Author Topic: 1.9  (Read 12419 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: August 02, 2020, 07:11:13 pm »

Version 1.9

It has been quite a while since the last update, but it's finally here, version 1.9!
Sorry it's been a while, but updates should be getting more regular again now.

Main additions
- Water stands can now be found outside the police departments, for a nice refreshing cool-down after a long day of chasing criminals. These stands can also be robbed.
- You can now remove and sell vehicle mods at a gas station checkpoint.
- You can now disable tazer equip/holster for double-clicking RMB in /settings -> Game settings -> Gameplay settings -> Double aim tazer shortcut.
- Added 6 new robbery hideout locations: Fern Ridge (LS), Hilltop Farm (LS), Ocean Docks (LS), Fallen Tree (SF), Bayside (LV), Arco Del Oeste (LV)
- You can now select your favourite robbery hideout for each city with /favhideout.
- Roadblock objects (/rb) now shown in a model menu to allow previewing before selection.
- A red 'SUSPECT INSIDE' label will now show at the entrance to interiors if there are suspects inside.

Other additions
- Added /thealth, short for /tirehealth.
- Shooting boomboxes is now a ticketable crime for destruction of property.
- Added $cply and $cplayer quickstrings for closest player to you.
- /loc(ate) will now show distance/direction to interior entrances if the player is inside an interior, and vice-versa.
- /loc(ate) will also inform you if the player you are locating isn't spawned.
- Added on-screen message when someone kills you to claim your bounty, and on-screen text for the bouty claimer.
- Added /interactionmenu (/im /imenu /intmenu /interact /interactmenu) to open interation menu without holding Y.
- Added Area 69 jetpack lab roof and jetpack in lab (decorative only).
- Added message when it becomes Sunday explaining active city change.
- Added /rbcheck to check who placed a roadblock.
- Added help text when given sprunk/beer/wine on how to drink it.

Main changes
- Sniper and country rifle sway intensity is now based on skill level. It is now stronger (more sway) at POOR skill level, the same at GOOD skill level, and completely gone at PROFESSIONAL skill level.
- Sniper damage has been nerfed slightly, and instant-kill headshot removed.
- Increased player slots back to 150.
- When a player is mentioned in a chat they can't see (beta/admin chat, other chatroom, another job's #radio chat etc.) they will no longer be notified (the mention will still show their name/id/color).
- Chat mentions can now be placed at any point within the message and don't only work at the start. For example 'Hi @James' will now work.
- Many cop job events and impound bonuses for stolen vehicles have been increased.
- Slight buff to AK-47 damage.
- The yellow police tape roadblock object has been removed. It's completely solid and too easy for cops to block a suspect's path with.
- Cops can now only place as many roadblocks as their cop rank. For example a rank 7 cop can now only place 7 roadblock objects.
- You can no longer rob a player that has been paused for over 30 seconds.

Other changes
- Building fire event payout has been reduced by about half.
- Changed the way cop arrest bonus is calculated, to increase overall payout.
- Changed ATM/bank dialog left button from 'Back' to 'Select' to better show what it does.
- Increase cash/ammo storage limit in house safes from $500k/1000 respectively to $1m/5000.
- Tow trucks can no longer tow other tow trucks.
- Weekday is now red on Sunday (to indicate end of week).
- Added cop rule: 10. Do not ticket a yellow player and then abandoned them leaving them unable to pay the ticket.
- Removed shadow from location/vehicle info text under radar as it looked bad.
- You can no longer revive a player if they are reviving themselves with a medkit.
- Personal vehicles will no longer be respawned when admins respawn vehicles.
- Added explanation of grey rows in jailed player list (too far to bribe/break out).
- All job events now automatically set GPS destination for objectives.
- Police 911 response job event checkpoint is now larger to make it easier to hit.
- Properties can now be sold for $10m more than the value of the property (was $1m more).
- Passengers are now ejected from a vehicle if they are in drive-by mode and the vehicle does not have a drvier.
- Cops can now go down into the bank vault if there is a suspect down there.
- When a suspect breaks free from cuffs, other nearby cops (in addition to the one cuffing the suspect) are also 'stunned' for a second, to prevent instant re-cuffing by a nearby cop.
- Stores now reset after 1 minute after a robbery rather than 2 minutes.
- Robbery hideout menu has been re-ordered to group cities together.
- Vehicle boot/trunk now auto-closes when entering vehicle as a driver if the boot/truck contains stolen items.
- Entering a non-legitimately-bought personal vehicle (no paperwork) no longer shows 'vehicle unlocked' (it's not locked in the first place).
- Country rifle bolt-action reload animation between shots is now much shorter.
- Food stands now require you to press Y to purchase the food, to avoid accidental purchases.
- Permananent NPCs such those on the login screen, the bank vault guard etc. will now keep trying to reconnect until successful, not just one.

Main fixes
- Fixed bank robbery bag picking up animation can be avoided by doing animations that move your player into the pickup.
- Fixed bank robbery bag picking up animation can be avoided by doing the weapon reload animation.
- Fixed bank guard not taking damage immediately after a bank vault reset.
- Fixed double cuffing bug.
- Fixed carwash accepting all vehicles.
- Fixed /bounties duplicating text in the 'Direction and Distance' section.
- Fixed multiple issues with tire health being reset or popped tires being fixed after changing vehicle plates.
- Fixed a glitch where zero dollars in wallet would allow you to gamble at casino and get money in your wallet that you didn't actually have (As soon as you bought another item ingame it would put your money back to zero).
- Fixed medic/firefighters can hack/blast the bank vault.
- Fixed bank robbery hideout being changed if the player selected a /hideout before exiting the bank.
- Fixed players that exit modshops having their confiscated throwable weapons put in their hand, unable to drive-by.
- Fixed pursuit cop car light animation giving players back a non-SMG weapon, making drive-by impossible.
- Fixed players being able to skip bank robbery cash bag pickup animation by opening a menu (e.g. interaction menu).
- Fixed a bug where players could drop a Flamethrower in the Weed burn mission and then other players could collect and keep it.
- Fixed 'failed to stop' crime not working sometimes when a cop repeatedly asks a yellow suspect to pull over.
- Added sanity checks to prevent special characters such as newline characters being input into chat, commands, dialogs etc. which could break things as newlines would appear where they weren't expected.
- Fixed weapons becoming unuable (but appearing to work) when using ammo drop after depleting all ammo.
- Fixed players being jailed after death if they died 'near a cop' that was in a different virtual world.
- Fixed 'Reach good/professional skill level with all weapons' achievement not unlocking properly.
- Fixed cops parole limit being 48 hours not minutes. It will also now show how long until you can parole again.
- Fixed duplicated interface in Ammunation if the world reset after a robbery while you were viewing the gun wall and selected to view the gun wall again.
- Fixed cops being able to have a wanted level due to 'weapon threat' crime being given on respawn after death by explosion while aiming at a player.
- Fixed passenger drive-by mode being cancelled when vehicle health falls below 50%.
- Fixed players being able to store test drive vehicles in a garage.

Other fixes
- Fixed incorrect information being shown in regards to daily challenge completion for consecutive days.
- Pay 'n' Spray will no longer repair vehicles for free if they are pushed into the garage empty and then somebody sits in the passenger seat.
- Fixed daily objectives consecutive days bonus not showing 30-day-capped amount.
- Fixed everyone's daily objectives resetting every time the server restarts if the server was offline at midnight (when daily objectives reset automatically).
- Fixed players being able to steal items from their own property.
- Fixed collision gap in road near SupaSave (SF).
- Fixed cops getting 'quit-to-avoid arrest bonus' when in different virtual world to the player that quit (i.e. in different ammunation interiors).
- Fixed player-robbed cash drops becoming 'untracked' and unable to be picked up, persisting indefinitely.
- Fixed mySQL query error in confiscated weapon system that could spam admins at city change.
- Bolt-action reload animation now affects country rifle in addition to sniper.
- Changed message shown to civilians that try to pick up a weapon that a cop dropped which said 'cops can't pick up weapons that civilians drop' rather than the opposite.
- Fixed a bug where a new player accounts would inerit the infraction points and ban count from the previous player with that same player ID. All infraction points/ban counts have been reset.
- Excempted a spawnpoint in the LV strip from being picked for medic CPR mission as it was inaccessible in an Ambulance (up some escalators).
- Fixed /quickstrings (/qs) dialog being too wide on low resolutions.
- If a GPS destination is set but the player is too close to it, the old GPS route (if active) is now cleared.
- 'Throwable weapons forbidden in interiors' on-screen text will no longer shown when entering interiors with throwables (e.g. grenades). There's already a message in chat.
- Fixed weekday and bank balance showing during intro tutorial.
- Fixed players sometimes having detonator weapon in hand.
- Fixed entities (objects, vehicles, pickups, labels, checkpoints and so on) sometimes becoming 'untracked' and staying after a mission (generally a job event).
- Fixed box spacing issue in 'You don't have the audio plugin' popup box.
- Fixed committing crimes in jail after being jailed by an admin lowering your sentence if it was above the maximum sentence.
- Fixed mailman mission issue where unrelated objects may get destroyed (ID 0).
- Fixed players seeing radio chat (#) from other virtual worlds if nearby and not same job ('within listening distance').
- Fixed 'default offsets' not being loaded correctly when wearing clothes for the first time.
- Fixed a SA-MP exploit where a player could drive-by shoot from a vehicle and not use any ammo.
- You can now use a medkit immediately after exiting a vehicle.
- Fixed uncontrollable animation when using vending machine making the player keep running in a set direction for a few seconds.
- Cops 'Player is unarmed' message will no longer show if the player was armed in the last 10 seconds.
- Sniper bolt-action 'reload' animation will no longer play after the last bullet is fired.
- Added automatic reconnection of NPCs if they somehow leave the server. It will keep trying every 10 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where the login screen cop chase NPCs might not play if the criminal NPC connects before the cop NPC.
- Fixed a runtime error (script crash) in organ transport job event if the box failed to be attached to the player.
- STDs now clear on death.
- Quick-strings and 10-codes now work in /r(eply).
- Fixed players being able to store another player's personal vehicles in a garage.
- Fixed players being unable to view/request personal vehicles if a vehicle had the color changed by an admin to a color for which a name wasn't able to be retrieved.
- Pump-action shotgun no longer has 'reload' animation applied when swapping away and back again (it plays regardless after each shot).
- Fixed a map hole exploit in LS.
- Quick-strings now work with any case, e.g. $loc $Loc and $LOC will all work.
- Fixed Ambulance from CPR job event never despawning.
- Fixed on-screen 'ROBBING...' text stuck on-screen for a long time after robbing two foodstands in quick succession (e.g. at SF stadium).
- Fixed issue with robbable actors not resetting properly, especially those not in a virtual world such as those at food stands. If one foodstand reset they all did, this has been fixed.
- Fixed login screen NPC scene not playing if the cop NPC joined before the criminal.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
This is just a small bugfix update to fix some issues introduced in 1.9.
Also, we've enabled a couple of additional summertime features.

Summer event:
- Water stands can now be found outside the police departments, for a nice refreshing
cool-down after a long day of chasing criminals. These stands can also be robbed.
- Police departments have summer-themed objects inside.
- Rain and fog are disabled for summer.

- Re-added background shadow to location/vehicle text under radar.

- Fixed issues with beta testers not having access to their features.
- Fixed database error caused by leftover old infraction system query.
- Fixed admin Discord echo being output to non-echo admin channel.
- Fixed @mention with a ' after it (e.g. Look at @Mike's bike!) not working.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 12:38:36 pm by Mike »

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • Posts: 3973
  • Country: gb
  • MCNR name: Mike
  • Discord name: mp2
Current version: 1.9 R1
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2020, 09:47:39 pm »
Revision 1
This is just a small bugfix update to fix some issues introduced in 1.9.
Also, we've enabled a couple of additional summertime features.

Summer event:
- Water stands can now be found outside the police departments, for a nice refreshing
cool-down after a long day of chasing criminals. These stands can also be robbed.
- Police departments have summer-themed objects inside.
- Rain and fog are disabled for summer.

- Re-added background shadow to location/vehicle text under radar.

- Fixed issues with beta testers not having access to their features.
- Fixed database error caused by leftover old infraction system query.
- Fixed admin Discord echo being output to non-echo admin channel.
- Fixed @mention with a ' after it (e.g. Look at @Mike's bike!) not working.