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Offline Mike

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« on: September 12, 2021, 03:44:57 pm »

Version 1.12

Version 1.12 has been in the works for a few weeks now, and is a major update to Mike's Cops and Robbers. It sees various new features, activities and even new map locations added into the game, as well as many fixes and improvements. It is one of the biggest updates in a while.

I would like to take this opportunity to officially welcome M3E6 back onto the development team, and thank him for his contributions to this update!
I would also like to thank ChrisAg for his recent contributions.

A new part of the map has been added: Dwayne Island.

This is the first time a major map addition has been made in MCNR. The reason for this is that I am weary of changing the game from the original too much. However, in this instance, the map is of such a high quality it actually looks like it could have legitimately been part of the game, made by Rockstar themselves.

Based on the real-life 'Alcatraz Island' (also known as 'The Rock' - hence the in-game name, a reference to Dwayne Johnson), the island sits in the San Fierro bay
between Bayside and San Fierro. It can only be reached by aircraft or boat, or by swimming. Cops can spawn there, too.

The island features payphones, ATMs, vending machines, a chilli dog stand, a bait shop, 2 helipads, boat docks, and more. It is also a moneybag event spot and part of the Helitours mission!

It is currently not used as a prison or police department, but will likely be in the future. For now, pay a visit and check it out!
Cops may spawn there, for everyone else, you'll have to find your own way there! You may freely explore the outer 'ring' of the island, but the inner area is a restricted area and you will attain a wanted level if you trespass.

Big credit to ChrisAg for mapping it. Absolutely amazing map. Thank you.

A new job/activity has been added: Housemaid.

Properties will acculumate trash over a period of time.
Any civilian player can do the maid side-job by pressing LALT/WALK or typing /maid at the front door of a property that requires cleaning.
The job involves walking around the property picking up trash and depositing it into the trashcan.
Property owners can reduce the amount of trash that is generated within their property by purchasing the 'maid' property upgrade.
Once a property is cleaned by a maid, it will not begin to generate trash again for a while.
Property owners can perform the maid mission on their own properties but will not be paid (will still receive score).
You can start the maid mission from within a property with /maid.
You can find a house that requires cleaning with /maidfind or /maidsearch.


Donators are now able to purchase the following personal vehicles (from a low or high end dealership):
Taxi, Mr Whoopee, Hotknife, Cabbie, Romero, Monster, Pizzaboy, Caddy, Hotring, Hotring Racer A, Hotring Racer B, Bloodring Banger, Journey, Tow Truck, Forklift, Tractor, Utility, Monster A, Monster B, Kart, Mower, Dune, Sweeper, Newsvan, Tug


Donators can now set custom licence plates on vehicles! Simply use /plate anywhere any time. You can even set a color!


Donators can now change their vehicle color anywhere any time, with /vcolor.


Donators can now pick a lotto number without visiting a store via /picklotto.

A new activity has been added: Dumpster Diving.

Any civilian player can approach any dumpster or trash can and must repeatedly tap the N key to search the dumpster. Who knows what you may find!

Players will now receive a cash and score reward for consecutive days played.

You must play for 30 minutes and your 'active time' resets at midnight GMT/UTC.
Check /DLB for your daily login bonus stats, and to check how long you've played today.


Train crossings with barriers now emit a sound when a train is passing. The audio plugin is required for this (
Trains headlights now work at night, and will flash when approaching a crossing.
Being hit by a train is now always instant death.
If a player dies from being hit by a train, there is now a special chat death message for this rather than showing the NPC name.

Players can now participate in an organised 1v1 duel. Simply use the /duel /1v1 or /battle commands to invite another player to duel.
You will both be transported to a warehouse in which the battle will take place. You'll have 3 minutes to fight and the winner will get bragging rights.

All stores/shops now have safes which can be robbed in addition to robbing the clerk/cashier.

The payout is considerably higher, but you need skill and patience and maybe a bit of luck.

Checkpoint NPCs
There are now NPCs standing at certain checkpoints, such as hospitals and gas stations.

Main additions
- Added over 50 new payphones all over San Andreas. There should now always be one close by.
- The Pizzaboy mission now requires the player to return to the restaurant after delivering the 3 pizzas.
  - They can then choose to continue (deliver 3 more pizzas) or end the mission.
- Tire popping sound added when tires are popped. Audio plugin required.
- 'Player of the week' now gets a cash reward on city change.
- Added player stats for times received 'Player of the Week'.
- Vehicle dealership menu now shows models of the vehicles instead of just a list of vehicle names.
- An 'Other actions' submenu has been added to the bottom of the interaction menu.
  In the future more things will be added here, to keep the interaction menu clear from clutter.
  At the moment this menu only contains an option for donators to purchase a lotto ticket from anywhere.
- You can now legally pay to reclaim your confiscated weapons from the police reception, at half the Ammunation price.
- You can now convert a stolen personal vehicle into a legitimately/legally owned one via the vehicle management menu (/v).
  It will cost the same as buying the vehicle.

Other additions
- Added sound effect when a spike strip is dropped (audio plugin NOT required).
- Added /imode and /hud command to quickly turn immersion mode (hide all screen elements) without having to go through /settings.
- Immersion mode now hides 'mission panel' in bottom-right corner (although it may show again if you start a mission etc.).
- You can now mute boomboxes in /settings (audio category) or with /bboxmute.
- Added a /setting (gameplay category) to automatically exit properties by walking into the exit marker without having to press ENTER/F.
  - This setting will default to requiring a key press (except when holding a stolen item). This is because the space can be small and it's easy to accidentally exit the interior).
  - While robbing a house, you will exit as soon as you enter the marker regardless of the setting.
- Spawn selection map now shows player count next to each job.
- The personal vehicle management menu now shows your favourite vehicle at the top (before 'Land vehicles').
  Selecting it will go to the management page for your personal vehicle, allowing you to call it quickly or to unfavourite it.
- A reloading animation will now be played when picking up a weapon.
- Carjacking is now a separate crime.
- Mount Chiliad is now zoned separately on the map, so players' locations, robbery hideouts etc. will no longer say 'Whetstone' within this zone.
- Stealing money from an ATM is now a crime in itself, in addition to the 'criminal damage' crime.
- You can now search in /unlockables by appending a search term after the command, e.g. '/unlockables Infernus'.
- An animation is now applied when opening a vehicle garage.
- Added /coinflip which will flip a coin (announced to all players, limited to once a minute).
- Added /random which can be used to generate a random number between the values specified.
- Player idle animations are now cleared when shot.

Main changes
- 'Your vehicle has been impounded' popup when favourite vehicle attempts to be auto-spawned is now shown in chat rather than a dialog.
- All jobs' payday amounts have been increased, especially for cops.
- The prizes for the Decathlon have been increased (over double, including score too) and will be multiplied by the number of competitors.
- Bullet-resistant tires are now cheaper for motorbikes (makes sense, fewer wheels!)
- Ammunation weapon and ammo prices have all been altered (increased).
- Aircraft/boat purchasing/managing checkpoints are now shown in inactive cities also.
- Cop arrest bonus increased.
- Increased (doubled) the cash bonus cops receive when recovering a bank robbery bag.

Neon improvements:
- Neon lights /setting for automatic day/night operation now default to ENABLED and not DISABLED.
   - If you had changed this setting, you will need to change it back.
  - You can now toggle automatic neons at day/night with /autoneons (it's also in /settings under the 'Vehicle' category).
- Neon light state (on/off/auto) will now save when a personal vehicle is returned to storage and called again.

Other changes
- 'Battery' crime name has been changed back to 'Assault'.
- ATMs can no longer be used when recently performed an animation or bailed from a vehicle.
- You can no longer rob players while bailing from a moving vehicle.
- Spike strips can no longer be deployed if the height of them would be too different from the player's height.
  - For example, a player was able to stand on the ledge of a building and deploy a spike strip down to the street below. This is no longer possible.
- Property owner can now cancel property insurance upgrade and stop paying the daily fee.
- /dropweapon now takes ground height into account so weapons don't appear under the ground.
- You can no longer drop a weapon inside a wall etc.
- Cancelling dealership vehicle purchase (without test drive) now re-shows the vehicle list.
- Pressing the cuff button immediately after starting to cuff a suspect will no longer cancel it, as this was often done accidentally.
  There is a window of about 1 second, after which it will cancel as normal.
- Police 'get in the car' shouted order is now delayed so that if N is double-tapped (to auto-arrest) the order is not made unintentionally.
- If /uncuff is used by a cop while cuffing someone, the cuffing will now be cancelled, instead of it showing an error.
- Gas station dialog menus now correctly close if the player exits the vehicle.
- Players are now ejected from properties they are viewing if they don't purchase within 30 seconds.
- Disabled robbing and damaging players/vehicles in Decathlon.
- Disabled wanted level in Decathlon.
- If a player starts to exit their vehicle while receiving Mechanic services, the services are now cancelled.
  This was sort of in place already, but only cancelled the services when the player FINISHED exiting their vehicle, not started to.
  - When player clothes are temporarily removed while aiming with a sniper, only clothes attached to the HEAD are now hidden.
  - Players are now frozen for an extra couple of seconds on spawn to prevent falling through scripted objects.

Main fixes
- Fixed Pizzaboy mission bike sometimes not recognised as a mission vehicle if the vehicle was destroyed and respawned.
- Fixed bug where cancelled dealership vehicle purchase color selection, it would fail to buy the vehicle.
  - This would then lead to a secondary bug where you can't change the color of your personal vehicles.
- Fixed a bug where cancelled a dealership vehicle purchase (without test drive) resulted in the inability
  to change the color of your personal vehicles.
- Fixed Kickstart global stats not increasing. They have been updated based on player stats.
- Fixed /settings respawn type 'main job spawn' not working, and spawning players at hospital.
- Fixed /mapicons legend not showing properly.
- Fixed gas station 'sell vehicle mods' not usable if only a paintjob is applied.
- Fixed personal vehicle paintjob failing to save if previewed a paintjob in a modshop then cancelled it.
  The paintjob would come back when the vehicle next spawned.
- Fixed a bug where if a player exited a vehicle just before the licence plate was changed (by a mechanic), their screen would stay faded out to black.
- Fixed cops being ejected from the bank even if there are suspects inside.
- If a player is pissing and their animations get cleared, the piss stream is now correctly removed.
- The following vehicles are now correctly recognised as having the engine at the rear (for engine repair):
  - Pizzaboy, Faggio, Forklift, Hotdog van
  - Fixes /rules being cut off at the end.
  - Fixed map collision data at bridges including the singleplayer bridge blockades,
    meaning supply drops could not be dropped at certain places on the bridges between cities.
- Fixed 'Manage clothing outfits' missing from clothes store menu if went on to skin/clothes catalogue and then back.
- Fixed medic spawn selection locations 'Fort Carson' and 'El Quebrados' being swapped.
- Dialog 'click' sound will no longer cause alarms/sirens to stop being audible.
- Fixed players being able to unfreeze themselves or skip animations by opening and closing dialog (such as the interaction menu).

Other fixes
- Fixed inability to drop Chainsaw with /dropweapon (it was meant to only be restricted in the Lumberjack mission).
- Unfinished 'Account reset' functionality disabled, as it's not finished.
- Fixed an issue where if a player's favourite personal vehicle is somehow removed from the database, the script will still try to spawn it and crash.
- Fixed a bug where selecting an empty garage slot from the personal vehicle menu would result in inability to select a different option (it would go back to the previous dialog).
- City change music will no longer play for players on the login screen.
- Fixed low draw distance for Dillimore gas station.
- Fixed contradicting messages when active/favourite vehicle attempts to be automatically requested on spawn.
  The first message stated 'Your vehicle is impounded' but is then followed by a message stating the vehicle has been spawned nearby (which it has not).
- Fixed players being awarded score when STARTING to rob ATMs rather than after successfully finishing it.
- Fixed medic spawn selection locations 'Fort Carson' and 'El Quebrados' being swapped.
- Players are now frozen for an extra couple of seconds on spawn to prevent falling through scripted objects.
- Fixed issues related to progress bars overlapping when doing medkit action and also doing dumpsterdiving or fishing.
- Mapped some objects to cover invisible collision in certain places.
- Your Kickstart personal best time is now included in your player stats 'Records' section.
- Fixed player weapons not being destroyed rather than confiscated when turning self in at a police station.

Also many other minor fixes and improvements, efficiency improvements etc.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
« Last Edit: October 11, 2021, 01:26:01 am by Mike »

Offline br0ken

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2021, 03:50:31 pm »

Offline Dracula

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2021, 03:53:31 pm »
Dayum what a huge update. Great work as always Mike and Staff

Offline RedX

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2021, 03:59:40 pm »
New Island is cool. Thanks @ChrisAg and @Mike

Offline smixy22

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2021, 04:10:30 pm »
Good job Mike
Appreciate your great work and what staff team doing <3

Offline Dudesdog

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2021, 04:34:21 pm »
Lovely work as always

Offline Ca$h

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2021, 05:36:54 pm »
Fireeee, thanks for the hardwork Mike !

Offline reject

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2021, 08:47:55 pm »
One day MCNR is gonna be a game changer and am happy to be involved in it  8)
Nice work bro. :D

Offline quail

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2021, 10:03:58 pm »
Really fantastic updates since you're making them sincerely, good job hard worker ;)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2021, 10:07:43 pm by saja »

Offline Obsidian

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2021, 11:40:42 pm »
Good Job  ;D

Offline Rivers

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2021, 12:02:33 pm »
Criminals should spawn at dwayne island not cops

Offline CorkFart69

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Re: Version 1.12
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2021, 09:46:18 pm »
New update looks interesting :)
Keep up the good work guys!
Why I Left CnR As Regular: http://CNRCORKY.FREE.FR

Wishing the best to Mike's CnR!