Gang wars and packetloss.
All use aimbot and staff didnt take any action on it ....sorry to say that
Same repetitive gameplay which gets boring over time
Repetitive gameplay just add more ways to earn players a money and add weekly event to encourage players to play more often
The lag and the repetitiveness of earning money.
That sometimes I feel like I ran into some aimboters and sometimes crash but the game is still fun;)
Toxic players, some of the staff members (some are toxic), people who uses aimbot, trolls, Dwayne Island (I'm not sure about it's purpose, feel free to enlighten me or everyone about it).
Some cop players
The so called "lag"
newbie aimboters
Lack of players, maybe slightly too leaning on DM, revenge rule (contributing to DM), Mike not addressing revenge rule despite being voted for change by large majority (I would at least like an explanation/answer to my question couple days ago)
If mikes cnr was supporting on android, it was good for joining alot of players
nothing at this point
as i said the cops if u nerf them the whole players u have lost will comeback and we will have fun together just trust us mike also listen.
some admin they abuse there power just like me i got the punishment for nothing and now i cant play
unfair police when pursuit me 1 and they 3 not fair right.
Stev and staff team
Most of the aimbotters join the cop and some crim that makes them in advantage and its frustrating because they dont lose anything unless they were caught and its kinda difficult especially for me that i already have bad fps what even if i record my game that will even get worse fps. I wont also forget these OP cop features i think they deserve a nerf
The thing I hate the most is Server Lag, The packet loss issue most of time only in MCNR but not on other servers. Also there are many toxic/abuser players on the server which makes a bad impression on the server. Those players should be punished timely.
I have been playing here for more than a year and so far there haven't been any major update which adds new jobs, heists or anything interesting. I believe the owner is focusing too much on little or meaningless features which could be added later.
MWs, toxic MWs, the toxic cops, TOXIC PLAYERS, some admins, no kills needed, players willingness to pursue excellence (it's just a game)
"after some time you will get bored of doing the same thing [robbing the bank].also it does not make sense that a burgling mission has less payout that a maid job thats what i dont like.
I just don't like cheaters and ppl killing for no reason
staffs, also spawn killers, also cheaters
"Lagpit vehicle, aiming related lags(i don't know what to call them). Lack of player activity these days [can not argue over that, we are still awesome

], more gang related topics than anything, interest concentrating jobs (like bank robbery, prisoner transport)
Without friends, main objective of the game is earning money ."
Lack of updates ( no new things to do past 2 years) / lag
I dislike the toxic players within the community who try to manipulate players and/or staff.
People not reading rules mostly new players that go as cop and kill non-threats even if warned
Less players in the morning (PH TIME) , LAME UPDATES, still the same routine e.g robbing banks. Mike isn't always motivated to keep the server up to date.
Bode/Prother. In second place is that my client-side polygons are doubled; what I mean by this is for e.g. one gas station in Fort Carson it has objects that are from a different gas station, and a giant solid box covering the actual entrance and ATM of said station. Even in prison I have one prison cell door overlapping the two normal ones. Inside jail I remember having two beds, even. Maybe it's only for me, because <SmixY_> has seen me being blocked by that giant box covering the said station, and he could freely walk inside of this blocked area. Maybe it's Single player's blocks? https:// Thank you for reading!
Frequently changing rules and a few biased staff
Gangs and by gangs i mean the 4/6 bullets which are full of criminals seeking for any reason to kill everyone they make the game unplayable
There is nothing to dislike about.
Lack of robbery options (each store has the same robbery method, point gun and wait)
Sawn-off and non threat kills. Also man/cop hunt
unbalanced thing like cops, lot of cops, cops.
Bode and shit staff that bans me for nothing
"- Too few people playing it, the server deserves much more players, publicity is required;
- The guns are too expensive in Ammunation;
- Bugs here and there, on other servers there are fewer bugs;
- Not enough info on the commands which don't even exist in the commands list, e.g. for fixing vehicle/tires"
"Staff's behave, their response time on /report-s. Too much toxic players saying the N-word lot of times. Even there was a thread for the N-word that if somebody says this word, they might get an insta-ban. Nobody were banned nor punished for it.
Reduce the toxicity of the server, any kind of defaming to a player must lead to a bigger punishment. Not 5 mins mute but 1 hour, 2, 3, and the more they say the bigger the mute will be."
All Good .
Sometimes you like to earn money or it's urgent for you gang/crew, but there is only the bank to rob and u dont get much from it. You will mostly get killed by cops that are camping in front of it even though most of the times nobody is in the bank. Other than that i dislike is that most of the player suggestions & needs come second after the bug fixes which is also essential, but there could be updates with more things at once (expanding the dev team could also be a way to go around that).
high level players who abuse
The fact that it turned into a PvP server a lot over last couple of months.
The lack of robberies/heists that are possible. Literally the only option is to rob stores or rob the bank both of which get extremely boring after some time and they feel like a task more than enjoyment.
Bad rules, ruined economy, roles are unbalanced, community manager can get easily manipulated by hypocritic kids who act smart, no good updates which would improve playerbase but rather useless small updates such as menu changes...
lags, high weapon prizes, way too powerfull cops. If that 3 option will be changed i promise the server gonna have another player count record.
"There much things, but i won't explain every. There's a bad and unfair thing in MCNR When Cops take over whole mcnr and won't let other player's play, and i want solution for that because this happend to me many times, like 10 cops come to me after i rob bank, and its feel very bad, And also crew wars HUGE RageQuit this makes server so bad many people left in once.