Author Topic: 1.9.1  (Read 17760 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: September 04, 2020, 10:41:00 am »

Version 1.9.1

Bounty system improvements
- Bounties placed on players will now save after leaving the server.
- Bounties expiry time will only decrease when the player is online.
- Bounty expiry time increased from 48 minutes to 72 (3 in-game days).
- Added message to confirm who you placed a bounty on.
- Added a message to inform players who placed a bounty on them and for how much.
- Players are now shown on connect if they have a bounty, how much for, who placed it, and when it expires.
- Bounties list (/bounties /hits) now shows time until expiry for all players.
- Typing /bounties or /hits will now show if you have an active bounty placed on another player, online or not.
- Minimum and maximum bounty amount changed from $1,000 and $10,000 to $2,000 and $50,000.
- Bounty placement fee increased from $500 to $2000. This makes the minimum cost for a bounty now $3,000.
- New bounty menu at payphones to place, view and cancel bounties.
- 'BOUNTY' label above players' heads now shows bounty amount.
- A bounty can no longer be placed on a player for 10 minutes after they had a bounty.

Main additions
- Added a /setting to disable the delay when browsing through spawn selection.
- You can now cancel cuffing while it is in process.
- You can now use a joypad's analog stick to navigate the Ammunation interface among other things.
- Added $cotd quick-string.

Other additions
- Added a timeout timer to shooting range so players can't just stare at the list of weapons and remain inside the shooting range indefinitely.
- Property owner is now notified when someone starts to break in.
- Players are now informed when their password is not strong enough.
- Added chat embedded color <darkred> (donators only).
- If you are @mentioned on Discord, you will now be notified of this in-game (including who mentioned and in which channel).
  - NOTE: The message itself won't appear unless it's the server echo channel
- You can now purchase a stretch limo from high-end vehicle dealerships.

Main changes
- The Tazer and Tazer Ammo are now inventory items, rather than just being something saved to your account.
    - Everyone will have to buy a Tazer and Tazer Ammo from a police department.
    - Tazer ammo is now able to be purchased in bundles up to 5x each, meaning fully refilling Tazer ammo is now 4 purchases not 20!
- Added a 5 minute cooldown to going on/off duty, including after being released from jail.
- Removed trucking mission cooldown.
- Increased Catch of the Day prizes for rare and very rare catches.
- Camera is no longer top-down when downed, allowing you to look around.
- 'SUSPECT INSIDE' label is now shown on properties when a suspect is inside to match regular interiors.
- Crouching while cuffed is now permitted again.
- Ground height calculations are now much more accurate, and the script can now get the ground height under bridges/roofs, meaning:
    - You can fish under bridges.
    - You can place spike strips, road blocks, and oil slicks with a more accurate height and slope.

Other changes
- You can no longer use the LVPD elevator when recently attacked or damaged.
- Players are now frozen while picking up the treasure hunt clue so they can't enter a vehicle to skip the animation.
- Removed build number from server hostname.
- Improvements to payphone menu logic. Most dialogs now allow you to go 'back' to the main payphone menu rather than closing everything.
- Slight redesign/reshuffle to payphone menu, organised into contact types.
- Phone missions (via payphones) are now renamed to 'Work contracts'.
- When requesting a work contract at a payphone, the reward is now shown before accepting.
- Player is now frozen while repairing tires to prevent skipping animation.
- Players can no longer 'cancel' tire repair progress bar.
- Weed burning mission audio now working even without audio plugin.

Main fixes
- Fixed Mechanic plate change causing all vehicle tires to pop.
- Fixed taxi fare not ending when the fare quits if the taxi driver was still enroute.
- Fixed many non-Latin characters being unable to be sent in chat/commands etc.
- Fixed 'Input contains illegal characters' when responding to certain columnised list dialogs.
- Fixed shooting range mission 'cleanup' not closing weapon selection dialog.
- Fixed a bug where players could repeatedly drop and pick up the organ transport job event for score and XP.
    - All score and XP gained from collecting organs has been removed from all players, as it's not easily possible to detect if it was abused or not.
    - Players that are found to have abused this bug have had their score reset to 0 and been banned for 1 month for bug abuse.
    - Let this be a lesson to you all, if you find a bug: report it, don't exploit it.
- Fixed combat shotgun c-bug detection triggering.
- Vehicle mods/components removed are now removed from saved vehicle.
- Fixed vehicle passenger being sometimes blamed for the death of a player the driver ran over.
- Fixed fishing Catch of the Day (CotD) not being reset on city change (midnight).
- Fixed inability to fish north of Sherman Dam.
- Fixed weapon sync issue when dropping all ammo from a weapon in /dropweapon.
- Fixed robber keeping stolen money when it's supposed to be returned to victim when cuffed.

Other fixes
- Fixed 'Suspect unarmed' message not being shown to cops when it should.
- Fixed spacing issue in new player info popup.
- Fixed a bug where a player could accept (/respond) a job event offer for a different job.
- Fixed payphone animation sometimes ending if standing in range of multiple payphones' interaction trigger points.
- Fixed helicopter blades death showing '[vehicle name] drive-by' instead of 'helicopter blades'.
- Crime for killing someone with a helicopter, plane, or boat is now 'Hit and run' not 'Drive-by shooting'.
- Adjustments to city boundary lines to prevent incorrect 'Leaving the active city' prompts.
- Fixed inaccessible patient in LS Santa Maria Beach gym for medic CPR job event.
- Fixed SFPD weapon locker being accessible through a wall.
- Fixed sniper sway effect persisting after entering a vehicle.
- Fixed inaccurate detection of standing at front of vehicle for engine repair kit and mechanic engine repair when vehicle is on a slope.
- Fixed some areas of the map not having GPS road data resulting in the inability to spawn a personal vehicle.
- Removed some road data (nodes) from alleyways around Ocean Flats in San Fierro as they are not suitable for GPS routes or vehicle spawning.
- Added many missing nodes in areas such as Fern Ridge, The Truth's Farm, Easter Bay Chemicals, and Missionary Hill. Will improve availability of personal vehicle spawning and reach of GPS navigation.
- Players can no longer drive out of the Idlewood carwash until it is finished, as their camera had the possibility to become stuck.
- Fixed issue with property driveway vehicles either being too common (almost every driveway has a vehicle) or not spawning at all.
- Fixed some bugs and inconsistencies in weed burning mission that was potentially causing other objects on the server to get destroyed.
- Fixed bugs where players could pump gas from outside a gas station.
- Fixed players in non-public worlds (such as Decathlon) being able to enter certain interiors such as police departments.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
« Last Edit: September 09, 2020, 11:57:45 pm by M3E6 »

Offline Achilles_

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.1
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2020, 03:43:10 pm »
Great work pal, keep it up 🙏

Offline Astro

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.1
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2020, 09:32:27 pm »

Offline sousage

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.1
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2020, 10:45:00 am »
- You can now purchase a stretch limo from high-end vehicle dealerships.
hell yeah I'm wannabe a president
fell from heaven to establish his own kingdom.
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GitHub pls

Offline BorisminMilk

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.1
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2020, 12:06:54 pm »

Offline cynosy

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.1
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2020, 01:24:36 pm »
Great job!

Offline Buah

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Re: Current Version: 1.9.1
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2020, 08:45:25 pm »