Author Topic: "Schindler's" list... lol  (Read 1051 times)

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Offline Aria

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"Schindler's" list... lol
« on: February 10, 2021, 04:23:03 pm »
You "guys" actually have a nice-formed like-a-mafian almost-army there... Well. If you want some sort of "rain of tears" from me - you will wait it forever.
But see... Reason is in the true. The true is that you were pardoned ALL the players, without exceptions.
And you, especially you are, Flyburger, CANT reject my appeal against banishment FOR ban evading after the global ban lifting, CAN YOU understand that with your brains..? I feel sorry for you if not...

So why you need any rules at all? If even highest administrative ranks see no reasons to follow them. That is the point, see.  :)
And after all i am a cheater? You even managed to make me laugh in this way, lol...

True two is that I still, for that moment, gave you no descent reason to giving me such a longterm rogued ban like that in except of...
"Oh so you are OUI, the one who cheated on our server before and tries to convince Mike." (c) Flyburger
After such a mean acting inside of the game itself. I already wrote about what these two clowns did.

Who was they are..? Oh that 18 yo "saz" and "cashewz"...
Shame... But i never heard about that admins have any right to give themself a miniguns...
How about using forbidden fighting styles, removed from the server by the developer himself..?

And how about using this on random players? Hey-hey... slowly, you did!  ;)
saz - minigun
cashewz - elbow style (punched a lot to the word... logs got all these punches no doubt...)
And... Lowboiz... Before i get banned i WAS just a random player, just returned after the global unbanning.

For fun? Will be a lot of fun after I will tell to the Mike how are you actually justifying on his server.
And why a lot of newbies just fleed off even failed to get their first 50 lvl. How it can happen, when 50k+ scores admin starting to make some revengekills against newbie with 3k scores etc. I saw a lot, before i got my ban. And be sure i will tell him all.

Hey-Hey, and you have no right to ban me from the forum, or giving me some sort of "read only" status etc. Without reasons.
About "disrespecting the staff members" you can just forget right now, at the middle of reading of this text, because in our current case it is not a reason at all.
"Respect should be earned just like money!" (c)
And all of you know it. But for some reason you doing all completently in reversive way. And seems to almost all of you prefer the fear to the respect, and love.
Exceptions is are such persons like Mike and trina.
I hope you can take it... Other way i just feel sorry for you. (x2)

Mike is a trully adequate man, beside the MCNR is his child. The only trouble that he is a working man and also the ONLY one scripter. He just have no time to look around properly. And he choose YOU are, as their helpers, their eyes and ears. And what you doing? Creating a trully-mafian clan, lol.

One says: "Let's ban her! Let's ban Oui! She is too nice, half year ago played with godmode, but like a goddess, no shit! No Dm, no player's robbery, no trashtalking, no revengekills, no player's car stealing, even without weapons, just like a Goddess! Even with unique looking armor part on her! Its too much for our low dirty butts... I am JELAOUSY!!! Cheater, Cheater, Cheater!"

And other answers: "Yeah let's do it! Permanently! Permanently! Permanently!"

And even to the Mike you brought all in such light that i am his "WORST CHEATING NIGHTMARE!", "ENEMY OF THE WHOLE SERVER" etc.
Low, such a low and mean.

But still what i did?
All exploits that was used by me still WAS EXPLOITS. And any hole like that should get it's fix. And Mike can understand that. You are undrestand it too, no doubt, but just seems to you really loved to use that as you main, and only like-a-reason every time, as i appealing here. lol
Low, such a low and mean. (x2)

And after a few days Mike got his deserved fixes to the almost all damage exploits of his RPC calculating GiveSendDamage script. As it should be, and you should been grateful to my non-toxic "work". Most of toxic haters just prefer to use some sort of brute and ugly dDos and bot attacks etc.


But now how about YOUR OWN guilty? You own toxicity, you dirt. How at least about the fact that yesterday was:
Some newbie ~15 mins wrote "How to using mechanic cmds?" At global chat.

Was 3 admins online and few helpers. What you did all these 15 mins? I will tell you - all of you just been MW. Too busy with the bank's robbery, dming each other, revengekilling, making 2x2 duels, and some cocky speech about your skill, at glob. chat. And after all just some random player, also MW, answered something like "Press Y", same, at the global chat.
Its just too hard, yeah... 7 letters to type... For such a high-quality "judges".

How about the COP<>ROBBERS cooperation, from admin's shoulder... About chat humilation and abusing against the random players, which just unliked by some admin, and can not even risk to answer, because of high chance being infracted fully, guilted in "insulting staff members".

How did you wrote that, Flyburger..?
"Oh so you are OUI, the one who cheated on our server before and tries to convince Mike."
"I guess this is a denied appeal."

And the main word is: "BEFORE"
And i will convince to Mike again, you should have no any doubts. But this time i suspect that he will be a bit more interested in my words, than last time. At least he will want to check something about i wrote here too. Be sure. Most of you already fell as low as Mike can not even imagine. And others, usual players, even donators just keeping silence most of time, scared of your "great justice", and i can not blame them for that. Because it is only way to "survive" seems to.
But for me it is nothing to lose already, so be honest at least with yourself about that.
I will use all hell possible translators, my free time, but he will know about what you actually prefer to do most of all.

And its no matters, that you can show yourself from the lightest side when Mike is watching... A lot of your actions have destructing the servers base mechanics, when some cops prefer just to bribe you, after your ask, and do not making enemy from o'great admin, by arresting and dominating at fight. Or even go off duty and rob together etc.

Infractions is just like a flys, with a hundred eyes, everywhere, and for almost everything. Just look at the donator's "Prother"s infraction appeal from 30 Jan 21, which arested\killed "abeabe" a lot of times at PD, and what answer he got from Flyburger at the last post. Mafia... Lol, u just mad, "guys", just like a sick joke.
"abeabe" trashtalked, trolled ppl, and used some hard lang a LOT of times, unworthy his administrative position - just to the word.

But whats irony... Prother just owned him well, and "abeabe" quickly found a "nice" reason! Just magic...  ::)

And believe me, if Mike find some free time... Rly free time i mean. From work, from scripting, other things that important to him... And start to checking all his logs, especially with his new updated log system... And find the true - he will not give you any further opportunity to killing and choke his child in such a way.

Treat that just like a still-friendly advice for all of your ugly, proud, dishonored by your own behaviour, jelaous, and bias, butts.

Offline Aria

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Re: "Schindler's" list... lol
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2021, 04:47:30 pm »
Reply to the Mike's PM: "If you think I'm going to sit here for 5 hours and read that..."
(I have used up the limit of three messages for sending topics, for that I apologize. I didn't know about its existence.)

Answer: "Mike, I hope so. Although I know from the news topic how little free time you have."


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Re: "Schindler's" list... lol
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2021, 05:30:13 pm »
This is not a section where you rant about what you think is wrong with mcnr.
Read the appeal guidelines if you haven't already and stick to them if you want to have a chance of getting your ban or whatever lifted.

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Re: "Schindler's" list... lol
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2021, 06:40:48 pm »
You are answered.

Offline Flyburger

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Re: "Schindler's" list... lol
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2021, 04:06:22 am »
See you on another server.