Author Topic: 1.14.6 R1 (Easter Event)  (Read 11763 times)

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Offline Mike

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1.14.6 R1 (Easter Event)
« on: April 01, 2022, 10:03:16 am »

Version 1.14.6 (Easter Event 2022)

Easter Event 2022
The 2022 Easter Event is now live! The event will run from April 1st to April 19th.

Details can be found in the following blog post:

- You can now fly the Jetpack! We won't tell you how to get it though - you'll have to figure that one out yourself!
- You can now view a breakdown of your last payday with /paydaybreakdown.
- Vehicle drivers will now attain a wanted level to match any suspects that enter their vehicle.
  - Drivers will be warned of this when a suspect enters the vehicle, and have 15 seconds to /eject them.
- Added command shorthand /set for /settings.
- Added blast doors to front entrance of Area 69.
- Personal vehicle lists are now split into pages (20 vehicle each), meaning if you have more vehicles than could be listed, you'll now be able to see them all.
- You can now mark multiple personal vehicles as 'favourite'.
  - Existing favouried vehicles will become 'primary' favourites, and you can add additional ones.
  - When favouriting a vehicle, you can either make it the primary, or add it as a secondary.
  - Primary favourite vehicles work in the exact same way as before - /fpv will request your primary favourite vehicles.
  - To manage and request other favourited vehicles, use /v and select 'Other favourite vehicles'.
  - There is no limit as to how many vehicles can be favourited.
  - Personal vehicle lists will highlight primary and additional favourited vehicles as green/teal respectively.
- Added kill/death (K/D) ratio to weapon kill/death stats (/pstats).
- The Pilot skin is now available to players that have a pilot licence.
- Two 'bodyguard' skins which were disabled are now available for all players to use.

- The Truth's Mothership vehicle (at his farm) can now be entered without breaking into it, once the Weed Burn mission is completed.
- Bait can now be purchased 10 at a time rather than 5, making it twice as quick to stock up.
  - Bulk buying via number entry is planned for the future.
- Certain inventory items (licences etc.) are no longer shown in the main inventory list, to declutter it.
  - There is a new 'Hidden inventory items' option at the bottom to show these.
  - They will be shown if viewing another player's inventory or if in 'discard mode'.
- Active personal vehicles can now be summonned from a shorter distance (150 meters, was 300 previously).

- Fixed a mixup of normal and streamed/dynamic actors being used, causing ID mixups.
   - This in turn fixes an issue where store clerk/cashier voice lines did not match their gender.
- Fixed players remaining cuffed after death if respawning at a hospital. Cuffs are now removed upon death.
- Fixed vehicles which are 'accessible' to players and stored in garages becoming 'legally owned' by them.
- Fixed player positions for the elevator at Emeralds Isle's parking lot.
- Fixed prostitutes being able to perform services on-foot while the customer is in a vehicle.
- Fixed player settings failing to save after being reset (until relogging).
- Fixed firefighters being unable to 'legitimately' enter ambulances without breaking in and hotwiring.
- Fixed certain player weapons being lost if a tazer is equipped and then holstered while the player had a 'temporary weapon'.
  - For example if you were given a temporary camera in the CSI job event, equipping and holstering a tazer would remove it.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone! Happy Easter!

Revision 1
- Fixed the Discord Easter command /candyranks (#bot-commands).
« Last Edit: April 19, 2022, 11:07:16 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current Version: 1.14.6 R1 (Easter Event)
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2022, 01:34:51 pm »
Revision 1
- Fixed the Discord Easter command /candyranks (#bot-commands).