Author Topic: 1.2.2  (Read 11918 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: September 23, 2019, 06:37:12 pm »

Version 1.2.2

Player interaction menu:
- Player name in caption now reflects their nametag color.
- Added an option to transfer cash from bank account.
- Transfer cash dialogs now warn the player about potential scams.
- Moved wave/message to bottom (not used as often as the others).
- Options will now be greyed out if unavailable (apart from bribe, todo).
- Options which are unavailable will now re-open the player interaction menu once attempted.
- If the target player leaves the dialog is now closed.

Also new:
- The SFPD interior is now fully open both sides. Enjoy your freedom!
- Cash quick strings have changed: $cash and $money will show both wallet and bank cash, $wallet will show wallet (held) cash, and $bank will show bank balance.
- A secondary chat/command anti-spam has been added. Details will not be published but it is designed to prevent flooding chat messages or commands in a certain period of time.
- Property driveway vehicles will now be hidden when the property owner is online so that there is not a random vehicle in the way of their house.

- Vehicle hotwiring now only has the chance to fail a single time. It will no longer repeatedly fail.
- Surrender (hold N) will no longer send an automatic /me message within 10 seconds of the previous one to prevent spam.
- The LVPD 'locker room' pickup (blue t-shirt for cops to buy weapons etc.) has moved 3 rooms to the right.
- Players will no longer drop 'recently stolen money' if they have deposited it at the bank or spent their on-hand cash. It won't come from their bank balance.
- The service offer box has been changed slightly to prevent players with long names going past the edges of the box.
- The service offer box text has been changed to reflect if medical services are provided by a firefighter. When a firefighter offers medical services to a player, it will no longer describe the provider as a medic but rather as a firefighter.
- The service offer box title now reflects the job color of the service being provided (e.g. Purple for medics and Orange-ish for firefighters).
- Added a red message after registration regarding not sharing passwords and password resets.

- Fixed no cops getting any XP,score or cash for arrests.
- Fixed a bug where a specific player ID could have sync issues and not be seen by other players if the previous player to use that ID used a special admin-only 'camera fly mode'.
- Fixed fishing water splash effect not working in parts of San Fierro.
- Fixed certain properties with a certain interior not showing the safe that was purchased.
- Fixed certain properties with a certain interior not putting the player into the MCNR custom interior but the original GTA SA one meaning it had the wrong furniture etc. and nothing was robbable.
- Custom bait shop exteriors (Santa Maria, Palomino, Pier 69, Rockshore East) now have extended draw-distance to remove pop-in.
- Patched a gap in the ground at the Pay 'n' Spray in east Las Venturas which players could fall through.
- 'Fixed' players losing their pistol, sprayable weapon and/or melee weapon when becoming a cop after having no or another job before it as it was being replaced by the weapons given to cops (Colt, Nightstick and Spraycan). It will now give pistol ammo to your current pistol.
- Fixed a GTA/SA-MP bug where players would stand upright in vehicles if their skin was set while inside a vehicle. This was mainly when you enter the Securicar and the mission starts and sets your skin. Some players were unable to exit the vehicle once this occured.

Thank you to beta testers and staff for testing things, reporting issues and helping me out. Thank you to everyone that plays MCNR for your continued support.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 05:16:01 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current Version - 1.2.2 Revision 1
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2019, 07:50:23 am »
1.2.2 Revision 1
- Fixed an issue with players always seeing 'Your chat and commands are no longer blocked. Do not spam/flood.' message after every chat/command.
- Fixed players being stuck in general store menu after attempting to buy a lottery ticket if they already had one.
- Fixed the LVPD locker room pickup being in the wrong place in LVPD.
- Catch of the day is now announced at midnight, to actually be catch of the day.
- Catch of the day score prize increased from 10 to 15.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2019, 07:58:29 am by Mike »