Author Topic: 1.14.7 R4  (Read 8775 times)

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Offline Mike

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1.14.7 R4
« on: April 19, 2022, 06:23:25 pm »

Version 1.14.7

Easter Event concluded
The 2022 Easter Event has now concluded. Thank you to everyone that took part, we hope you had fun!

Check out the candy leaderboard and event stats here:

You can now have two personal vehicles active at the same time.
- The second vehicle that is active is known as the 'secondary' active vehicle.
- Once you enter the vehicle, it becomes your 'primary' active vehicle, and the previous 'primary' one then becomes the 'secondary' one.
- Requesting a vehicle while you have two vehicles already active will replace the secondary one.
- If your active personal vehicle is destroyed or returned to storage, the secondary one becomes the primary one.
- The personal vehicle menu has been stripped of the active vehicle options. These options are now in sub-menus when selecting your active vehicle(s).
- BETA: Please be aware this feature is a BETA feature. While it has been tested well, there may still be as-yet-unfound issues. Please report any issues you encounter on the forums.

Other additions
- When purchasing aircraft, you can now choose color(s) (if available on that model).
- A second aircraft menu checkpoint has been added to the pilot-restricted gate entrances of airports.
- Added player stat for time and distance flown in jetpack.

- ALL mission vehicles are now spawned-locked and invulnerable, until the mission begins. This is to prevent players from disrupting mission start locations.
- Chances of rainy weather reduced slightly.
- Pilot licence is now required to purchase aircraft.
- Aircraft/boat checkpoint menus consolidated and simplified.
- Train stations and airports are now separate categories in the GPS system.
- When requesting a personal boat, these will now spawn at the closest dock.
- The Valet mission will now fail if the player shoots a weapon.
- /pv (request favourite personal vehicle) will now redirect to /spv (summon personal vehicle) if already active as primary vehicle.
- Selecting to manage a personal vehicle which is active will now show the active vehicle management menu, rather than saying you cannot manage active vehicles.
- The /setting to disable auto-spawning of recently active or favourite personal vehicles can now be fine-tuned to always prefer favourite over recently active.
- Medical fees increased. Players with high wealth will pay higher medical fees.
  - The formula is a base amount of $2000 plus 0.002% of the total amount of cash the player has.
  - A player with $500k will spend $3k on medical fees, whereas a player with $10m will pay $22k.
  - Also, public services will now be required to pay medical fees.
  - Many players understandably won't like these changes, however they will help to balance the economy and also give death more meaning.

- Fixed vehicles with undetectable/unsyncable colors having blank color names shown, rather than 'Unknown'.
  - This could lead to misaligned columns in dialogs etc.
- Vehicles that don't support changing color are now restricted from doing so, including dealerships not asking if you'd like to customise the color of a newly purchased vehicle.
- Fixed personal vehicles spawning right in front of players.
  - While many might have preferred that, having a vehicle magically poof into existence right in front of you is not something that was intentional.
- Fixed closing robbery hideout selection map showing 'favourite hideout' menu.
- Fixed ability to open /hideout (/ho) map multiple times and break it.
- Mission vehicles are no longer repaired when the mission starts. This was not wanted behaviour.
- Fixed first destination checkpoint from 'Steal Vehicle' phone contract mission persisting indefinitely if the target vehicle is entered before entering said checkpoint.
- Fixed weapon cycling broken after jetpack removed by the script (when fuel runs out, a few other situations such as animations get cleared).
- Fixed /plate 'reset' option not working (nothing happened).
- Fixed /vsell being completely broken.
- Fixed 'recently active personal vehicle' being forgotten after a player quits, meaning it wouldn't reappear when rejoining.
- Fixed an issue where abandoning an active Crime Scene Investigation event area would not fail the event, but in fact succeed it.
- Fix Jetpack fuel timer stuck on-screen after losing jetpack.
- 'Left gas station.' message will no longer appear in chat when exiting gas station refuelling area on foot.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update!

Thanks to @ChrisAg for the Easter decoration objects/maps.
Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Medical fees are now capped at $10,000.
- If a player doesn't have enough money to pay their full medical fees they will be paid for by the state.
- If a player quits during the death animation, the medical fees are now paid upon disconnecting.
- 'Ragequit' is now shown as the disconnect reason if a player quits during death.

Revision 2
Fixed server crash caused by returning job vehicles to storage.

Revision 3
Fixed players getting anniversary bonus every time they join.

Revision 4
Reverses transactions for anniversary bonuses given in error.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2022, 09:27:50 pm by Mike »

Offline AvenTadoR

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Re: Current version: 1.14.7
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2022, 09:55:29 pm »

Offline Mike

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Current version: 1.14.7 R1
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2022, 11:08:05 pm »
Revision 1
- Medical fees are now capped at $10,000.
- If a player doesn't have enough money to pay their full medical fees they will be paid for by the state.
- If a player quits during the death animation, the medical fees are now paid upon disconnecting.
- 'Ragequit' is now shown as the disconnect reason if a player quits during death.