Version 1.14.4
LOTTERY IMPROVEMENTS- The lotto jackpot will now persist through a server restart.
- The /lotto dialog 'Buy' option will now redirect to /picklotto for donators to buy a ticket from anywhere.
- The price of lotto tickets has been increased from $10 to $50.
- The amount of cash the jackpot increases by if nobody wins has been increased from $15,000 to $25,000.
- The maximum cap for lotto remains at $10m.

- A command has been added to advertise your services (medic/mechanic/prostitute): /ad.
- It can be used once every 5 minutes.
- /findheal (medics) now shows the players' health.
- /findheal will now order players by health, with the lowest health at the top.
- '/findheal dist' can be used to order players by distance (closest first).
- Firefighters can now request a ranger and ambulance (red colors) via the job menu.
- Added 4 personal boat spawns to Dwayne Island.

- Firefighters can now take a fire extinguisher (/fext) from any emergency vehicle, not just firetrucks.
- Job payday payouts boosted across the board, especially for medics.

- 'Suspect is unarmed - cease fire' warning will no longer show on-screen for cops shooting most wanted suspects.
- Fixed issues with server HUD elements (namely wanted stars) not showing sometimes, related to screen fading.
- Option to exit police departments via back exit menu is now cancelled if the player managed to walk away from it.
- If a suspect is cuffed and their name is flashing between their suspect color and white, the suspect color will be used in all messages, not the white.
- Suspect names will no longer flash white if cuffed but dead.
- Fixed mechanic engine repair costs being astronomical due to an integer/float value mix-up.
- Added missing /groupcommands (/groupcmds /grcommands /grcmds).
- The 'Attempted murder' crime on a cop is now an instant 6-star wanted level (most wanted).
- Fixed emergency vehicle 'wig-wag' headlights only flashing one side after using alternate siren if mode was set to 'dual flash'.
- Fixed players not clearing 'being tazed' state when turning self in at police reception while being tazed.
- Fixed players being able to purchase plane tickets with a wanted level.
- Fixed mechanic 'plate change' service getting stuck after completed.
- Fixed 'Carjacking' crime being issued when starting to jack someone but cancelling, then enter a different vehicle.
- Payday payments are now correctly categorised for the specific job.
- Fixed medic heal/cure not charging customers.
Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
Revision 1- Fixed medic ranger vehicle request spawning two of them (regular one and medic one).
Revision 2- Fixed store actors (cashiers) not resetting animations when the interior is reset after an attack/robbery.
- Fixed suspects being unable to bribe while cuffed.
- Fixed being unable to break free from cuffs at weapon locker.