Author Topic: HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2019 - Version 1.3  (Read 17174 times)

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Offline Mike

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HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2019 - Version 1.3
« on: October 23, 2019, 02:48:56 pm »

The first MCNR annual Halloween event is here!

Every year MCNR will be celebrating Halloween with a variety of events and activities which everyone can enjoy. This year marks the first year MCNR has launched a Halloween update, and in fact the first time any sort of holiday-themed update has been made!

The Halloween event will run from the 21st of October until the 4th of Nobember 2019.

Check out the blog post here for all the info you need:

Version 1.3

The main Halloween event activities include:
- Pumpkin hunt
- Magic cauldron
- Trick or treat
- Player possession

Other Halloween changes/additions:
- Fog/rain is a lot more common.
- All Halloween event commands are now shown in the commands list (/cmds).
- Transfer Halloween candy to other players via the player interaction menu.
- Possession as a 'disease'. You can be possessed by the cauldron, while trick-or-treating and by other players.
- Pass your possession onto another player via the player interaction menu (press Y while looking at a player.

Clothing and accessories
Clothing and accessories can now be purchased at any clothing store (/gps clothes). Categories include glasses, hats and helmets, watches, special equipment, weapons and tools, masks, bandanas, holsters, police equipment and much more!

Ammunation improvements
- Grenades, moltovs, satchel charges, armour and weapon licence in ammunation are now part of a dialog menu when you approach the store clerk, no longer pickups around the room as it limited what could be added in the future.
- When buying armour you are now charged a proportional amount based on the armour you already have. Full armour price increased to $1200.
- You can now buy teargas and a country rifle from Ammunation.
- Throwable weapon ammo will no longer carry over to different throwables. If you have 2 grenades and buy 1 satchel charge, you will no longer end up with 3 satchel charges but 1. The grenades will be lost.
- Buying Chainsaw, Parachute, Shovel etc. is now greyed out if you already have the weapon.
- Ammunation now has a couple of actors in the store due to the empty space created by the removal of the weapon pickups.

Supply drop and flares changed
- Ammo drops are now known as supply drops as they give you more than just ammo.
- Flares are now an inventory item and must be purchased from Ammunation or a general store in order to be used for a signal flare (/flare) or a supply drop (/supplydrop /supplies /ammo).
- You can hold up to 5 flares.
- You can 'use' a flare from your inventory (/inv or use interaction menu) to mark location or request a supply drop, or use /flare or /ammo (/supplydrop /supplies /supply) as before.
- Dropping a flare or calling for an ammo drop will now require flares in your inventory.
- Dropping a flare will mark your location on the map for all other players with a red 'S' icon.
- Health is now refilled from a supply drop.
- Supply drops now take 5 more seconds to drop.
- Added messages when a supply drop is requested and inbound.
- Throwable weapons are now correctly given ammo from a supply drop.
- Before confirming a supply drop you are now shown exactly what you will get.
- Once you pick up a supply drop you are now shown exactly what is given.
- Signal flare and supply drop flare now consolidated to use the same flare 'system', so they cannot be used together anymore.
- You can also now request a supply drop from the 'Call for service' section of the interaction menu.

- Skins can now be viewed in a grid-style catalogue menu at clothes shop clerk checkpoints, making it easier to find the skin you want rather than scrolling through them individually at the changing room.
- Entering a clothes shop now shows an instructional tutorial popup for changing skin and the new clothing and accessories system.
- All personal vehicles can now be scrapped, including ones of high value.
- Scrapping personal vehicles will now give the player 75% of the value rather than 5%.
- Encorcer vehicle can now use manual emergency lighting by pressing N.
- Cops with a class that has reduced blip visibility (FBI, SWAT and CIA) now reveal themselves on the radar for 5 seconds if they shoot.
- Server day, time and weather is now shown in the SA-MP client, updated once a second.
- GPS status display above radar now shows distance in meters under 1km and will show direction (N/S/E/W).
- Players with an STD will periodically perform a 'scratch balls' animation in addition to the 'shortness of breath'.
- LVPD roof now has a door on the outside of the entrance marker so it's not just a blank wall.

- Activating lights on a towtruck, sweeper, baggage, trashmaster, securicar etc. is now done by pressing N to be consistent with emergency lighting, rathern than the horn.
- Securicar hazard lights (press N) can now be used at any speed rather than only while parked.
- Activating main siren will now activate manual/secondary lighting and turn it off when siren is off.
- San Andreas world boundaries red border box will now flash if a player enters it.
- Store menu option to purchase lottery ticket is now greyed out if you already have a lotto ticket.
- Pollice dispatch crime report message now shows suspect color and crime/location is colored white to stand out.
- Medics that heal themselves while down will now only gain 25% health back, not 100%.
- You can now ring/knock on property doors even if the owner is offline (for trick or treating, but this change will stay).
- Changed the way throwable weapons' ammo is handled. Sometimes ammo would carry over to a new weapon for example if you had 2 grenades and bought a moltov, you would then have 3 moltovs. Ammo is weapon indpendent now.
- Cops can now enter the bank when it is closed if it being robbed.
- Cops can now enter any property with a wanted suspect inside.
- The location/vehicle display under the radar has been slightly redesigned to look nicer.
- Info popups (on the left side of the screen) are no longer shown when a dialog is open. The popup queue will resume when the dialog is closed.
- Changed the actor in the donut shops to one that Rockstar intended to be placed in there rather than the generic 'STAFF' male/female actors.
- Players can now own up to 5 properties, increased from 3.
- 'Dark red' text color (used in bank robbery and other places) has been made slightly lighter as it was difficult to read due to low contrast.
- Removed police dispatch message 'Cop x tazed suspect y in z' as it's just more clutter for the chat.
- Tutorial popup when entering a store changed from 'To rob a cashier, aim at them.' to 'aim at them with a weapon'.
- Shortened and re-organised 'Welcome back to MCNR' etc. chat messages on first spawn to take up less chat space.

- Fixed issue with slide-bug detection if player aimed while sprinting and velocity was still high after aiming begun. There is now a 1 second grace period from when you aim to slide detection.
- Properties with inactive owners (not online for over a month (28 days)) will now be sold to make them available for other players.
- San Andreas boundary red box no longer overlaps at the corners.
- Buying melee weapons from stores now saved to account straight away to prevent loss.
- Holding N in a vehicle will no longer try to play the /surrender animation, but will still show the '* Mike (69) surrenders.' message in chat.
- Fixed an issue where an unsuitable vehicle could be stored in any garage if it was replacing another vehicle already stored in the garage.
- Fixed server-sided damage values sometimes not being used and the default GTA values being used. This was causing the hunter/hydra/rhino rockets to not deal any damage to players on foot.
- Fixed an oversight in player transaction history where if a payment was taken partly from wallet and partly from bank account it would only show the transaction as affecting the primary cash source causing confusion.
- Fixed carwash payment not being a logged transaction.
- Fixed one of the NPC patients in the medic CPR job event being inaccessible to the Ambulance due to being up a set of escalators.
- Fixed gametext new-line characters (~N~) in 'Mike has started a Securicar mission' shown to cops in chat.
- Cop tazer is now holstered when going off duty.
- The interior spawn position for 'Gas Station' interiors has been moved slightly further into the store and away from the door as players would immediately exit the inteiror upon entering it.
- When changing a vehicle's numberplate at gas stations, the vehicle's health is no longer reset.
- Adds checks for GetTickCount() time wrapping and locks the server in this case until it can be fixed.
- Removed stated ability of firefighters to arrest suspects from the firefighter tutorial popup.
- Fixed an exploit where players could avoid the 'reload' animation when using the chainsaw which was added to balance it as victims would be unable to escape.
- When a player is given ammo for a weapon said weapon is now set as the held weapon as intended and to match default GTA/SAMP behaviour.
- Added a fix for 'attached object sniper scope' SA-MP issue where if a player had an object attached to their hand and used a camera or attached to their head and used a sniper they would see the attached object through  he viewfinder/scope. It will hide attached objects during aiming camera/sniper for all players which is not ideal however the only option.

I hope you enjoy this update - a lot of effort went into it! Thanks for your continued support!

Revision 1 - 25/10/2019
- Fixed clothes buying menu title text being truncated for sub-urban clothing shop as the string was too long. Removed yellow color code from the shop name to circumvent this.
- Clothing can now be deleted from inventory when not worn.
- Removal of clothing item from inventory must now be confirmed with a 5-second dialog.
- Fixed /clothes not displaying due to case-sensitive database field names on Linux.
- Fixed issue with players being unable to retrieve a garage vehicle at the garage door.
- Fixed issue where 'pumpkins found' count was reset between cities.
- Fixed issue where pumpkins could not be seen by a player if the player that had the same player ID before them found said pumpkin.
- Altered prizes awarded for pumpkins found as pumpkins apparently are easy to find and extremely large prizes were being awarded to lots of players.
- Fixed corrupt message 'Mike found 69 pumpkins. Prize: [prize_name].'.
- Amount of candy given to players for finding pumpkins is no longer cumulative (e.g. finding the 69th pumpkin would give you 69 candy and so forth). This was dishing out way too much score. Players now receive 1 candy/score per pumpkin found.
- Fixed /candy saying 'Type /candy for more info' it should say /candyhelp.
- Added missing command /trickortreat (/tot) for trick-or-treat info.
- Added 'Pumpkins found' to player /info box.
- Fixed 'Press N to toggle vehicle emergency/warning lights' popup box text overlap.
- Reduced drunk level intensity when possessed to retain radar/HUD.
- Fixed players having the ability to /possess another player irrespective or distance or whether or not they or the other player are/aren't possessed.
- Firefighters can no longer rob stores.

Revision 2 - 26/10/2019
Due to an issue with the way player candy was being saved/loaded incorrectly, we have had to reset everyone's candy. Don't panic too much however as you won't lose any rewards including score that you may have earned.
This simply resets the candy leaderboard. You'll have to get back to trick-or-treating to climb up the leaderboard again. But now everyone is on a level playing field now some past issues have been fixed.

Also, the ability to transfer candy to another player has been removed.

- Added /pumpkinrank(s) (/pumpkinleaderboard) to list the 100 players with the most pumpkins.
- Added quick-strings $candy and $pumpkins.
- Login screen now features a cop car chasing the existing NPC driver.

- When using a NAME/ID parameter in a command, if multiple players are found they will be listed. Also NPCs will not be included in the search any more.

- Fixed text-misalignment in /info for 'Pumpkins found'.
- Fixed /me /my /do being available to muted players.
- Fixed city transition music breaking vehicle radios.
- Fixed Desert Eagle c-bug detecting from vehicle-drive by.

Revision 3 - 27/10/2019
Due to 'abuse' by some players of the trick-or-treat system by trick-or-treating high-value properties then relogging with 'last location' spawn point and repeating the process, properties you have trick-or-treated are now saved to the database and cannot be visited again for a period of time.

Players known to be abusing this have had their candy reset down to 1000. Additionally players that earned the $6.66m bonus for finding 200 pumpkins in the first days of the event have had this reward revoked as it was a stupidly excessive reward and unbalanced the game. Sorry.

- /fuckyou (/fu) animation.

- /wave can no longer be spammed as much and is affected by mute.
- Desert Eagle c-bug detection will no longer fire during drive-by shooting.

Thanks to everyone that has been reporting issues, I try to fix them as soon as I can so we can enjoy this event!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2019, 12:30:03 am by Mike »

Offline codeshadow

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Re: HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2019 - Version 1.3
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2019, 03:58:51 pm »
Thank you. Keep up the good work.

Offline MD045

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Re: HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2019 - Version 1.3
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2019, 05:40:39 pm »
Happy Halloween everyone!

Offline Yolown

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Re: HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2019 - Version 1.3
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2019, 10:52:09 am »
Mike I remember that you promised me in game that you would fix the house system...?
I believe you haven't kept your promise.. :-\

Offline Mike

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Re: HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2019 - Version 1.3
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2019, 02:56:05 pm »
When I launched this update that change was crashing the server. I will try and fix it soon.

Offline Mike

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HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2019 - Version 1.3 R2
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2019, 08:40:25 pm »
Version 1.3 Revision 2 is now on the server. Please see the bottom of the first post of this topic for details.

Offline Mike

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HALLOWEEN UPDATE 2019 - Version 1.3 Revision 3
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2019, 11:20:24 pm »
Version 1.3 Revision 3 is now on the server. Please see the bottom of the first post of this topic for details.