Author Topic: 1.14.3 R6  (Read 16413 times)

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Offline Mike

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1.14.3 R6
« on: January 05, 2022, 10:40:25 pm »

Version 1.14.3

Christmas event concluded
The 2021 Christmas event has now ended. Thank you everyone that took part.
Prizes and stats will be posted tomorrow.

A group system has been added which can be used to chat to friends or members of your crew privately.
You can also enable anti friendly fire, to prevent members from damaging each other.
See /grouphelp in-game for more info a list of commands.

Other additions
- You can now change your favourite robbery hideout for the inactive cities.
- Added /hideouts and /fho shorter alias command for /favhideouts.
- Added /ho shorter alias command for /hideout.
- You can now delete and rename clothing outfits.
- Donators can now save 10 clothing outfits (5 more than regular players).
- Added <darkgreen> chat color option (donator only).
- Added enter/exit marker to Dwayne Island prison for accessing/escaping the prison yard.
- The club interior has been improved slightly. Added missing lights and now uses audio plugin for music.
- Passenger drive-by weapon can now be cycled back/forward with Q/E, in addition to pressing the drive-by button again to cycle to next weapon.
- Added a new option for the 'Favourite passenger drive-by weapon' setting: 'Current'. It will keep the currently equipped weapon armed if it's compatible with drive by. This means, for example, you can bring out your shotgun on-foot, then when you enter a vehicle as a passenger it won't change your weapon.
- When the Securicar's location is updated for thieves, the Securicar guard(s) are now alerted to this with a message and sound.
- Vehicles with armour can no longer have their gas tank exploded.
- Added /bribeall command which allows you to bribe all nearby players together.
- You can now enable a sound that plays when you take damage. It can be toggled in /settings > MCNR Settings > Sound > Hitmarker sound.
- Added a message to bounty placer when someone completes their bounty (even if offline).
- Added chat quickstring $pv to show your current personal vehicle in chat.
- Added /spv to summon active personal/job vehicle. /pv will still request your favourite.
- You can now unlink your Discord account with /unverify. Useful if you lose access to your Discord account and want to link another.
- A special 'heart' clothing item can now be unlocked once you reach medic rank 10. It cannot be obtained any other way.
- Added over 100 new personal helicopter spawn points around the map.
- Added /detachtrailer /removetrailer to detach your vehicle's trailer.
- You can now set your GPS (back) to your mission objective location if it gets cleared or if you have the auto GPS setting off.
  - Simply use '/gps objective' or '/gps obj', or access the /gps menu and set the destination to 'Objective location'.

- Various crimes have had the wanted points changed, meaning you may get a high or lower wanted level for committing certain crimes. Most have been increased.
- Players can now only attain a 6-star wanted level (most wanted) by committing murder or attempted murder or similar crimes, including all damage towards cops (even punching). Cops are now authorised to take down most wanted suspects on sight. This removes any doubt about if someone is a threat.
- 'Drive-by shooting' has been split into three separate crimes, depending on if you hit nobody, a cop, or someone else.
- The 'Assault with a deadly weapon' crime has been reverted back to 'Attempted murder'.
- /coprules (/prules) has been updated to clarify some things and make it flow better.
- Please re-read /coprules (/prules) to ensure you are familiar with the rules.

The backend system for saving players /settings has been rewritten for efficiency and code maintainability.
Unfortunately all players' existing settings have been reset to defaults.

Other changes
- /accept and /reject will now accept/reject a single offer (bribe) if you only have one sent to you.
- You can no longer rob a store again immediately after it resets. You must wait 24 in-game hours.
- /wsfix now shows the options rather than cycling through them.
- The Tractor can no longer tow vehicles except the Farm Plow, as it causes whacky physics.
- The cash packets dropped by the Securicar if it is destroyed are now based on the actual amount of cash in the truck.
- Increased wanted level for robberies.
- Active personal data is now saved more frequently to prevent loss of repair status etc. and garage labels will update to show the true state of the active vehicle.
- The end of mission stats box will now stay open for 30 seconds (was 20). It can still be closed after 5 seconds or so.
- Locating a trucking mission ('/gps trucking') no longer limits search to active city, as trucking takes you all over San Andreas.
- Slight increase to Securicar briefcase theft payout (was 10-15% now 15-20%).

- Bribing in jail is now possible again (both ways).
- Vehicles that were not wanted for export are no longer being scrapped immediately with no confirmation.
- Securicar skin should no longer get stuck on your character if you die.
- Fixed blank offer name when a bribe is accepted.
- Fixed Dwayne Island Bait Shop being selected as a Securicar collection location (was thought to be fixed months ago).
- Fixed player not being directed to go to hideout when exiting bank during robbery.
- Fixed player clothes disappearing on respawn.
- Fixed bribe offer sometimes being 'invalidated' after being accepted.
- Players are now prevented from being able to bypass Trashmaster animations.
- If a player somehow gets into the Trashmaster while holding trash bags it will now eject them.
- Fix player being removed from mission vehicle on failed start.
- Exiting passenger drive-by mode no longer changes the weapon back to the SMG.
- Medics are now frozen while performing CPR on a patient in the CPR job event.
- Possible fix for Andromada plane interior object appearing at random places.
- Fixed players unable to send chat messages while replaying the intro tutorial.
- Fixed 'random player' quickstring $rp not able to be used in commands.
- Fixed SWAT helmet not providing headshot damage resistance.
- Players are now prevented from cracking safes just before a city change, as it can result in them getting stuck.
- Fixed players unable to control character after safe cracking cancelled.
- Fixed low draw distance of LS prison.
- Fixed low draw distance of snowy areas (Xmas event).
- Prevented staff vehicle respawning from respawning trailers which are connected and in use.
- Trucks and trailers are no longer prevented from spawning at their set locations if the vehicle density in the area is too high.
- The 'collision map' of the game was not taking into account objects that were added or removed by the server, namely the aircraft carrier at Ocean Docks.
- Fixed low draw distance of many server-created buildings, including Bayside prolaps, ammunation, and bait shop.
- The kilometers/miles distance unit setting (/settings > MCNR > Display > Distance unit) is now working in most places.
- Fixed Securicar respawn points not setting the player's facing angle correctly.
- Fixed players with latency (lag) able to shoot Tazer twice or even more before the reloading animation was applied.
- Fixed issue where is a player had a temporary mission skin (Securicar, Mailman, Pizzaboy, Maid etc.) and they go on duty as a job, they would enter a state where they had the job skin but were not 'on duty' as far as the script could tell. The skin they had on did not match what the server thought they had.
- Fixed Securicar mission being bricked if briefcase stolen, no money in truck, and no Securicar main guard.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Fixed players' wanted level getting reduced from 6 (most wanted) to 5 when committing any non-attacking crime as most wanted.
- Fixed players getting ejected from a vehicle due to it being 'locked' in circumstances where it shouldn't happen, such as on a test drive or entering your own personal vehicle.
- The Securicar yellow vehicle objective arrow is no longer at the back of the truck once the cash is deposited, it is in the middle.
- Fixed for police helicopter and ranger persisting after Weed Burn mission and staying at Blueberry Acres (middle of map).
- Fixed @mentions in group chat showing to the mentioned player even if not in the group.

Revision 2
Fixed player settings sometimes not saving correctly. Unfortunately all existing player settings have been reset. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Revision 3
The following issues have been fixed:
- Adjusted 'Easter Basin' GPS destination closer to the boating checkpoint.
- The 'vehicle over-density' protection script was not working, leading to game crashes near LVPD due to a high number of vehicles that spawn there.
  - Some vehicle spawn points in and around LVPD have been removed.
- Unable to damage opponent in duels if in group with friendly fire on.
- /gps destinations menu was off by one, e.g. if you selected the 5th item it thought you selected the 4th.
- 'Weapon threat' crime did not indicate the victim of the crime.
- If a chat mode was set (group/whisper/shout), players' messages were also shown in the selected chat mode while in a /helpme assist session.

Revision 4
- Quick-strings will now include the player's color, e.g. $medic will show the medic's color.
- Added some extra debugging in order to investigate an issue where the script is attempting to destroy vehicles that don't exist, causing internal errors.
- Fixed issue where satchel object was not destroyed if the bank robbery was reset.
- Fixed players unable to break out of jail for 1 minute after entering it.

Revision 5
- Added on-screen notification when invited to group.

- Fixed /findheal /findcure command showing wrong column order.
- Fixed an internal issue with the Decathlon script destroying vehicles that don't exist.

Revision 6
- Fixed an internal runtime error (script crash) when surfing a vehicle.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2022, 11:17:35 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current Version: 1.14.3 R1
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2022, 08:37:21 pm »
Revision 1
- Fixed players' wanted level getting reduced from 6 (most wanted) to 5 when committing any non-attacking crime as most wanted.
- Fixed players getting ejected from a vehicle due to it being 'locked' in circumstances where it shouldn't happen, such as on a test drive or entering your own personal vehicle.
- The Securicar yellow vehicle objective arrow is no longer at the back of the truck once the cash is deposited, it is in the middle.
- Fixed for police helicopter and ranger persisting after Weed Burn mission and staying at Blueberry Acres (middle of map).
- Fixed @mentions in group chat showing to the mentioned player even if not in the group.

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current Version: 1.14.3 R2 R2
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2022, 11:55:53 pm »
Revision 2
Fixed player settings sometimes not saving correctly. Unfortunately all existing player settings have been reset. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current Version: 1.14.3 R3
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2022, 04:32:41 pm »
Revision 3
The following issues have been fixed:
- Adjusted 'Easter Basin' GPS destination closer to the boating checkpoint.
- The 'vehicle over-density' protection script was not working, leading to game crashes near LVPD due to a high number of vehicles that spawn there.
  - Some vehicle spawn points in and around LVPD have been removed.
- Unable to damage opponent in duels if in group with friendly fire on.
- /gps destinations menu was off by one, e.g. if you selected the 5th item it thought you selected the 4th.
- 'Weapon threat' crime did not indicate the victim of the crime.
- If a chat mode was set (group/whisper/shout), players' messages were also shown in the selected chat mode while in a /helpme assist session.

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current Version: 1.14.3 R4
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2022, 06:57:35 pm »
Revision 4
- Quick-strings will now include the player's color, e.g. $medic will show the medic's color.
- Added some extra debugging in order to investigate an issue where the script is attempting to destroy vehicles that don't exist, causing internal errors.
- Fixed issue where satchel object was not destroyed if the bank robbery was reset.
- Fixed players unable to break out of jail for 1 minute after entering it.

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current Version: 1.14.3 R5
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2022, 09:36:28 pm »
Revision 5
- Added on-screen notification when invited to group.

- Fixed /findheal /findcure command showing wrong column order.
- Fixed an internal issue with the Decathlon script destroying vehicles that don't exist.

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
  • *
  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current Version: 1.14.3 R6
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2022, 10:53:28 pm »
Revision 6
- Fixed an internal runtime error (script crash) when surfing a vehicle.